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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2013, 01:48 PM
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Default My first Test E cycle

Right here goes . . . my first test e cycle . . .

This first post is a bit of a book, but after today they'll be down to a few paragraphs!

Bit of background first. I'm fifty two, been training for about thirty years, mainly for general fitness rather than size etc.

My intention is to run 400mls per week of Test E for 12 weeks and see how it goes. I'm not so concerned with putting on as much size as I can, at this stage I'm just trying to regain and maybe surpass what I had twenty years ago.

I have my training cycle all sorted and to be honest, it isn't really much different to the cycles I do generally. I usually train two days on, a day off, two days on and then two off, but if I feel I'm overdoing it or work gets in the way and I need an extra day I'll take one. Tempting though it is to train more often when I'm feeling good I try not to as it usually catches up eventually.

Even though I'm (almost) doing the generally accepted beginners cycle I still intend it to be a personal experiment. By that I mean I'm not going to get carried away and add more test, nor add anything else. That said, I have Arimidex to use on cycle and Nolvadex to use for PCT. I won't touch clomid as my eyes are blurry enough as it is!

Any suggestions are more than welcome, but please don't be offended if I don't take any/all advice offered. There are so many different opinions that to do as everyone suggest is impossible. I reached the decision to run 400ml per week as a result of suggestions and research. At my age I need to keep an eye on sides more than most, so until I know how I react I won't be adding more test.

The reason this post is a bit of a book is because I'll have to back date a bit here because I did my first pin on 5th June so I'll start my log then, even though I've been following my present training cycle since early May.

I cracked a rib about three months ago and wasn't able to train - not properly anyway - for about 5 weeks, so when I resumed training I trained hard and ate too much. During that time I put on about 8lbs, some muscle, some not.

I've posted a few times about reducing carbs to lose fat and I usually follow a fairly low carb diet, anything between 80g to 200g daily. But not for those 5 weeks though! Why don't I take my own advice!!! I was eating more like 400g daily and boy does it show. My point is that since a week before my first pin I've cut back on the carbs to my usual average of about 100g daily and I don't seem to losing much weight (although I don't feel as fat or bloated). I need to find the magic point at which I can gain muscle without getting fat, so until that happens I won't be eating like a ravenous pig.

Enough of that. Here's my log . . .

5th June

I posted a thread about my first pin so I won't go on about it too much here. Let's just say that I squirted a tiny amount (20ml of test) in my outer quad just to make sure it wasn't some sort of deadly poison and then pinned another 200ml the following day.

I didn't train today for various reasons. I feel I should add that I had followed my routine right up until 4th June, so inadvertently I'm treating these following few days of no training as a well earned break.

8th June

Chest Workout - Home Gym
I'm following the rep routine as suggested by CC (can't remember where offhand). I've never done it this way before but after translating the suggested percentages to different exercises I've found that I hit the perfect weight. I'll be honest, I don't understand the science behind it etc but it seems to work!

Flat Bench Olympic Bar Bench Press
3 warm up sets of 10, 2 and 2 reps
3 sets of 6, 7 and 7 reps
The final rep of each working set was just about all I could push. No rest/pause, drop sets or assistance just yet.

Incline Dumbbell Presses
3 sets of 6, 7 and 7 reps
Again, the final rep of each working set was just about all I could push.

And then loads of dumbbell and hammer curls

I also pinned 175ml of test. That should have been 200ml but I read the syringe wrong. We live and learn.

A quick word on the after effects of pinning. I wouldn't call it pain as such but for about three days after each one it feels as though I've been deadlegged.

9th June

Back Workout - At work Gym

Seated Rows with V Handle
3 warm up sets, then 3 working sets of 10 reps.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs
3 warm up sets, then 3 working sets of 10 reps.

3 warm up sets, then 3 working sets of 8,6 and 4 reps.

11th June

No workout but when I got home I pinned another 200ml. This time it was a bit of a comedy drama. Did all the usual things . . . warmed the oil, cleaned the vial, big needle to draw, small needle to inject, cleaned my quad, stuck the needle in, aspirated, no blood and slowly squeezed til the bubble of air goes in, leave it there for a bit and pull out. And then blood started coming out. Not loads, but enough to have me shitting myself coz I had nothing to stop the flow or clean up the mess!!! To cut a long story short I used my finger (not on the pin site) to clean it off my leg and rather than wipe it on my shirt I licked my finger clean - a few times, yuk! Then I worried about the health benefits of drinking test e, coz the blood tasted quite oily. Ice cream definitely tastes nicer! Anyway, I got away with it. I'm still here two days later and I've added some cotton wool and some much larger wipes to my little secret box of tricks that I keep in my little secret hiding place.

While driving around the following day I felt a small lump where I'd pinned. When I was finally able to have a look without scaring any passing women and children all I saw was a bruise. I presume this is where the blood has spread just under the skin where I pinned. It doesn't hurt and to be honest the dead leg feeling this time is much less than he first two goes (I don’t really count pinning 80mls of oil with a dribble of test as a go!).

12th June

Shoulders and Triceps Workout - At Home Gym

Seated Leverage Gym Shoulder Presses
1st warm up: 10 reps
2nd warm up: 2 reps
3rd warm up: 2 reps
1st working set: 6 reps
2nd working set: 7 reps
3rd working set: 7 reps

I found the last rep of all three working sets was spot on!

Seated Arnold Presses

1st warm up: 10 reps
2nd warm up: 3 reps
3rd warm up: 3 reps
1st working set: 6 reps
2nd working set: 7 reps
3rd working set: 9 reps

Same as above but managed 9 reps on the last set!

Easibar Upright Rows
After warming up I did three working sets of 10, 8 and 8.

This can be quite a damaging exercise if not performed properly or with too much weight and I find using an easibar puts much less stress on my shoulders.

I finished by doing loads of triceps pressdowns, using two arms and single arms.

13th June

Worked all day yesterday and then after a few hours break worked all night. I'm working tonight again, so this is one of those occasions where I'll take an extra day off. Leg day has been put back til tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone and I'll post again tomorrow.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 06-13-2013 at 01:53 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2013, 10:20 AM
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13th June . . . continued

So much for plans. Leg day was trumped by shoulders. I've been trying to get a guy I work with to stick to a routine I helped him plan for at least 4 weeks without completely changing it after 2 days. His routine was shoulders last night, so to give him a kick up the arse I did some of his routine with him.

Seated Military Presses
10 sets of 10 reps

I would usually do these standing but the occasional change won't hurt.

Bent Over Side Lat Raises
3 sets of 10 reps
Followed by 8 reps, then 6 reps, then 4 reps, non stop, single arms and alternating until finished.

By switching to single arms at the end I find I keep strict form for longer.

Final exercise was Shoulder Presses on a fairly ancient multigym. 3 sets of 6, 6 and 4 reps to failure.

This isn't my usual shoulder routine and is a bit too front delt loaded, but . . . shit happens.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 06-14-2013 at 11:51 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2013, 07:30 PM
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14th June

Barbell Squats

10 sets of 10 reps

These were relatively light weights but still reasonably taxing.

I was still suffering the effects of working long hours and disturbed sleep, so this wasn't a balls to the wall workout. That'll happen next week's leg day (hopefully).

ps got the dates right, I'm just a day behind posting these updates!

Another rest day tomorrow, ready for chest day
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2013, 05:17 PM
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Back workout 18th June

Time for a new back routine with slightly different exercises

Kroc rows
4 sets x 25 reps

Pendlay rows
4 sets x 10 reps

Wide grip lat pulldowns
4 sets x 12 reps

V grip seated rows
4 sets x 10 reps

A good workout, though I took it a bit cautiously first time. Plus I needed to establish a base weight.

Aches and pains in the right places. Will be upping the weight next session!

As far as the test is concerned I cant really comment. I'm only on the end of the 2nd week and its not supposed to kick in til the 4th or 5th. My workouts are good, not yet supersonic and I've got no side effects.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 06-20-2013 at 06:18 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2013, 02:23 AM
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Following along...keep up the work stillgoingstron!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2013, 07:23 AM
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Thanks for that. I'm loving it. Feel young again and giving the kids at work a run for their money gym wise!

Hope you're loving your var just as much!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2013, 04:52 AM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post
Thanks for that. I'm loving it. Feel young again and giving the kids at work a run for their money gym wise!

Hope you're loving your var just as much!
I am loving my Var its treating me well I'm not quite 3weeks in and I'm starting to see great results my legs are showing a lot of definition and I feel solid! I will be doing this again 😃
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2013, 01:56 PM
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Thursday 20th June

That good to hear, Demanda_doll. I'll definitely be adding var at some point. Probably in the next cycle, next year. If only it didn't cost me 4 or 5 times as much as you! Oh well. I'll just have to work harder.

Anyway, took the dog for a three mile walk and then immediately went for a four mile cycle ride. It's a good course to re-start cycling. Basically 2 miles uphill and then 2 back down again. Lots of standing up cycling. I can't run any more as I get such chronic hip pain. I can just about walk the hound without it hurting too much.

For some reason though, cycling doesn't affect my hips and apart from whacking my punchbag gives me the best cardio workout. It's about 4 months since I crashed and broke a rib, so today's ride was more about getting my leg muscles used to the action again rather than enjoying a great cardio workout.

From experience, it usually takes three rides to get right back into it, so I'm looking forward to the next two to get them out of the way and then it's onwards to serious cardio stuff.

I pinned straight after the bike ride as I've read in various places that it's good to pin after a workout. It was only then that I realised I couldn't remember which leg I last pinned. It's usually the leg that doesn't hurt. Having no pain in either leg is definitely good news, just means I'll have to keep a note of which leg I pin.

This was the 7th time I've pinned overall and the 3rd time in this leg so, not that I doubt what people say, it's good to experience the fact that even though virgin muscle does take a while to stop hurting, it does eventually stop.

My weight training session will be later today . . .

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 06-20-2013 at 02:02 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2013, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post
Thursday 20th June

That good to hear, Demanda_doll. I'll definitely be adding var at some point. Probably in the next cycle, next year. If only it didn't cost me 4 or 5 times as much as you! Oh well. I'll just have to work harder!
. . .
Congrats on the cycling with out breaking anything 😜

Is there a reason you're going to run Var over Winstrol? Just curious as to the thought process behind it?
Every PRO was once an AMATEUR. Every EXPERT was once a BEGINNER. So DREAM BIG and START NOW!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2013, 10:13 PM
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Thursday 20th contd

Appreciate your concern demanda_doll, but as I'll be cycling again tomorrow there's plenty of time to do myself some damage!

There is a reason for var over winny. Can't think what it is offhand. I'm working all night and will let you when I'm finished. Prob liver toxicity and some other stuff but I'm half guessing at the mo.

Just finished a shoulder and arms workout

10 sets x 10 reps Ez bar military press supersetted with 10 sets x 20 reps multigym curls
About 20 seconds rest between each superset

Took a few minutes rest then

8 sets x 10 reps EZ bar upright row supersetted with 8 sets x 20 reps triceps pressdowns
Again about 20 seconds rest between each superset

That was a good one. The burn in my shoulders after the presses and curls was excruciating but good!

I'm definitely seeing changes in shape now. The tape also shows some growth all over, with a slightly shrinking waist as well! Can't honestly say that I'm stronger, tho I don't really do a lot of out and out strength stuff! I've got more energy and my workouts stay strong longer, if that makes sense.

Maybe it's my imagination but the test that's starting build up seems to be doing what I want it to do and that's turn the hormonal clock back ten or twenty years. Its gonna be real interesting to see what happens during the next few weeks . . .

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 06-21-2013 at 03:21 PM.
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