I had a PM from a memeber asking the for advise, i have put the questions in bold,With my answers below Feel free to add any advice or views you fellas have
"If i stop training will my muscle turns into fat"
muscle does not turn into fat!

When you stop training your muscles will loose atrophy (size) and your metabolism will slow down, so if you carry on eating the same amount of food as you did when you was training to look bigger then you will for sure start to gain fat.
]"will weight training bulk me up and will i look too big"[/B]
To be fair this is only something you would normally hear women say, it's not often you hear a fella say i wan't to keep my pear shape body and keep my skinny arms and legs. Well the truth is hypertrophy (growing muscle) is harder for women as they produce 50-60% less testosterone thana fella which is the number one hormone for muscle growth, so as a woman you shouldn't worry about getting too big using the weights. As for looking too big (bulking up) this is something that some bodybuilders and other athletes do off season, maybe gain 50lbs to keep their body in an anabolic state to gain muscle mass. Some of them eat even more and this makes them look fat, so...you will only get bulky if you eat excessive amounts, like 10,000 calories a day like they do. So, weight training and muscles are not to be blamed, it’s a bad diet that’s to blame for a “bulky” look.
B] " Will Running a mile will burn more fat than walking it"[/B]
When it comes to calorie-burning, in this case it’s the distance, not how fast you run, that determines the amount of calories you burn. You’ll burn the same amount running a mile as just walking a mile. Sure, your heart will have to work at a higher heart rate for awhile when you run, which is good for heart health, but if your goal is calorie loss, it doesn’t matter which one you do.
When it comes to losing fat, I would pick walking. It takes longer which is good for fat burn because it takes about 20min or so for your body to start utilizing your fat as an energy source and the lower heart rates allow your body to use energy systems that are more efficient when it comes to burning fat. Heart rates around 55-60% of your maximum heart rate (220-(your age)=maximum heart rate) for a period of at least 30min is optimal for just burning fat.
"Shall i do 1000 sit ups everyday to get a 6 pack"
you can do 1000 sit ups everyday this would give you very strong rectus abs and core, but if you want that 6 pack then you will have to cut out all the junk food and concentrate on your diet, eating the correct food and drinking the right fluids like water, not beer will get you the 6 pack fella