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Old 08-14-2015, 06:21 AM
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Default Hardcore 250 pound / 250-Rep Challenge

(Disclaimer! I know I'm not ready to do something like this). Having said that, I like training discussions going and staying up to date on what everyone is doing. So I'm bringing this up to see what others think about it. Maybe someone feels they can do the challenge.

I came across this MusclePharm challenge and thought about the video of Rich Peina multitudinous arm workout. I think it was like a hundred bicep reps each night.

The challenge is focused around the three major exercises--squat, bench, and deadlift.

To finish the challenge you must get to do 250 reps of 250 pounds each, coming in the form if 100 squat reps, 100 deadlift reps, and then 50 bench press reps. Doesn't matter the set makeup, or the order it is completed, it just has to get done as fast as possible.

(Granted, the lower the weight, the lower you are in the hierarchy)

Hardcore: Use 225 pounds.
Demigod: Use 135 pounds.
Mere tough-ass mortal: Use any weight you know you can handle for about 20 reps with good form.
This is no doubt pretty hardcore by my standards. Although, I could physical complete the Demigod challenge. The Hardcore would get me at some point. And I'm not trying to waste my cycle, so this isn't something I'm considering.

No doubt this workout is intense, but for an advanced lifter, does it even make sense. Is something like this affective at growing muscle, or just egos?

You can find the article here:

The MusclePharm Hardcore Series 250-Rep Challenge -

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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