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SkinnyGuy 09-29-2011 11:08 PM

250mg test e e5d
80mg anavar ed
75mg winstrol oral ed
50mg proviron ed

I dont know that var is a steroid that will do you much good.. Do you bigger guys on here see much coming from the var??? or use var?? i mostly see newbs that dont want to pin(not the case for you) and think they can set up an oral cycle that does not shut down there test(myth) or women for contest prep or weight loss dreams. I dont see the expierenced guys working that into there cycles. You would probablly like t-bol better than var... and why not pin the whinny? dont the make a injectable version.

Im just trying to help you get the most out of what your putting in your body

Also you should be taking creatine if your not.

bala68 09-30-2011 07:09 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Sorry i did not give you all the info.

10mg nolvadex eod
1500iu hcd e2w

the dbol 4w on and 4w off because i had planned to stay on this cycle for a long time.i had to reduce the time because of work.

About the anavar the idea was to take it all year through also as a bridge when i go on trt.

And btw,my wife is a pharmacist and she is watching me closely.i have a blood test done every 2 months at friend of hers and as long as she tells that my levels are in the green zone i keep going.

But my actual question was not about my last cycle but about how i plan to go on.
So here is what i am planning to do for the next 16 weeks:

250mg test e e5d
80mg anavar ed
75mg winstrol oral ed
50mg proviron ed

I am 43,178cm,92kg,15%Bf

Since i know tha i will be extremly busy for the next 4 months i wanted to bridge.I still work out 5x a week i do my cardio 2x a week but i cant eat propperly and my head is not as free as it should be.

I also wonder and i am a bit sad that there were no comments on the pics i posted here.They show,i believe,that i am taking this very serious.The result speaks for itself,i hope ;) so here they are again:

bala68 09-30-2011 07:46 AM

Thank you so much for your good words :)!!! i made it from 120kg to 83(-37kg=-80!!!lbs) in 18 months and now,after 2 cycles after that,i am 9 kg heavier with the same bodyfatpercentage i had when i was 83kg.

Since going through pct again is not necessary for me,i think,i want to do this as a bridge.If somebody has an idea to bridge differently with less risk for my health i am open for it.
I wonder though that everybody is concerned about the anavar but so far no comments on the oral winny.

bala68 09-30-2011 07:57 AM

from the heart..
and there is of course an other,primary,reason for me not wanting to get off.
i know its all in my head but since i started my body change it also changed my life.It made me get rid of bad habits,like booze,loads of booze,and bad food.
That was the deal with my mrs.Dr.pharm.,either sober and clean and aas or drinking and eating myself to an early heartattack.just thought it was worth to be mentioned...

bala68 09-30-2011 10:47 AM

I signed in here to learn from the best because i want my choices to be right.
I dont insist on this one thats why i what i will do is take out the pills,winny as well as var.
Now,what can i add to the 250mg testo for cruising or would that be enough?

Also i would need some input about what and how much i should eat while cruising.

And a question on the side:
What exactly does the premium membership give me? would i get something like online personal training???

Cornish_Celt 09-30-2011 11:25 AM

If you're just criusing 250mg per week would be ok, although I tend to cruise at 400mg on a mixed blend for example Sustanon.

With premium membership you get access to discounts from our various sponsors, 24 hour per day help if needed, more in depth help with diet, training and cycles, there is a section on how to make your own AAS, we have regular competitions and auctions to win or bid for gear. We have a section where you can swap unwanted gear with other members and source reviews so you can find out the scammers and the legit sources.
We can organise something like online personal training.

SkinnyGuy 09-30-2011 03:26 PM

Isnt this the injectable form of winny? If you dont want to take the oral

bala68 10-01-2011 11:23 AM

cruising on 400mg testomix sounds good but what about waterretention especially with sustanon?
and skinny,yes i know there is injectable stanozol/winstrol but i have that pills here and i want to finish them.
Thanks again for helping
Btw,i will sign up for the premiumsection next week.
50$ for 6 months of your professional care sounds to me like a deal i cant miss :)

Cornish_Celt 10-01-2011 12:15 PM

I find I don't hold as much water with Sustanon, I normally hold a lot more on Test E

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