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Cornish_Celt 06-21-2012 04:55 PM

Power Muscle Burn 5 Day Powerbuilding Split
Rapidly build size and strength with this powerbuilding 5 day split which focuses on strength building power sets, and crazy-intense burn sets. You have been warned!

Workout Description

This 5 day split is for intermediate lifters who are hungry for rapid size and strength gains. You will notice that deadlift is separated from the back workout day, and grouped with hamstring training. This is a very effective approach, and will allow you to not only blast your back and hamstrings, but also increase your deadlift max. Also, by grouping deadlifts with Romanian deadlifts, you will be hitting your lower back one less training day per week, which is always a good thing.

The Power Muscle Burn System

This Power Muscle Burn training system will help you build muscle and strength by focusing on three different training approaches, all used in the same workout. You will be performing the following types of sets for each muscle group:

1. Power. You will perform power sets to lead off the workout. Power sets are performed in the 3 to 5 rep range. Use the same weight for each of the sets. When you can perform 5 reps for all power sets, move up in weight. Major muscle groups will perform 2-4 power sets per workout, and minor muscle groups will perform 2 power sets per workout. Please note that for some minor muscle groups, power sets do not make sense, or they are not realistic. For example, it is difficult to perform extremely heavy resistance abdominal sets.

2. Muscle. Muscle sets are performed in the 6 to 12 rep range. Use the same weight for each of the sets. When you hit the upper rep limit of 12 for all muscle sets, move up in weight. Major muscle groups will perform 4-6 total muscle sets in each workout, using 2 different exercises. Minor muscle groups will perform 2-4 total muscle sets in each workout, using 1 to 2 exercises. You can also perform a single exercise for 3 sets.

3. Burn. You will perform 1-2 burn sets for each muscle group - generally using isolation movements. Pick a weight that allows you to hit 15 to 20 reps, and then perform 40 total reps. How? Do as many reps as possible, then take a slight rest and perform more reps. Rest only long enough to regain the energy and willpower to perform 1 to 3 more reps. Keep pushing yourself through the pain until you hit 40 total reps. When you can hit 25+ reps from the start without stopping, add weight. Major muscle groups will utilize 1-2 burn sets, minor muscle groups will use 1-2 burn sets.

Power Muscle Burn Notes

Failure - I do not recommend training to failure. Try to perform each set until you feel like you may fail on the next rep, then stop. It's ok if you occasionally fail on a set, but do not purposely try to train to failure on every set.

Progression - You must have the goal of progressing on every set of every workout. Sets performed with a half-hearted effort are wasted. If you lack energy or are pressed for time, it's better to perform fewer quality sets then it is to waste sets.

Small Tweaks - What if I don't like training in the 6 to 12 rep range, and want to train in the 6 to 10 rep range? Then train in the 6 to 10 rep range. What if I don't like training in the 3 to 5 rep range? Then train in the 4 to 6 rep range. 40 burn reps are too difficult!? Then aim for 30 burn reps. Note: small tweaks are ok, as long as you are using the core mechanisms of this program. Don't obsess about the details - obsess about moving weight and getting bigger!

Alternating Exercises - It is not a bad idea to alternate exercises every other week. You can't possibly fit every exercise into every workout. For example: for muscle sets you could hit dumbbell bench presses one week and chest dips the next week.

Total Sets - It is better to start with the minimal amount of sets, and build in to this routine by adding sets if you find you need more work.

Calves - Please note that there are no power sets for calves. I am not convinced that calves respond effectively to lower rep training.

Quads - If you love pain, you can do a single 20 rep set of squats for your quad burn work.

4 Day Power Muscle Burn Split

The 5 Day Power Muscle Burn Powerbuilding split:

Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
Day 2 - Back and Traps
Day 3 - Quads and Calves
Day 4 - OFF
Day 5 - Shoulders and Biceps
Day 6 - Deadlift and Hamstrings
Day 7 - OFF

Cornish_Celt 06-21-2012 05:04 PM

Note: This is a sample template. Feel free to "swap" in any appropriate (and favorite) exercises.

Chest and Triceps

Bench Press - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Incline Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Flys - Burn 1 x 40
Closegrip Bench Press - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Seated French Press - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Cable Tricep Extension - Burn 1 x40

Back and Traps

Barbell Rows - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Dumbbell Rows - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Lat Pull Down - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Seated Cable Row - Burn 1 x 40
Power Barbell Shrugs - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Dumbbell Shrugs - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Power Barbell Shrugs - Burn 1 x 40

Quads and Calves

Squat - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Leg Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Front Squat - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Leg Press - Burn 1 x 40

Seated Calf Raise - Muscle 2 x 10 to 15
45 Degree Calf Raise - Burn 2 x 40

Shoulders and Biceps

Seated Barbell Press - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Seated Arnold Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Barbell Front Raise - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise - Burn 1 x 40
Pinwheel Curls - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Standing Barbell Curl - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Cable Preacher Curl - Burn 1-2 x 40

Deadlift and Hamstrings
Deadlift - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Romanian Deadlift - Muscle 3-4 x 6 to 12
Leg Curl - Muscle 3-4 x 6 to 12
Leg Curl - Burn 1 x 40

Good luck and enjoy the pain!

James42 05-03-2013 10:23 AM

I really like the looks of this routine. Thanks for posting it cc

Cornish_Celt 06-27-2013 09:46 AM

I'm going to have a go at this on too, really like the look of it!

stillgoingstron 06-27-2013 12:18 PM

James42 took the words right out of my mouth - literally. Will def give this a go sometime in the future. Thanks CC

Nalle 08-11-2013 09:41 PM

From SS wiki:


There are three VERY important point to take away from the repetition continuum.

First, strength and endurance cannot OPTIMALLY be developed at the same time since they are opposite of each other. This is why if you can do 50 dips and you start working weighted dips, your 50 dips will probably be a lower 30 or so the next time you try.

Developing maximal strength increases the potential for maximum endurance. This is why cyclists often work maximum strength work in their offseason. However, the potential for endurance must be realized by actually doing endurance work after strength is developed.

Strength takes longer to develop than endurance/conditioning.
So my question is - why go above 20 reps on "burn" excersice?

toon22 04-21-2014 10:17 PM

very Nice
Starting this Today!

13uie67 04-21-2014 11:00 PM

what r pinwheel curls?

Cornish_Celt 04-22-2014 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by 13uie67 (Post 35241)
what r pinwheel curls?

13uie67 05-02-2014 12:03 AM

never heard anybody call it tht way... i love it tht i can still learn things in this sport even after years of being apart of it... lov it thanks cc

toon22 05-02-2014 01:33 AM

I like it
Been working good for me. Monday's used to be my off day but the fact that it breaks legs into two days is great since I have a physically demanding job. Good sacrifice

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