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Old 03-17-2011, 10:50 AM
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Default Upper/Lower Split Routine For Strength and Mass

gaining strength and muscle mass.It was very popular in the old days,but today it's losing its popularity thanks to the muscle magazines that preach about 5 or 6 day splits, "pumping", and "scientific" approach to weightlifting - that usually work only for the drug enhanced weightlifters.

The upper/lower split is a type of weight training schedule that revolves around splitting the body up into two groups - upper body and lower body. Each group is then trained separately on its own workout day.A great thing about the upper/lower split is that legs get a day all to their own, so you have a very balanced workout since you train your legs,the largest muscles in your body,as much as the upper body.

You can work 3 or 4 days a week using the upper/lower split.Training 4 days a week allows you to perform more volume per bodypart in each training session. For some athletes and bodybuilders, this is ideal. Bodybuilders need plenty of volume,and high intensity for maximal muscle growth.Training 3 days a week,on the other hand leaves you with more recovery time.

So depending on your conditioning and recovery capacity you can workout 4 days a week:

Monday - upper body
Tuesday - lower body
Wednesday - rest or light cardio
Thursday - upper body
Friday - lower body
Saturday - rest or cardio
Sunday - rest or cardio
Monday - repeat

or 3 days a week:

Week 1
Monday - upper body
Tuesday - rest or light cardio
Wednesday - lower body
Thursday - rest or light cardio
Friday - upper body
Saturday - rest or cardio
Sunday - rest or cardio

Week 2
Monday -lower body
Tuesday - rest or light cardio
Wednesday - upper body
Thursday - rest or light cardio
Friday - lower body
Saturday - rest or cardio
Sunday - rest or cardio

The idea is to use compound and neurally-demanding exercises like bench press, shoulder press,
squats ,deadlifts and rows instead of isolation exercises for different body parts.

Here is how an example workout would look like:

Lower Body
Squat: 3-4 sets X 6-8 reps
Lying leg curl: 3-4 sets X 6-8 reps
Leg press: 2-3 sets X 10-12 reps
Calf raise: 3-4 sets X 10-12 reps
Upper Body
Flat bench: 3-4 sets X 6-8 reps
Row: 3-4 sets X 6-8 reps
Incline bench or shoulder press: 2-3 sets X 10-12 reps
Pulldown/chin up: 2-3 sets X 10-12 reps
Close grip bench press: 1-2 sets X 12-15 reps ( light )
Biceps curls: 1-2 sets X 12-15 reps ( light )
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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