Training Intensity in Cycles
Lee Haney Training Intensity
Nobody can perform at the peak levels 100% of the time. If you believe you are doing so, the reality is that you're probably delivering at 80% of your potential all of the time. It's impossible to maintain top focus, performance, and delivery in anything you do, every single day. You get tired, lose focus, and bring less to the table at times.
When it comes to training, the same tenets apply. Training in this manner ALL of the time isn't a realistic expectation to possess. Your central nervous system is going to need a rest. Your joints and muscle fibers & receptors are going to tire when they are used at consistently high levels, all of the time.
Many top trainers and professional athletes believe that it is the periods of training at 100% intensity, fulfilling your potential for reaching failure on sets every single time, that deliver the real results that stick you with each year. You can train at 80 or 90% more of your potential all year, but that might not be enough to facilitate new muscle growth, resulting in a situation where you look the same, year round!
One solution to this quagmire is to force your body to train at maximum intensity for 6 weeks in a row, and then consciously make an effort to scale back your training a bit for 2 weeks. This doesn't mean you'll be lazy and worthless in the gym for those two weeks. Rather, you'll simply be ending sets when you may have a little bit of gas left in the tank, or a repetition or two at your disposal. You'll certainly maintain the muscle you've built during that 6-week period, while giving your body the rest.
You should also consider ramping up your diet at the same time. For those 6 weeks that you're working hard to train with 100% intensity all of the time, be sure to exercise complete discipline in the kitchen as well! Don't miss any meals. Give your body the 35 to 50 grams of required protein every 3 hours without fail. You can skip a few meals and enjoy a little bit of junk food during that 2-week period once it arrives. For the time being, you should make it your personal goal to eat at 100% while you are training at 100%.
Nobody can be perfect all of the time. However, a training (and nutrition) schedule like this will allow you the mental "wiggle room" to deliver insane intensity with a light at the end of the tunnel in sight. This will help with mental relaxation and focus, and as we all know, the mental aspect is half of bodybuilding!
Lee Haney Training Intensity in Cycles