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Old 01-01-2023, 02:08 PM
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Default What Is A Feeder Workout And Do They Work?

When considering working out or bodybuilding this year, it's ideal to go for quality over quantity. It can be challenging to start working out, however, the benefits are many. Feeder workouts can be high density, fast and smooth, it takes perseverance to complete sets.

Many people have shown immense progress with these kinds of feeder workouts, and the health benefits are immense.

Let's discuss in detail what feeder workouts are if they work, the benefits from engaging in these workouts, and other important information on bodybuilding.

What is a Feeder Workout?​
Feeder workouts are referred to as small sets of regular workouts. This means that after rigorous bodybuilding, you will undergo another session in the day. However, with feeder workouts, you are targeting some specific muscles using light exercises.

Moreover, let's say Sunday you start with pushing muscles (shoulders, shoulders, chest). Then the following Monday after your regular fitness routine, you choose to undergo feeder workouts on the triceps, shoulder, and chest. This is a person who is done in isolation and allows you fully concentrate on a specific muscle via strict reps.

A good example of a feeder workout recommended for push muscles might be :

Lateral Raise =4 sets 60-110 reps.
Pec Dec = 3 sets, 40-80 reps.
Dumbbell skull crushers = 3 sets 60-120 reps.

The aim of feeder workouts is not to bring out the muscles or pulverize them. These workouts and bodybuilding exercises are low-intensity fitness work to drive many-body nutrients into your muscles.

It is important to know that muscles grow when they are stimulated and fed with rich nutrients.

Types of Feeder workouts​
There are two main types of feeder workouts you can engage in, they are :
Chest Feeder Workouts​
In chest feeder workouts, there are six core body parts to focus on:thighs, calves, arms, shoulder, back, shoulders, and chest. The most stressful thing to build is the chest, and it cannot be done in isolation but with other body parts.

With Chest feeder workouts, you can learn to build muscles around your chest region. Most chest feeder workouts will focus on trapezius muscles and pecs.
Arm feeder workout​
When talking about Arms, these are popular body parts that people are interested in building muscle around. Arms are easy for building muscles and you can see the results easily. Arm feeder workouts will make you excel quickly in fitness exercises and bodybuilding.

Anyone interested in arm feeder workouts should focus more on their biceps and triceps as this will facilitate building essential body parts. It is important to use important workout equipment when basing your arm on feeder workouts.

Are Feeder Workouts Effective?​
Yes, feeder workouts work when you know how to go about it. Here are why feeder workouts work:
Extended protein Synthesis​
When using feeder workouts, they tend to prolong the time increased muscle protein occurs. Usually, when a muscle group is worked on, your body's protein synthesis is heightened for about 30 hours and it returns to its normal stage.

When you perform additional small workouts a day after the first one, your protein synthesis will be extended by another 20-24 hours. What makes this fascinating is that growth will only happen if you do the workout well.

You will experience muscle growth, tissue repair, and recovery when you consume protein and take the caloric surplus.

Enhance Mind-muscle connection​
What this implies is that when you continue doing something expect to be better. If you want your bodybuilding and fitness exercises to have a positive effect on pull-ups, you need to start doing them regularly.

Why this is so is that your muscles are adapting to your fitness habits. Aside from getting bigger, your muscles are getting stronger and your mind is getting better. Feeder workouts can be great when you struggle with some muscle exercises during a lift.
Helps lessen weakness​
After lifting heavy fitness equipment and engaging in bodybuilding exercises, your body muscles become more responsive to intensive workout methods. You get more used to lightweight lifting, high reps, and sit-ups.

This is ideal for strengthening muscles and encourages you to lift heavier compounds. A good example is when you find it difficult with the lockout portion of the overhead press, or higher rep triceps, feeder workouts can be of help.
Increases Blood flow​
Feeder workouts can help your body, by making it easy for blood to circulate easily to the muscles and other body parts. The boost that comes with this blood circulation helps stretch fascia tissue and helps your muscles to grow.

Also, the blood easily helps transport body nutrients to all body parts that need them. For better results with a feeder workout, it is vital to have a good pump in your muscles.

The History Behind Feeder Workout​
Feeder workouts and bodybuilding techniques were developed by Rich Piana. Rich Piana was a lover of everything workouts and exercise. Before he was 15, he won a national physique award in the USA. In 1989, he won the Mr. California award and made several TV appearances when called upon.

His track record is there for everyone to see when it comes to fitness and bodybuilding. While he spent a lot of time engaging in feeder workouts and pumpkin his muscles, he has confessed severally to using anabolic steroids as early as 18 years.

However, he never encouraged anybody to use steroids because he said there are adverse effects that he wouldn't want anyone to suffer. Aside from steroid usage, he was an exceptional figure in bodybuilding and fitness exercises. He preached about the effectiveness of perseverance, tenacity, and patience.

His fitness routines and drills were different from what other fitness instructors or bodybuilders engaged in. In 2017, he died due to a heart attack as his brain was starved of oxygen for more than 40 minutes.

He was in a coma for about 15 days hoping that the swelling in his brain would go down. Unfortunately, he died and when an autopsy was carried out, results showed that his heart and liver were enlarged. He will be sorely missed in the fitness and bodybuilding world.

What is the Best Time For Feeder Workouts?​
Feeder workouts are best carried out after a full training session. Usually, it is ideal to be done after 1-2 days after a thorough workout when a muscle is stretched and the renovation process is on the way.

The reason is that when the muscle needs nutrients and requires enough body fluids and nutrients, it responds easily. According to the developer of feeder workouts, Rich Piana, the late night before going to bed is the best time to engage in feeder workout training. This is because food must have already been taken and recovery is on the way.
Things to Avoid When Undergoing Feeder Workout​
When you want to get the best results on feeder workouts, here are some important tips:
Don't overwork yourself​
Engaging in feeder workouts is fine as long as it is done reasonably. Some people are very anxious to get in shape and tend to strain their body parts and muscles to achieve their aims.

When doing feeder workouts, it isolates some muscles with high rep supersets. When you feel your triceps are holding you back, stay calm and stop workouts. If you notice any troubles with your valves, you can postpone it till the next day.

Start slowly​
Like regular exercises, new fitness enthusiasts who are interested in feeder workouts and other bodybuilding exercises should start slowly. You don't force results when it comes to feeder workouts, you allow your body to adapt to these fitness drills.

You can start 10 minutes today working on your arms, in a few days you increase it to 20 minutes, and so on. In time, your body parts will adapt to these workout sessions and the results will be obvious.
While feeder workouts can produce good results when done regularly, you need to take a good diet. Protein, vitamins, and calories can be good. These nutrients are important to allow your muscles to be firm.

Also, avoid taking carbohydrates at night if you want to engage in feeder workouts. While they can give strength, carbs make you heavy. Ensure you also take enough water and have water by your side during the workouts.
Set realistic workout objectives​
Be real to yourself when engaging in feeder workouts. You can't jump from 5% to 90% in a month. Visible results in bodybuilding and workouts take time and perseverance. You need to set goals that can be achieved and work towards them.
Enroll in a workout class​
While you can work out yourself, a little help from trained bodybuilding experts is helpful. These classes can be online or in bodybuilding forums. Learning from the best will facilitate good results.

Final Thoughts​
A feeder workout is not a get-quick technique. You can't just build your arms and chest muscles in a day. However, feeder workouts can be a good way to increase and grow your muscle.

Anybody in good health can start feeder work and all bodybuilding drills. Feeder workouts help with general strength and muscle expansion.
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