Occam's Protocol Maintenance
Hey guys, new to the forums, just discovered the four hour body a month ago and became very interested in Occam's Protocol. I have done the workout pretty successfully, going from about 166 when I first wake up in the morning to 181. I definitely look and feel bigger and have increased all of my lifts every workout till recently. I just hit a plateau this past A workout on the shoulder press and am stuck at 95 for six, so close to 7. But my pull down exercise has still increased to 170 which is up from 160 the week before. Anyway, I am mostly concerned with keeping this muscle after I am finished (trying to get to 190 but may stop after 185 as I am already eating enough to where I feel sick sometimes). I would like to shed maybe a LITTLE bodyfat after, but mostly keep my muscle I've gained. I find eating this way to be a little pricey for my budget, and it is uncomfortable eating so much for so long. How do I keep the muscle while reducing the amount I eat? Is that possible? Would creatine help? What should my routine look like after dropping Occam's Protocol? I'm kind of just wondering where to go from here routine and diet wise.