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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2015, 01:38 PM
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Default andys log

right will start log from today with everything eat take and train
at moment i will be doing a cut
current wieght 80kg
bodyfat 16-18 %
supps on at moment - just protien
gear on at monent -- nothing been off over 3 months now but new cycle to start end of month

so todays workout consisted of

flat barbell press 4 sets of 12 reps
incline dumbell press superset with inlcine flys press was 4 sets of 12 and same with flys
dumbell pullover again 4 sets 12
cable cross over 4 set of 12 but from 4 different positions

food can only do upto so much but can edit when know what eatern
meal 1 kiwi fruit and orange with protien shake
meal 2 4 eggs scrambled and bananna
trained see above had shake after
meal 3 chicken sweet tats and veg broc and geen beans tad gravy on aswell
meal 4 peanut butter just heated in microwave so like goo then covered in greek yougart say 100mls peanut and 200mls greek
meal 5-unkown
meal 6 -unkown
i could give wieghts of food eatern but have to ask misses as she does all that for me

as said just protien but will be adding bcca when do cardio as like fasted in mornings
gear none at moment but do have ready hard to hold off but gave myself a date and will stick to it
have test 400 witch is 3 blends of test prop poly prop and enth
also have tri tren and again 3 blends of tren ace hex enth
this will start 31st of this month
i also have plenty of clen but was not going to add this till felt needed plan is to be at about 8% before start clen and poss t3 and carb deplete this time really looking to see how far can shred this time got to 7% before want to get low as can as proff to myself
also maybe looking to get some var for tight look at end of cycle

cardio will prob start next week maybe lol
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2015, 01:23 PM
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tues 19/05/2015


back day
wide grip pull down 3 sets of 10
close grip pull down 3 sets of 10
barbell row overhand wide grip 3 sets of 10
dumbell row 3 sets of 10
deadlift yep 3 sets of 10
cable row 3 sets of 10
wasnt heavy but sure got the pump felt like good workout

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear --- none and finding hard to wait 11 days starting point but did have few weeks tbol at home was thinking fuck it start with this as warm up for cycle anbodys thoughts ???? or should i wait like told myself
also have dbol and oral tren i buy these orals and end up not taken them

food backdated from yesterday
meal 5 --spag bol
meal 6 -- omlete mushrooms and spinage
little snack of peanut butter on toast dam weed giving me munchies

back to todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and hadfull of strawberrys and raspberrys
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
workout at 12 with shake after
meal 3--- spag bol --you will see pattern what ever is last nights dinner is next days lunch
meal 4 -- peanut butter on toast and a peach defo getting my fruits in plan to keep fruits in long as can
meal 5 & 6 will update on next log

still no cardio bar dog walk in evening i keep saying i will start but feel losing fat steady so dont want to go all in end up at platue and having no other options
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2015, 12:53 PM
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I got some reasonable strength gains off tbol but nothing compared to injectable tren. I don't think I'd buy any more but as you already have them . . .

Good luck with the log mate
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2015, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

I got some reasonable strength gains off tbol but nothing compared to injectable tren. I don't think I'd buy any more but as you already have them . . .

Good luck with the log mate
I'm getting excellent gains off Tbol at the moment - 60mg per day is really working well.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2015, 01:51 PM
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weds 20/05/2015

smith machine press 4 sets of 10-12
bumbel side raise 4 sets 10
bent of lateral raise 4 sets of 10
shrugs 5 sets 10 dunno why 5 just felt had it in me
cable side raise 2 sets 12
cable front raise 2 sets 12

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear --- Tbol starts tomorrow lol

food backdated from yesterday
meal 5 --burger chips beans -i know this sounds bad but use 5 beans and sweet tats for oven thick chips and brown bread bun so kept it as good as can
meal 6 -- soft boiled dippy eggs and soldiers 3 egss 2 granery bread
little snack of peanut butter raw from spoon felt bread was too much that day as should be reducing but seems im eating more

back to todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
workout at 12 with shake after
meal 3--- burger chips beans as last night no bun though as trying to reduce bread
meal 4 -- peanut butter on toast and kiwi fruit
meal 5 & 6 will update on next log

still no cardio
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2015, 01:45 PM
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thrs 21/05/2015

overhead bumbell press 4 x10
concerntration curl 4 x 10
rope push down 4 x 10
hammer curl 4 x 10 each arm
cable kick back 4 x10 each arm
finished with 2 sets 21s for bicept straight into 21 overhead with ez bar like standing skull crusher

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear --- Tbol started today plan is 70mg day 20 in morn 30 pre workout then 20 eve have enough for 3 weeks so takes me into the cycle
also do people still take orals on non training days ie i dont train anything weekends but always still took orals and spoke to people who dont when dont train

food backdated from yesterday
meal 5 -- salmon and sweet tats wedges and salad
meal 6 -- omlet witch bacon mushroom and spinage

back to todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
workout at 12 with shake after
meal 3--- salmon and sweet tat wedges and salad
meal 4 -- peanut butter on toast and kiwi fruit
meal 5 & 6 will update on next log

my food tends to be quite the same day in day out will be changing peanut butter and toast to yougart as seem to eat twice day and too much bread but hard to cut my bread
any suggestions what to add to greek yougart bar fruit to better the taste or ill end up mixing with peanut butter agin

still no cardio
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2015, 01:45 PM
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friday 22/05/2015

leg curl 4 x 12
standung ahm curl 4 x 12
seated clf raise 4 x 12
leg press 4x12 superseted with calf press
seated ham curl 4x12
light one today

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear --- Tbol 70mg ed
food backdated from yesterday
meal 5 -- fellit steak rice and asparagus
meal 6 -- scrembeled egg and beans

back to todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
workout at 12 with shake after
meal 3--- subway chicken foot long aparently cant afford fillet steak for dinner and lunch
meal 4 -- ypougart cornwe
meal 5 & 6 will update on next log

still no cardio
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2015, 01:02 AM
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I would use 50mgs tbol preworkout and remove the 20mgs from the evening. And yes you can still take orals on non traing days split the dose in two halves eight hours apart.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2015, 09:48 AM
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weekend i dont train and diet was on point apart from hot dog at boot sale

decided to up game bit and do some cardio and add some juice

monday 25/05/2015

workout this was garden workout with home stuff due to bank holiday and busy day with kids
flat barbell press 4 x12
incline fly 4 x 12
incline dumbell press 4 x12
press ups 30,25,20,12

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear ---
Tbol 70mg ed 20 in morning and 50 pre workout as suggested thanks
tri tren 450mg EW spilt into 2 shots of 225mg will run like this for 4 weeks the up it to 675mg with 3 shots at 225mg
tri test 400mg EW split into 2 shots 200mg again will up this to 600mg split inot 3 times week
t3 and clen on standby may start clen in couple weeks

mondays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- sausage and mushroom omlete
meal 3--- chicken and rice
meal 4 -- yougart and punkin seeds
meal 5 -- fillet steak asparigus and sweet potatoe mash
meal 6 -- omlete with cheese adn spinage

cardio up at 6am for fasted cardio took dog on a 5km run and shit was killing stictches everwhere shin splints but felt better for it and had to start should have started bit less but hey im all or nothing lol
will do todas bit later
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2015, 01:14 PM
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tue 26/05/2015

wide grip latt pulldowns 3 x12
close grip cable row 3 x 12
wide grip tbar row 3 x 12
dumbell row 3 x 8
inverted row 12,10,10
wide grip cable row 2 x12
machine row 3 x 10
done quite lot hear but just felt could so went with it

supps ---still on just protien shakes

gear ---
Tbol 70mg ed
tri tren 450mg EW
tri test 400mg EW

todays food

meal 1 -- protien shake and peach
meal 2 --- 4 eggs scrambled and bannana
meal 3--- chicken rice and veg
meal 4 -- protien roll with peanut butter found this in lidl its 27g of protien per roll can complain
meal 5 -- update later
meal 6 -- update later

no cardio today do some tomorrow
only starting with 2 x 30 mins cardio a week to start then can adjust if needed
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