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Mattious 01-26-2011 11:55 AM

Thought you were following the Dorian yates workout bud?

Cornish_Celt 01-26-2011 12:39 PM

I change my program every so often, I will be doing this drop set program for another 4 weeks then back on to the HIT.

Mattious 01-30-2011 05:21 PM

Ahh nice, yeah Dorian says 6 weeks of his H.I.T then a few weeks maintenance (not going to failure) then have 1 week of then back to H.I.T

Cornish_Celt 01-31-2011 06:57 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Bench press 3 x 20, 2 and 2

Bench Press: 3 x 6, 6 and 8 (Drop sets)

Incline Bench Press: 3 x 6, 6 and 12 (Drop sets)

Cable Crossovers: 3 x 10, 10 and 15 (Drop sets)

Barbell Curls: 3 x 15, 12 and 9

Preacher Curls: 2 x 8 and 6

21's: x 1 set

Biceps where so pumped after this, It was difficult getting my shake to my mouth, lol

Cornish_Celt 02-01-2011 06:46 AM


Warm up - Leg press 3 x 20, 2 and 2

Leg press: 4 x 7, 7, 10 and 20

Leg extension: 3 x 14, 12 and 10

Seated Leg curls: 3 x 12

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-02-2011 06:35 AM


Warm up - Wide grip pulldowns 3 x 15, 2 and 2

Wide reverse grip pulldowns: 3 x 8

Close grip pulldowns: 2 x 8 and 10

Seated pulley rows: 2 x 10 and 8

Bent rows: 2 x 6 and 10


Final shot of Testoviron at 250mg and Tren Enanthate at 200mg.

Cornish_Celt 02-04-2011 06:36 AM


Warm up - Shoulder press 3 x 15, 2 and 2

Shoulder Press: 3 x 6, 6 and 10

Shrugs: 2 x 12

Side lat raises: 3 x 6
superset with
Bent over lat raises: 3 x 8

Job done!

Mattious 02-04-2011 03:03 PM

Nice clean log :) Im going to start noting down previous weights for when I train I know what to aim for :)

Cornish_Celt 02-04-2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mattious (Post 9492)
Nice clean log :) Im going to start noting down previous weights for when I train I know what to aim for :)

I don't put my weights up because some members will be following and using the log and training the same way, But if someone is new to bodybuilding and tries to lift the weights that experienced weight trainers lift then they will just doing themselves an injury!
So if I don't put my weights up then they don't need to attempt to lift the same!

Cornish_Celt 02-08-2011 07:13 AM

First shot of new cycle today.
200mg of Primobolan
Will be running Primo at 600mg per week and Anavar at 60mg per day.
Primo will be run for 20 weeks.

Mattious 02-08-2011 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 9497)
I don't put my weights up because some members will be following and using the log and training the same way, But if someone is new to bodybuilding and tries to lift the weights that experienced weight trainers lift then they will just doing themselves an injury!
So if I don't put my weights up then they don't need to attempt to lift the same!

Hmm ok bud. One problem is alot of people do put there weights up. Mind you if someone tries lifting what I lift they wont be causing thereself an injury, lol

Cornish_Celt 02-08-2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mattious (Post 9597)
Hmm ok bud. One problem is alot of people do put there weights up. Mind you if someone tries lifting what I lift they wont be causing thereself an injury, lol

Don't put yourself down mate, everyone is different!

Cornish_Celt 02-10-2011 07:28 AM


Warm up - Leg press 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Leg press: 3 x 6, 6 and 12(Drop sets)

Leg Extension: 3 x 10, 8 and 6

Leg curls: 3 x 12, 10 and 6

Job done!

admin 02-10-2011 02:44 PM

bro, your log has most views here :)


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 9678)

Warm up - Leg press 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Leg press: 3 x 6, 6 and 12(Drop sets)

Leg Extension: 3 x 10, 8 and 6

Leg curls: 3 x 12, 10 and 6

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 02-10-2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 9698)
bro, your log has most views here :)

I know, I can't believe how popular it is!

Cornish_Celt 02-11-2011 06:41 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Bench press 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Bench Press: 3 x 5, 6 and 12

Incline Bench Press: 3 x 6, 7 and 12

Dips: 2 x to failure

Cable EZ bar curls: 3 x 12, 8 and 6

Preacher Curls: 3 x 6, 6 and 10

A hell of a full feeling off this one!
Next shot of Primobolan at 200mg.

Cornish_Celt 02-14-2011 03:28 PM


Warm up - Dbell pullovers 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Dumbell pullovers: 3 x 8, 8 and 6

Close grip pulldowns: 3 x 10, 8 and 5

Dumbell rows: 2 x 8 and 6

Wide grip cable rows: 2 x 10 and 6

Deadlifts: 2 x 6 and 5

Excellent workout, Very full after this one!

Cornish_Celt 02-15-2011 06:52 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Did not do full on shoulder workout to day due to slight injury.

Warm up - Side lat raises 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Side lat Raises: 3 x 12, 10 and 6

Front dbell raises: 2 x 6

Cable shrugs: 3 x 12, 10 and 10

Straight bar pushdowns: 3 x 12

V-Bar pushdowns: 2 x 10

Rope pushdowns: 2 x 8

Shoulder was giving a lot of pain so could not do any presses, the rest was ok.

Cornish_Celt 02-16-2011 06:39 AM


Warm up - Leg press 3 x 15, 3 and 2

Leg Press: 4 x 12, 10, 8 and 6

Leg Extension: 4 x 12, 12, 10 and 8

Leg Curl: 4 x 10, 10, 8 and 6

Calf Press: 4 x 12

Good workout!

Cornish_Celt 02-21-2011 06:48 AM

Chest and Biceps

I could not go all out on chest today as I have a problem with my shoulder.
So I just mixed it up a bit with lighter weights.

Warm up - Machine flyes 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Bench press: 3 x 6, 6 and 4

Incline Bench Press: 2 x 8 and 6

Machine press: 2 x 10

Cable crossovers: 2 x 10

V-Bar cable curls: 3 x 12, 10 and 8

Preacher curls: 2 x 8 and 6

Dumbell curl drop sets: Start at 20kg dbells and work down the rack until you can't lift another rep(Ouch!)

Next shot of Primobolan at 200mg and The Anavar is up to 100mg per day.

eazy 02-21-2011 07:12 AM

CC lifting Light weights wish i was there too see !!

nobody wanna lift no heavy a$$ weight..YEAH BUDDY, LIGHTWEIGHT, Aint Nuttin' But A Peanut!

Cornish_Celt 02-21-2011 10:20 AM

Ahh yes eazy, But when I say light weights they're still heavier than your heavy sets!!!

eazy 02-21-2011 11:05 AM

So you keep say....

We must meet up in the gym sometime soon!

Cornish_Celt 02-22-2011 06:52 AM


Warm up - Dbell Pullovers 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Dumbell Pullovers: 3 x 8, 6 and 6

Close Grip Pulldowns: 2 x 8 and 6

Dumbell Rows: 2 x 6 each arm

Wide Grip Cable Rows: 2 x 8 and 6

Deadlifts: 2 x 6 and 7

Great workout, back felt real full after this one!

Next shot of Primobolan at 200mg.

Cornish_Celt 02-24-2011 06:37 AM


Warm up - Shoulder press 3 x 10, 2 and 2

Shoulder press: 3 x 6

Upright rows: 3 x 6

Side lat raises: 3 x 7, 6 and 6

Front barbell raises: 2 x 8

Bent lat raises: 3 x 10

Shrugs: 3 x 12, 12 and 10

Job Done!

Cornish_Celt 02-25-2011 06:37 AM


Warm up - Hack squats 3 x 10, 2 and 2

Hack squat super set
Hack squat superset with reverse Hack squat: 3 x 10(OUCH!!!)

Squats: 3 x 10

Leg extensions: 2 x 12

Seated leg curls: 3 x 12

I have to say I am really surprised that I didn't throw up after the hack squat supersets, There was alot of pump and it was an extremely painfull pump!!!

Cornish_Celt 03-03-2011 07:07 AM

Well I'm completely fucked off this morning, I was supposed to train chest and biceps, But my right shoulder is completely fucked!!! I don't know what I've done to it but there is no way I can train chest or shoulders until it's sorted!

Anyway I sort of trained arms today just to get something done!

Concentration curls: 3 x 12, 10 and 6

Barbell curls: 3 x 10, 10 and 6

Overhead triceps extensions: 3 x 15

V-Bar pushdowns: 3 x 12, 12 and to failure

Cornish_Celt 03-08-2011 06:37 AM

Finally back in the gym after a week of due to a stomach virus!!!
I lost 12lbs in 4 days, Not a pleasant experience!!!


Warm up - Dumbell pullovers 3 x 12, 8 and 5

Dumbell pullovers: 3 x 6, 6 and 8

Close grip pulldowns: 3 x 8, 6 and 6

Dumbell rows: 3 x 6

Seated wide grip rows: 2 x 6

Bent rows: 3 x 8, 6 and 6

Not lost too much strength but did feel a bit weak once I'd finished!
Next shot - 200mg of Primobolan and 250mg of Sustanon 250.

Cornish_Celt 03-09-2011 06:44 AM


Warm up - Squats 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Squats: 3 x 8

Front hack squats
superset with
Reverse hack squats:
3 x 10 each

Lying leg curls: 3 x 8, 6 and last set was a drop set to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-14-2011 08:27 AM

Chest and Biceps

I still have a slight shoulder issue, so took it easy again.

Warm - up Dbell bench press 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Dbell Bench press: 3 x 8, 6 and 6

Incline dbell bench press: 2 x 6

Pec deck: 2 x 8

Cable crossovers: 2 x 8

Concentration curls: 3 x 10 6 and 6

Barbell curls: 1 x 8 + 2 negatives

Preachers curls: 1 x 8 failure

Cornish_Celt 03-15-2011 07:31 AM

Back and Traps

Warm up - Behind neck pulldowns 3 x 12, 3 and 3

Behind the neck pulldowns: 3 x 6

Front pulldowns: 3 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 2 x 6

Bent over rows: 2 x 6

Shrugs: 2 x 8

Bench lat raises: 2 x 8

Good work out, Excellent feeling of fullness.
Next shot of Primobolan at 200mg and Sustanon 250 at 250mg, Also taking 100mg per day of Anavar and 50mg per day of Proviron.

Cornish_Celt 03-17-2011 07:40 AM


Warm up - Squats 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Smith Squats: 4 x 6

Front Hack Squat
Superset with
Reverse Hack Squat:
3 x 10 each

Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15, 8 and 6

This was Hi-intensity, And it made me sick!
So all in all it was a good workout!

Next shot of Primobolan at 200mg and Sustanon 250 at 250mg, Also taking 100mg per day of Anavar and 50mg per day of Proviron.
I will be finishing the Anavar in a couple of days, I will be adding either Deca or Tren Enanthate to the cycle from next week.

Cornish_Celt 03-18-2011 07:42 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Warm up - Smith press 3 x 12, 4 and 2

Shoulder press: 1 x to failure

Side lat raises: 4 x 6

Front barbell raises: 3 x 6

Cable lat raises: 3 x 7 each arm

Side lat raise: Drop set to total failure

EZ bar over head extensions: 2 x 10 and 6

V-Bar push downs: 4 x 15

Cornish_Celt 03-24-2011 07:46 AM

Chest and Biceps

Still suffering from a shoulder injury so chest workout was slightly different to normal.

Warm up - Decline bench press 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Decline bench press: 3 x 6

Cable crossovers: 4 x 12

Low cable crossovers: 2 x 8

EZ cable curls: 3 x 12

One arm cable curls: 2 x 6

Considering this was not a standard kind of workout, the pump was incredible!
Next shot of Sustanon 250 at 500mg.

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2011 04:56 PM


Warm up - Wide grip pull downs 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Wide grip pulldowns to rear: 4 x 6

Wide grip front pulldowns: 4 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Bent over rows: 3 x 6

Partial deadlifts(from the top of shin): 2 x 6

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 03-28-2011 06:58 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Warm up - Seated lat raise 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Seated lat raise: 3 x 6

Alternate dbel front raise: 3 x 6, 6 and 8 each arm

Half lat raise: (Heavy Dumbells) 2 x to failure

Face pulls: 3 x 10

Reverse shrugs: 3 x 6

V-Bar pushdowns: 3 x 12, 10 and 7

Cable skull crushers: 3 x 8, 8 and 6

Kick backs: 2 x 8

Job done! Triceps felt extremely full after this one.

Cornish_Celt 03-29-2011 06:42 AM


Warm up - Squats 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Squats: 4 x 6

Hack Squats
Superset with
Reverse hack squats:
4 x 8

Seated leg curl: 4 x 25, 15, 12 and 6

This was a killer!

Cornish_Celt 03-30-2011 06:43 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Cable crossovers 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Cable crossovers: 4 x 8, 8, 7 and 6

Cable crossovers(from thighs to front of chest): 4 x 12, 12, 10 and 6

Pec Deck: 4 x 6

EZ bar cable curls: 4 x 10, 8, 6 and 6

One arm cable curls: 4 x 8, 6, 6 and 7 each arm.

Next shot of Sustanon 250 at 500mg, I will be going up to 1500mg Sustanon and 750mg of Deca per week as from next week, I will also add Dianabol to the mix for the first 5 weeks at 50mg per day.

Cornish_Celt 04-04-2011 10:17 AM


Warm up - Pulldowns to back of neck 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Pulldowns to back of neck: 4 x 7, 6, 6 and 6

Wide grip front pulldowns: 4 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 7, 6, 6 and 5

Bent over rows: 3 x 6

Deadlifts: 2 x 6

Cornish_Celt 04-04-2011 10:21 AM


Warm up - Pulldowns to back of neck 3 x 12, 2 and 2

Pulldowns to back of neck: 4 x 7, 6, 6 and 6

Wide grip front pulldowns: 4 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 7, 6, 6 and 5

Bent over rows: 3 x 6

Deadlifts: 2 x 6

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