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Old 02-10-2012, 06:03 PM
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Default Vitamin d for muscle


Take vitamin D to boost testosterone levels and strength.
by Tabatha Elliott, PhD

Take vitamin D to boost testosterone levels and strength

If you still think vitamin D only aids bone health, then you’ve missed out on all our articles about its impor- tance for muscle strength. Yes, muscles actually have vitamin D receptors crucial to strength.

Two new studies further highlight the importance of D when it comes to muscles. German scientists found that men with higher blood levels of vitamin D had sig- nificantly higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of sex-hormone binding globulin than those with low levels of vitamin D in their blood. Having lower SHBG, means that more test is free to get into the muscles and increase muscle growth. Another study found that col- lege-age women with lower blood levels of vitamin D had significantly higher levels of fat in their muscles than those with high levels of the vitamin. You can store body- fat both under your skin and in your muscles. Having fat- tier muscles not only means that you have more bodyfat, but also potentially weaker muscles.

To make sure your vitamin D levels are up to par, as well as your testosterone levels and muscle strength, take 2,000-5,000 international units of vitamin D3 per day with meals.
What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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