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Cornish_Celt 03-27-2012 06:29 AM


Warm up - Shoulder press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Shoulder press: 4 x 7

seated lat raise: 4 x 10

Bent over lat raise: 4 x 12

Incline shrugs: 4 x 10

Shrugs: 3 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 03-28-2012 06:09 AM

Back and Biceps

Warm up - Seated rows 3 x 20, 17 and 10

Seated rows: 4 x 6

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Seated rows(palms facing): 4 x 6

Wide grip chins: 3 x to failure

Straight arm pulldowns: 3 x 10

Alternate dumbell curls: 2 x 6

Alternate dumbell hammer curls: 2 x 6

Barbell curls: 2 x 6

Double biceps cable curls: 1 x down the rack

Job done!

dfwtp 03-28-2012 09:39 PM

that back is gettin a lot of reps:)

Cornish_Celt 03-30-2012 06:07 AM

Chest and Triceps

Warm up - Dumbell press 3 x 20, 15 and 10

Incline dumbell press: 4 x 8

Chest press: 3 x 6

Incline chest press: 3 x 8

Cable crossovers: 3 x 16

Dips: 3 x to failure

EZ bar pushdowns: 3 x 12, 10 and 8

Cable kick backs: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 04-05-2012 05:58 AM


Leg extension: x 10
Leg press: x 10
Leg extension: x 10
Lunges: x 10 each leg

One giant superset repeated 5 times plus one warm up set

Cornish_Celt 04-05-2012 12:09 PM

Just started Kalpa Pharma Sustaxyl 350 at 1400mg per week, will be bumping it up to 2000mg per week from week 3.
I'm looking forward to this as Sus is my all time favourite, However it is normally the most painfull for me so I will keep you updated

Cornish_Celt 04-09-2012 04:05 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - chest press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Chest press: 4 x 6

Incline chest press: 3 x 6

Incline dbell flyes: 3 x 6

Cable crossovers: 4 x 16

V-bar curls: 2 x 6

Hammer curls: 2 x 10

Body drag: 2 x 6

Double biceps curl: 3 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 04-10-2012 05:58 AM


Warm up - Close grip pulldowns 3x 20, 20 and 10

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Seated rows(Palms facing): 4 x 10

Wide grip pulldowns: 3 x 8

Straight arm pulldowns: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 04-11-2012 06:05 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Warm up - Shoulder press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Shoulder press: 4 x 7

Lat raises: 3 x to failure
Superset with
Bent over lat raises: 3 x to failure

Front dumbell raises: 3 x 12

Dumbell shrugs: 3 x 15, 15 and 12

Dips: 3 x to failure

Pushdowns: 3 x to failure

Single arm triceps extensions: 3 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 04-26-2012 05:56 AM


Warm up - Incline chest press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Incline chest press: 4 x 10

Chest press: 4 x 8

Cable crossovers: 4 x 16

Cornish_Celt 04-27-2012 06:14 AM


Warm up - Close grip pulldowns 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6 PB

Wide grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Seated pulley rows: 4 x 8 PB

Bent over rows(Down the rack): 5 x 6

Straight arm pulldowns: 3 x 8 PB

Three personal bests, well pleased
Job done!

Cornish_Celt 04-28-2012 08:04 AM


Warm up - leg extension, leg press and leg extension

Leg extension: x 10
Leg press: x 10
Leg extension: x 10
Lunges: x 16

The above is all one set with no rest in between each exercise
The above is done for 4 sets.

Seated leg curls: Down the rack x 2 sets

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 04-30-2012 06:03 AM


Warm up - shoulder press 3 x 20, 20 and 10

Shoulder press: 3 x 8

Lat raises: 3 x 10

Bent over lat raises: 3 x 6

Dumbell shrugs: 3 x 12

Cornish_Celt 06-22-2012 09:01 AM

Been out of the gym for 2 months with a messed up wrist, back in tomorrow so will be updating as normal.

I am starting a new program and cycle
The program can be found here:

My cycle is as follows:
Sustanon 350 - 700 to 1050mg per week
Primobolan at 800mg per week
Turinabol tabs at 50mg per day for 30 days

I may use T4 and Clen towards the end of the cycle and I'm also thinking about adding Equipoise.

Cornish_Celt 07-02-2012 06:10 AM

Chest and Triceps

Warm up - Bench press 2 x 30, 2 x 15

Bench press: 4 x 5

Incline bench press: 3 x 12

Dumbell press: 3 x 12

Pec deck flyes: 1 x 40

Close grip bench press: 2 x 5

Seated french press: 2 x 12

Over head cable extensions: 1 x 40

Feel the burn!!
Job done

Cornish_Celt 07-03-2012 05:54 AM

Back and Traps

Warm up - Bent rows 2 x 20 and 15

Bent over rows: 4 x 5

Dumbell rows: 3 x 12

Wide grip pulldowns: 3 x 12

Seated pulley rows: 1 x 32

Barbell shrugs: 2 x 5

Dumbell shrugs: 2 x 12

Power shrugs: 1 x 40

Cornish_Celt 07-04-2012 06:00 AM

Shoulders and Biceps

Warm up - Shoulder press 2 x 20

Seated shoulder press: 4 x 5

Arnold press: 3 x 12

Barbell front raise: 3 x 12

Lat raises: 1 x 40

Preacher curls: 2 x 5

Barbell curls: 2 x 12

Close grip barbell curls: 1 x 40

Cornish_Celt 07-09-2012 05:54 AM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Pec dec flyes 2 x 20 and 15

Pec dec flyes: 4 x 10

Bench press: 4 x 6

Incline bench press: 2 x 5, 1 x down the rack.

Dumbell flyes: 3 x 12

Cable crossovers: 3 x to failure

Cable curls: 3 x to failure

Dumbell curls: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 07-10-2012 06:00 AM


Warm up - Wide grip pulldowns 2 x 20

Wide grip pulldowns: 4 x 6, 6, 5 and 4

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

T-bar rows: 3 x 6

Dumbell rows: 3 x 6

Machine rows: 4 x 6, 6, 5 and 3

Great workout, well pumped!!

Cornish_Celt 07-11-2012 05:57 AM


Warm up - leg extension, leg press and leg extension

Leg extension: x 10
Leg press: x 10
Leg extension: x 10
Lunges: x 16

The above is all one set with no rest in between each exercise
The above is done for 6 sets.

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 07-12-2012 06:26 AM

Shoulders and Triceps

Warm up - Upright rows(V bar) 3 x 12

Upright rows(V bar): 3 x 12

Front raises:
superset with
Bent over lat raises:
3 x 12 each exercise

Dumbell shoulder press: 3 x 12

Close grip bench press: 3 x to failure

Overhead cable extensions: 2 x 12

Pressdowns: 2 x to failure

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 07-13-2012 05:58 AM

Hams and Calves

Warm up - Seated leg curls 2 x 20

Seated leg curls: 4 x 12(last part of motion only)

Lying leg curls: 4 x 12(first part of motion only)

Single leg curls: 4 x 15, 12, 8 and 4(full range of motion)

Seated calf raises: 3 x to failure

Hurt like hell!

Cornish_Celt 07-15-2012 01:10 PM

Chest and Biceps

Warm up - Chest press 2 x 20

Chest press: 4 x 6

Incline chest press: 4 x 6

Machine flyes: 4 x 12

Preacher curls: 4 x 6, 5, 4, 3

Dumbell hammer curls: 3 x to failure

Dumbell curls: 2 x to failure

Cornish_Celt 07-19-2012 06:00 AM


Warm up - Close grip pulldowns 2 x 20

Close grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Wide grip pulldowns: 4 x 6

Machine rows: 4 x 5

Machine dumbell rows: 4 x 5 each arm

Straight arm pulldowns: 3 x 10

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 07-20-2012 06:02 AM


Warm up - leg extension, leg press and leg extension

Leg extension: x 12
Leg press: x 10
Leg extension: to failure
Lunges: x 16

The above is all one set with no rest in between each exercise
The above is done for 6 sets.

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 07-23-2012 06:17 AM

First day of DoggCrapp!
Couldn't wait to get in the gym this morning!

Warm up


Incline Smith machine presses 11-15 rest-pause

Military presses 11-20 rest-pause

Lying triceps extensions 15-30 rest-pause

Front wide-grip pulldowns 11-15 rest-pause

T-bar rows 10-12

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 07-25-2012 06:06 AM

A couple of sets warm up before each working set.

Seated dumbbell curls 11-20 rest-pause

Barbell wrist curls 10-20

Leg-press toe presses 10-12

Seated leg curls 15-30 rest-pause

Leg presses 4-8 20

Cornish_Celt 07-30-2012 06:02 AM

Flat-bench barbell presses 11-15 rest-pause

Medium-grip upright rows 11-15 rest-pause

Close-grip bench presses 11-20 rest-pause

Rack deadlifts 6-9 9-12

Close-grip pulldowns 11-15 rest-pause

Cornish_Celt 08-01-2012 06:09 AM

Barbell drag curls 11-20 rest-pause

Cable reverse curls 2 x 20

Seated calf raises 1 x 12

Lying leg curls 15-30 rest-pause

Hack squats 4 x 8, 8, 8 and 20

Cornish_Celt 08-03-2012 06:13 AM

Hammer Strength chest presses 11-15 rest-pause

Smith machine shoulder presses 11-20 rest-pause

V-bar pushdowns 11-20 rest-pause

Hammer Strength 11-15 rest-pause underhand pulldowns

Close grip(palms facing) T-bar rows 4 x 10

Cornish_Celt 08-07-2012 06:12 AM

Chest and Triceps

Warm up - Incline bench press 1 x 20 and 1 x 15

Incline bench press 1 x 20 rest pause

Hammer strength press 1 x 28 rest pause

Dumbell flyes 1 x 32 rest pause

Seated french press 1 x 26 rest pause

Seated dumbell extension 1 x 35 rest pause

Job done!

Cornish_Celt 08-09-2012 05:52 AM

Back and Biceps

Rack deadlifts 1 x 10(singles)

T-bar rows 1 x 40 rest pause

Chins 1 x 30 rest pause

Dumbell curls 1 x 25 rest pause

Barbell curls 1 x 25 rest pause

Cornish_Celt 08-10-2012 06:12 AM

Shoulders, Traps and Forearms

Seated shoulder press 1 x 20 rest pause

Arnold press 1 x 18 rest pause

Bent over lat raises 1 x 25 rest pause

Dumbell shrugs 1 x 22 rest pause

Seated forearm curls 1 x 40 rest pause

Job done.

Cornish_Celt 08-13-2012 05:58 AM

Chest and Triceps

Bench press 1 x 28 rest pause

Incline bench press 1 x 24 rest pause

Machine flyes 1 x 30 rest pause

Over head cable extensions 1 x 30 rest pause

Pushdowns 1 x 26 rest pause

Ftblk36 08-13-2012 09:17 AM

Apart from the obvious intensity CC do you find this method any better than the others you have tried?? The GVT etc...

Sent from the darkest region of my brain!!

Cornish_Celt 08-13-2012 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Ftblk36 (Post 23124)
Apart from the obvious intensity CC do you find this method any better than the others you have tried?? The GVT etc...

Sent from the darkest region of my brain!!

This is one version of Bulldozer training mate,
I think it's excellent, It's sort of similar to the Dorian Yates one set all out routine,
I have never been in so much pain the morning after a workout, It's great and it does the job, to me it's better than GVT(never thought I'd say that)
Rest pause is an excellent way of training.

Ftblk36 08-13-2012 11:42 AM

You've probably posted an detailed explanation of rest pause training on here, I'll get a gander at it when i find it!!

Sent from the darkest region of my brain!!

Cornish_Celt 08-13-2012 11:44 AM

there's one on ere somewhere mate, dfwtp also put one up about it

Cornish_Celt 08-14-2012 05:57 AM

Back and Biceps

Rack deadlifts 3 x 10, 8 and 7

T-Bar rows 1 x 40 rest pause (close grip, palms facing)

Wide grip pulldowns 1 x 29 rest pause

EZ bar cable curls 1 x 35 rest pause

Dumbell curls 1 x 24 rest pause

Cornish_Celt 08-15-2012 05:57 AM

Shoulders, Traps and Forearms

Seated shoulder press 1 x 25 rest pause

Arnold press 1 x 24 rest pause

Barbell shrugs 1 x 22 rest pause

Reverse machine flyes 1 x 30 rest pause

EZ bar wrist curls 1 x 40 rest pause

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