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F.I.S.T. 04-08-2017 09:20 PM

Detox Juice

Detox Juice

A freshly pressed vegetable juice that is meant to stimulate the elimination of toxins from your body should have the following properties:

1. The ability to encourage movement of waste products through your intestines.
2. The ability to encourage your digestive organs to release digestive juices that can help to optimally break down recently ingested food.
3. The ability to draw toxins out of your tissues.

With these properties in mind, here is one of the most effective detox juice recipes that I know of:

Artichoke, Cilantro, and Radish Detox Juice Recipe


4 Jerusalem artichokes
2 handfuls of fresh cilantro
4 radishes
3 carrots
1 tablespoon of green food powder that contains chlorella


Use a juicer to press all ingredients except green food powder into a vegetable juice.

Combine juice and green food powder in a bottle with a secure lid and shake well for 10 or more seconds. Enjoy within an hour of making this effective detox juice.


Jerusalem artichokes are rich in the soluble fiber inulin, which is known to encourage healthy bowel function.
Cilantro and chlorella are regularly recommended by many health practitioners, myself included, for purposes of detoxification.
Radishes are known to stimulate the release of bile from the gall bladder. Bile is needed for optimal digestion of fat.

erich1b 04-09-2017 12:56 PM

IMHO - This post is a perfect example of why someone should explore the contentions put forth in the article and not just take it at face value. The idea that "toxins" can be flushed from the body is pseudoscience. If anyone cares to read- detoxification therapies - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

F.I.S.T. 04-09-2017 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by erich1b (Post 50485)
IMHO - This post is a perfect example of why someone should explore the contentions put forth in the article and not just take it at face value. The idea that "toxins" can be flushed from the body is pseudoscience. If anyone cares to read- detoxification therapies - The Skeptic's Dictionary - That's your proof huh?

Well once again,"READING" instead of doing yourself is what you show yourself to be.

Again,who stated that you should take anything at face value? As for pseudoscience,why because said so?? LOL.

Well after such nonsensical evidence,I usually don't even lower myself to respond,I have a free morning so far so i'll indulge ya.

First off,there is an abundance of research PROVING how changing ones diet DO help flush ones system and since this is a recipe with ALL NATURAL ingredients,that if you take the time to do the research for YOURSELF on each ingredient,you'll find out that they ALL do exactly what they are intended to do in this recipe.Look up the research on any of the ingredients and become enlightened as to what they can do.

So does combining them into one drink and consuming it daily sound like a good idea? ABSOLUTELY.Are there people that have done this,as well as many other combinations of natural ingredients,get positive benefits from it? ABSOLUTELY.

Saying that you don't believe in consuming healthy ingredients because it's "pseudoscience" ,no disrespect to you,only shows your lack of knowledge on the subject.

What id challenge you to do is post up some research disputing the benefits on any of these ingredients.Please enlighten us all with the "research" showing that these consuming these ingredients do not have benefit.Meaning eating healthier foods have no positive impact on ones health in regards to removing toxins.

But as we've already gone through,if you're reading stuff posted on the internet and taking one read as the way to live your life around and nothing else,nor doing as much research on it as possible,you're in a bad spot man.

Now,with all this said,is consuming this recipe a magic cure for everything that ails you? Duh,of course not.Does consuming this recipe mean you can eat like crap,not exercise,smoke,abuse drugs or alcohol and still be perfectly fine? Duh,NO!

The point of this and intended purpose of this is in COMBINATION to a healthy lifestyle,this will be another tool to keep you healthy and flushing your system.It's not a replacement for the other.

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