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Old 02-14-2019, 03:30 PM
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Default Bodybuilding for Beginners

Found this article on another board and thought it would be great for all the newbs......

1.) Enjoy Being A Beginner!

Being relatively new to bodybuilding is a rush like no other! The simple changes that you could experience in such a short amount of time is exhilarating. Establishing a healthy gym routine will give you a balance, perspective, and a sense of well-being like no other. Tons of guys get hooked on the success they experience in the gym because it allows you to set and achieve goals for yourself that may have at one time seemed impossible.

Don’t get overconfident! I’ve seen to many guys that “live” in the gym crumble in life. Sure they get bigger and stronger, but they lack good structure and their relationships outside of the gym crumble. Being big and strong is great, but if you can’t pay your bills or have any time for your family and friends then is it all really worth it? Some of the biggest names in bodybuilding built amazing physiques by training a few days a week, and who had successful careers and strong family relationships.

2.) Nutrition Is Key

Before you spend tons of money on supplements yours going to need to get your diet dialed in. Now you might be thinking, “Okay, with all these different diets and conflicting information on nutrition out there, how the hell am I supposed to know where to start?” Well, let me start by saying you need to eat actual food- meaning non-processed, natural foods such as meats, vegetables, nuts, fruits, and daily products.

Okay, so now that we have a rough idea on what we should eat I’ll start by answering your next question on “how much you should eat.” Start by looking at your current weight and the amount that you’re already eating on a daily basis and compare that to your goals. Do you want to get bigger? If the amount of food you’re eating is only maintaining the weight that you’re at then eat more! Eating big to get big is a staple that all bodybuilders live by. So follow it and get the results you want and deserve.

3.) Track And Record Your Progress

Keeping a training journal is essential for seeing your progress! How could you know if you’re getting stronger if you can’t remember what you did last time? I’m sure that you track and record what you spend your money on and how much you have left so why wouldn’t you do the same for your strength, size, and overall health.

Here’s a few ways that you could get started:

* Track the weight yours using and the amount of sets you do.

* The perceived difficulty of the workout.

* Personal records that you set for yourself.

* How long you trained for and if you had a partner or not.

Basically, record anything that you think would be useful. My notebooks filled with daily reminders, tips, and my grocery list.

4.) Train Smart, Injuries Do Happen!

Learn safe and effective techniques. I’ve seen plenty of trainers in the gym tell people they have “perfect form” but instead all I see is the “perfect storm.” Trying to explain perfect form isn’t easy, but my best piece of advice is to learn how to trust your body. If something doesn’t feel right don’t do it, put your ego to the side and ask for advice! There’s plenty of information and videos online that will teach you the right way to do things. Just remember if something looks wrong and feels wrong, then it is wrong.

5.) Machines, Free weights, Sets, etc.

As a newbie machines are fine, but as soon as you get the confidence drop them for free weights. Your muscles will respond better to growth when you require them to control the weights. For sets I’d recommend the 3-5 method. It calls for 3-5 workouts a week each with 3-5 sets. Rest is very important between sets and ideally strive for 1-2 minutes between each set you perform. This is a simple method that’s been proven time and time again by athletes and bodybuilder’s around the globe it’s universal and very effective.

6.) Sleep Is Very Important!

Here are a few proven facts about athlete’s and sleep:

* Athletes who sleep less than 8 hours a night have a 1.7 times greater risk of getting injured.

* Getting inadequate sleep greatly hinders new muscle growth.

* Regular sleep loss depresses the immune system and reduces insulin sensitivity leading to fat gain.

* The more sleep you get the more testosterone your body produces making you more anabolic the more sleep you get.

7.) Supplements

Shake it up! Out of all the supplements that are on the market today protein will always be the staple for anyone looking to stay healthy or improve their physique. Sure, “real” food is always good choice, but it’s not always easy to get 1.0 to 2.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight on solid food alone, especially if you have a busy schedule like many of us do. Over the years we came up with a variety of different protein powders to fit all different types of physiques.

8.) Dedication Is The Key To Success

Staying consistent is the key to building the body of your dreams. It will give you structure and discipline to an extent that you never experienced before. Remember the most successful retain what’s called “beginner’s mind,” the moment you think you know that’s when your progress will stop. This is a journey and the road we’re on is not always easy, but if we strive for the best and stay safe it can be very rewarding. Training can be nerve racking when you first start but if you can push yourself past the point of comfort you can achieve great things.
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