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Old 07-15-2015, 07:31 AM
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Default Does (GGG) Juice

OK, I know this is not a MMA fighter, but I like boxing and there was no thread. So do any of you like boxing. I love it, one of my favorite. I am starting to really be a fan of Gennady Golovkin, a Kazakh boxer who compets in the middleweight division. He is one tough cookie. His record is 33-0, with 30 KO’s, and he is currently on a 20 fight KO streak. Watch some of his fights, and he has a beast style. It looks like at first he is not trying to block shots and just get knockouts, but that is not the case. He has very slick slips, and he is able to jab the other guys punch to weaken it, then take the punch while knocking the other guy flat. Its a sight to behold.

However, some are claiming he juices. I do not know enough about the subject yet to know for sure, but I have no reason to believe so. Does anyone else know something that could shred more light on the subject. I know it cannot be answered for sure.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2015, 03:09 AM
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My trainers son was a sparring partner for triple G for one his fights 2 years ago. He told me that triple G is one of the strongest boxers he has ever faced . He also said he is very humble and traines like a bull.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2015, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by smitdog23rd View Post
My trainers son was a sparring partner for triple G for one his fights 2 years ago. He told me that triple G is one of the strongest boxers he has ever faced . He also said he is very humble and traines like a bull.
I am a huge GGG fan, but his haters are contending he is on juice. I do not think so, he just hits like a Mack Truck.

Another thing, he has some awesome defense that many do not see. He is an aggressive fighter, but he uses his jab to defend by creating space, keeping his opponent occupied, misdirecting opponent’s throws, and by taking some of the power away from opponent’s throws. He also has a real subtle slip, that is difficult to see in real time. I know he has yet to face A-fighter, but I think he has potential to be the next big thing.

And yes, he is humble and doesn’t take himself too seriously. I like that.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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