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Cornish_Celt 08-14-2013 06:39 AM


Leg extension 4 x 12

Leg press 4 x 6

Front squat 4 x 6

Leg extension 4 x 8, 6, 6 and 5

Cornish_Celt 08-16-2013 05:42 AM

Shoulders and Biceps

BB clean and press 4 x 6

Lat raise 3 x 8

Front raise 3 x 8

DB shoulder press 1 x 20

DB hammer curls 3 x 10, 8 and 6

Nautilus curls 3 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 08-23-2013 06:02 AM

Chest and Triceps

Press machine 4 x 6

Incline press 4 x 6

Pec-dec flyes 4 x 6

Dips 4 x to failure

Nautilus extensions 3 x 6

Cornish_Celt 08-23-2013 06:04 AM

Back and Traps

Bent rows 4 x 6

DB rows 4 x 8

V-bar pull downs 4 x 6

DB shrugs 4 x 8

Cornish_Celt 03-04-2014 05:56 AM

Finally back in the gym after an injury.

Will take it easy for a few days.

Chest and Triceps

Dbell bench press 4 x 10

Machine press 4 x 10

Machine flyes 4 x 10

Dips 4 x 8

Nautilus tricep extensions 4 x 10

Cornish_Celt 03-05-2014 05:45 AM

Quads and Hams

Leg press 6 x 10

Leg extension 4 x 12

Seated leg curl 4 x 10

Cornish_Celt 03-10-2014 06:48 AM


Leg extensions 5 x 10

Leg press 4 x 10, 8, 6 and 6

Front squat 4 x 6

Cornish_Celt 03-11-2014 06:45 AM


Machine press 4 x 10, 8, 6 and 4

Incline press 4 x 6

Flyes 4 x 8, 8, 6 and 6

Dbell press 3 x 6

On week 2 of cycle, Test Cyp, Tren Enanthate, Equipoise with Dbol at 100mg per day for 4 weeks

andyebs 03-11-2014 09:28 AM

100mg :eek:

Cornish_Celt 03-12-2014 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 34155)
100mg :eek:

Do as I say NOT as I do!! :D

Cornish_Celt 03-12-2014 07:05 AM


Wide grip pulldowns 4 x 10

Close grip pulldowns 4 x 6

Dbell rows 4 x 6

T-bar rows 4 x 6

Nautilus back extensions 4 x 12

Cornish_Celt 03-13-2014 08:09 AM


Shoulder press(machine) 4 x 10

Lat raises 4 x 10

Upright rows 4 x 10

Dbell shrugs 4 x 15, 12, 10 and 10

Bent over lat raises 4 x 10

Cornish_Celt 03-14-2014 07:01 AM


Dbell hammer curls 4 x 12

Preacher curls 4 x 6

Nautilus curls 4 x 8, 6, 6 and 6

Cable pushdowns 4 x 12

Nautilus extensions 4 x 8

Dips 4 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 03-20-2014 06:44 AM


Leg extensions 2 x 25

Front squats 4 x 8

Leg press 5 x 6

Leg extensions 3 x 8

Cornish_Celt 03-21-2014 06:49 AM


Incline dbell press 4 x 8

Seated machine press 4 x 10, 8, 8 and 6

Machine flyes 4 x 10, 8, 8 and 7

Cornish_Celt 03-22-2014 09:11 AM


T-bar rows 4 x 8

Wide grip pulldowns 4 x 6

V-bar pulldowns 4 x 6

Straight arm pulldowns 3 x 12

Nautilus back ext. 3 x 12

admin 03-23-2014 09:21 AM

CC you have 540 replies (!) :cool:

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2014 06:16 AM


Side lat raise 3 x 8

Front raise(with weight plate) 3 x 10

Dbell press 3 x 12

Bent over lat raise 3 x 12

Face pulls 3 x 12

Cornish_Celt 03-26-2014 06:19 AM


EZ bar cable curls 3 x 12

Dbell hammer curls 3 x 6

Nautlilus curls 3 x 8

Reverse grip pushdowns 3 x 12

Rope pushdowns 3 x 10

Nautlius extensions 4 x 12

Cornish_Celt 03-27-2014 05:35 AM


Machine press 4 x 6

Incline press 4 x 8

Machine flyes 4 x 10

Cornish_Celt 03-28-2014 08:43 AM


The folowing was done as one giant set with no rest in between exercises and was reapeated 4 times:

Leg extensions x 12

Leg press x 10

Leg extension x 12

Lunges x 30(15 each leg)

Hams where done as normal

Seated leg curls 5 x 15, 12, 10, 8 and 6

Cornish_Celt 03-31-2014 06:59 AM


T-bar rows 4 x 12

V-bar pulldowns 4 x 10

Wide grip pulldowns 4 x 12

Dbell rows 3 x 12

Straight arm pulldowns 3 x 12

Nautilus back extensions 3 x 12

Cornish_Celt 04-01-2014 05:35 AM


Rear delt raises(machine) 4 x 12, 10, 8 and 7

Face pulls 4 x 12

Behind the neck press 4 x 12

Lat raises 4 x 12

Front raise(with weight plate) 3 x 12

Cornish_Celt 04-02-2014 05:32 AM


These are same muscle supersets, with 30 seconds rest between each superset
6 sets of 6 reps.

Straight bar preacher curls 6 x 6
superset with
Body drag curls 6 x 6

Overhead rope extensions 6 x 6
Superset with
Nautilus extensions 6 x 6

Reverse forearm curls(down to fingertips) 6 x 6
Superset with
Reverse grip body drag curls 6 x 6

Cornish_Celt 04-03-2014 05:59 AM


Squats 6 x 6

Leg press 6 x 6

Leg curls 6 x 6

Lunges 6 x 6

Standing calf raises 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 to 90 seconds rest between exercises.

That was really intense, 3 hours later and my legs are like jelly and my whole body is shaking!

Cornish_Celt 04-04-2014 05:49 AM


Standing shoulder press 6 x 6

Side lat raises 6 x 6

Front raises 6 x 6

Reverse pec dec 6 x 6

Face pulls 6 x 6

Ab machine crunches 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 to 90 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-05-2014 07:39 AM


Incline bench press 6 x 6

Machine press 6 x 6

Pec dec flyes 6 x 6

Bench press 4 x 6

Cornish_Celt 04-08-2014 04:52 AM


Pull ups 6 x 6

Reverse grip rows 6 x 6

Lat pulldowns 6 x 6

Cable pullover 6 x 6

T-bar rows(palms facing) 6 x 6

Partial deadlifts 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 to 90 seconds rest between exercises.

erich1b 04-08-2014 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 34817)

Pull ups 6 x 6

Reverse grip rows 6 x 6

Lat pulldowns 6 x 6

Cable pullover 6 x 6

T-bar rows(palms facing) 6 x 6

Partial deadlifts 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 to 90 seconds rest between exercises.

36 sets for back, with minimal rest like you're doing has to be brutal towards the end.

However, I've been looking over your posts in this thread and may try something like you're doing for my next cycle to, add some variety and do something new? How long will you perform a routine like you're doing now, or is this a type of training program that you just stick with?

Any links you can post up, about this type of a training routine (or send PM, whichever is preferred), so I can do some more reading about your type of program.

What sorts of results have you gotten (i.e. muscle size, strength, etc.), and over how long a period of time?


Cornish_Celt 04-08-2014 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by erich1b (Post 34822)
36 sets for back, with minimal rest like you're doing has to be brutal towards the end.

However, I've been looking over your posts in this thread and may try something like you're doing for my next cycle to, add some variety and do something new? How long will you perform a routine like you're doing now, or is this a type of training program that you just stick with?

Any links you can post up, about this type of a training routine (or send PM, whichever is preferred), so I can do some more reading about your type of program.

What sorts of results have you gotten (i.e. muscle size, strength, etc.), and over how long a period of time?


pm sent.
I love this kind of high intensity training, it is brutal!
I've looked a lot in to the different types of high set workouts like German Volume Training(10 x 10) and Vince Girondas 8 x 8, The 6 x 6 is pretty much the same kind of training, people may find the 10 x 10 and 8 x 8 a bit much, the 6 x 6 is perfect if you like brutal workouts.
You always feel like you've given 100% at the end of the session.

I will train like this until I feel that I'm not benefiting from it anymore, could be 6 weeks could be 16 weeks, then I'll go back to a basic kind of training like 4 sets of 10 reps or something similar but I always come back to the high intensity stuff because it works and it works extremely well.
It's brutal and I love it!

erich1b 04-08-2014 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 34824)
pm sent.
I love this kind of high intensity training, it is brutal!

I've looked a lot in to the different types of high set workouts like German Volume Training(10 x 10) and Vince Girondas 8 x 8, The 6 x 6 is pretty much the same kind of training, people may find the 10 x 10 and 8 x 8 a bit much, the 6 x 6 is perfect if you like brutal workouts.

You always feel like you've given 100% at the end of the session.

I will train like this until I feel that I'm not benefiting from it anymore, could be 6 weeks could be 16 weeks, then I'll go back to a basic kind of training like 4 sets of 10 reps or something similar but I always come back to the high intensity stuff because it works and it works extremely well. It's brutal and I love it!

Thanks for the PM, I appreciate it.

Going to read more about this, and try it out myself within the next couple of months.

Cornish_Celt 04-08-2014 05:04 PM

It is an excellent program, you will not be disappointed

Cornish_Celt 04-09-2014 05:17 AM


Barbell curls 6 x 6

V-bar pushdowns 6 x 6

Nautilus bicep curls 6 x 6

Nautilus tricep extensions 6 x 6

Incline hammer curls 6 x 6

Dips 6 x 6

Reverse grip forearm curls 6 x 6

Reverse grip body drag curls 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 to 90 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-11-2014 04:59 AM

Shoulders and Abs

Seated shoulder press 6 x 6

Side lat raises 6 x 6

Front raises 6 x 6

Reverse pec dec 6 x 6

Face pulls 6 x 6

Leg raises 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-12-2014 07:41 AM


Squats 6 x 6

Leg press 6 x 6

Leg curls 6 x 6

Seated calf raises 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 to 90 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-14-2014 06:13 AM


Incline smith bench press 6 x 6

Flat dbell bench press 6 x 6

Pec dec flyes 6 x 6

Machine press(palms facing each other) 6 x 6 (last 2 sets failed on 5 and 4 reps)

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-15-2014 05:01 AM

Back and Calves

Pull ups 6 x 6

Bent over rows 6 x 6

V bar pulldowns 6 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns 6 x 6

T-bar rows(palms facing) 6 x 6

Nautilus back extension 6 x 6

Seated calf raise 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-16-2014 04:53 AM

Arms and Abs

Straight bar preacher curls 6 x 6
Body drag curls 6 x 6

Close grip bench press 6 x 6
Overhead tricep extensions(Rope) 6 x 6

Forearm curls 6 x 6
Reverse grip body drag curls 6 x 6

Ab crunch machine 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-17-2014 05:04 AM


Seated shoulder press 6 x 6 (failed at 5 and 4 on last 2 sets)

Side lat raises 6 x 6 (failed at 5 on last set)

Front raise 6 x 6

Reverse pec dec 6 x 6 (failed at 5 on last set)

Shrugs 6 x 6

Face pulls 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 seconds rest between exercises.

Cornish_Celt 04-21-2014 05:47 AM


Incline bench press 6 x 6

Dbell bench press 6 x 6 (failed at 5 and 4 on last sets)

Pec dec flyes 6 x 6

Cable crossovers 6 x 6

20 to 30 seconds rest between sets.
60 seconds rest between exercises.

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