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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2011, 11:16 PM
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Default Robbies Return !

Right well this is hard for me but im back !
I need all the support from you guys here at HM to help me to succeed my goals after a massive set back on my part !!
Alot of you guys already know me but im sure there has been plenty of new members since i was last here !
For those of you who dont know me then ill do a quick intro
The name Robbie or Rob whatever you wanna call me , over the years ive been a member of many body building forums and was one of the original memebers here at HM and the original Super MOD
Im 27 and been training for 12 or so years and have a vast amount of knowledge in personnal training , dieting and steroids but as your about to read ive had a few problems along the way !
So some of you bro's might be wondering what happened to me and where i went well im gonna tell you all and im going to be 100% honest

The last few months i was here at HM you may of noticed my replies were getting shorter and my amount of time on the site was getting less and less.... a few of you knew that my relationship with my partner was on a rocky path and eventually me and my then partner split up , also i was having issues with the courts over access to my daughter and constant arguements with her mother , i started struggling with life and cut myself away from everything (internet forums , gym , social meetings , friends and family) i basicly cut myself away from life in general ...

Depression set in big time and there was nothing i could do , i started to suffer from stress and as a result my health took a massive downwards spiral, after being dragged by my mum (im not to proud to admit that!) to see a local doctor i was referred to a specialist who has since helped me to overcome stress and depression , he has helped me have a positive outlook on life and found ways for me to deal with stress before it becomes an issue !

My life is back on track now and if im honest i really feel happy for the 1st time in over 2 yrs but the impact on my health has not been so great , my training became non existant and my eating routine went out the window ... lets just say im currently around 9st 7lbs / 133lbs thats a big loss for me and thats the reason im here now asking for your support !!

Im going to be sticking all my info on here and ill try to update it every day from now on , ill be taking pictures and when i reach my goal ill post them but not until i reach my goal !

Ill be posting my feelings , how my days gone , food intake etc maybe just random crap but ill definatly be posting !

Now for the selfish bit , i need to sort myself out physicly and concentrate on myself and reaching my goal so all the pm's and messages people have sent me and im guessing will keep sending me are gonna get ignored , i do read them its just i have my own problems and stuff i need to work on and i dont have the time to reply to them all and constantly offer advice , eventually ill be back at that point but im just not there yet !

So onto my goal ... OCT 14 2011 My birthday , im aiming to get upto 14st and 10% BF constant , i dont want to be 13st one week and 14 the next i want a constant managable weight of 14st and a maintainable 10%BF ... im not a stranger to steroids but to start off i will be getting back into training natty , i will do gear along the way and when i do ill be posting it all up on here for you lot to have a read and give your thoughts , i need the support from you guys to pull me through this and to help me reach the goal ive set ... tomorrow ill stick my full stats on here and give a update on my day so feel free to support me , give me advice , help me with eating ideas whatever it takes to help me reach my goal

Im sorry if i pi$$ed people off by disapearing or by ignoring there PM's but all the reasons are above and ive been honest , im back now and eventually ill be better than i was before , in better shape , feeling better in body and mind and ill be back on the forum helping everyone out and giving my tips and knowledge


P.S. Massive well done to CC , you have done a great job of keeping ontop of the board mate , HM seems really active and theres alot of new names about on here , your log is still up to date i see which is great ! Well done bro !
Also A BIG thanks to Admin for being so understanding before i left , i do feel i let you down abit towards the end but im sure in the future we can have a chat and sort things out
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 06:21 AM
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Welcome back bro!
I'm happy that things are starting to go in the right direction for you, It's about time!
HM will support you in any way we can.
Thanks for the kind words, I do my best!

Get back on the shoutbox if you can mate!

P.S: If that sounded corny and crap I apologise!
Good to have you back mate!

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.

Last edited by Cornish_Celt; 01-31-2011 at 08:04 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 08:18 PM
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Well 1st day back into the training and on the road to hit my goal lol

Exercise is low at the minute but just getting back into the swing of it for a week or so ...

Upon waking i did :-

20 body weight push ups
20 crunches
10 body weight full stretched pull ups
10 rep curls each arm 20kg each

Porridge and milk straight after , 2 slices of toast and jam about half hour later (felt to podged for protein shake BAD i know lol)

during work i ate 4 sandwiches with ham and pickle on , 1 apple , toasted muffin with peanut butter and a cake bar , i ate them through out the day maybe 2 - 2.5 hours apart ..

Protein and mass builder shake after work

2 x angus burgers (fresh meat)
salad and jacket potatoe for my lunch ..

ill maybe have a shake before bed ...
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 09:30 PM
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Welcome back Rob, took a heavy set of swingers to be that honest in a post. Glad things are sorting themselves out for you, if there's anything a fat angry irishman can do just ask. You've been more than generous with info in the past.
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