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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2025, 03:32 PM
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Default Ending The Search for the Best Diet and Best Workout

Alex Roberts
Ending The Search for the Best Diet and Best Workout
One size does not fit all.

This statement rings true regarding all aspects of life, from shoe size to height to weight and even to personality. When it comes to creating a nutrition and workout program, no two people should use the exact same strategy or approach to maximize their potential.

However, the majority of the general population is not overly enthusiastic about working out and living a healthy lifestyle. They often approach a fitness trainer or online coach with the same repetitive questions (over and over again)?
Random person: ?Bro what kind of workouts are you doing currently??

Response: ?It depends.?

Random person: ?Dude what do you usually eat??

Response: ?Everything.?

Most people are likely to flounder when they lack a solid grasp of nutritional foundamentals including caloric maintenance levels, macronutrients, and proper programming. They are likely to spend months, if not years, doing random workouts without any sort of rhyme or reason. Furthermore, they are the same people that believe they will get ripped simply by consuming quinoa, almonds, and granola because these are obviously ?healthy foods - no matter how much of them you eat.?

The point being made here is that popular diet and workout programs attempt to cater to the masses. They provide generic routines and cookie cutter diet plans.

There is currently a diet plan being advertised on television (the name escapes me at the moment) based oon fitting your meals into pre-portioned containers. Big red container is for your protein source, medium blue container is for veggies, and small yellow container is for fruit. You can put (and eat) as much food as possible into these containers, as long as it fits.

The cost is $50 dollars. What are you getting? An extremely inaccurate form of food portion control.

Most widely available diet and workout programs are flawed for this very reason. They don't allow the individual to set personalized goals.

Do yourself a favor. Ditch the commercial meal plans and workout programs. Ask yourself the following questions.
How to Find the Best Diet and Workout for You
What is my goal?
No your goal isn't to get more toned. And no you won't get too big from lifting.

Is your goal to lose weight? Figure out your maintenance level of calories and begin a slow, steady, progressive cut.

Is your goal to put on size? Once again figure out your maintenance level of calories and slowly increase calories adding 1-2 pounds per month at a slow and steady rate.
How long will it take to reach my goal?
Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. This means they should be:
Make your goal specific. For example, say ?I want to lose 20 pounds in 15 weeks for my wedding? which is a much more realistic and specific goal opposed to a general statement such as I want to lose weight and get into shape.

Without a specific goal in mind the individual is simply spinning their wheels. Without any sort of way to measure progress, they are unlikely to reach their goals.
Woman on Treadmill
Without any sort of way to measure progress, you are unlikely to reach your goals.
Am I currently on the right path to reach my goal?
By setting specific, measurable goals each individual can measure their progress. Why do you want to measure progress? So you can adjust variables and make adjustments as needed.

You started your cut 10 weeks ago at 2,500 calories but have hit a plateau. This means cut calories further, incorporate additional cardio, or do a combination of the two.

The importance of measuring your progress is to ensure you are on the right path to success.
Am I dedicated to my goals?
The reason why over two-thirds of Americans are overweight is because they simply are not dedicated to reaching their goals. Many have attempted to lose weight by embarking upon crash diets or excessive cardio, but they simply did not put in their full effort and do everything possible to reach their goals.

Are you measuring your food and every last calorie consumed? Are you logging your workouts and making sure you are progressing? Are you being honest with yourself or cheating on your diet sneaking in that sporadic trip to Baskin Robbins frequently?

Be true to yourself because in the end nobody can make you accountable for your own actions.
Why am I setting these goals?
The reasons for setting personal goals are not the important factor. Nobody cares if you?re doing it for the right reasons?just have a reason.

The reasons may be health-related, vanity-related, or self-improvement. Whatever the case may be, always keep that end goal in mind.

Maybe you?re overweight and want to be in better health for your kids sake or you've always been that skinny kid in high school and want to gain some self-confidence. Practice visual imagery that allows you to stay focused on these goals. Whenever you begin to feel demotivated return to that original image in your mind and motivation will quickly return.
There is No One-Size-Fits-All
Going back to my original statement, no one size fits all.

Every single person has a reason for setting goals but each of us will follow a different path to get there. Become informed and take time to understand what will help you succeed. Each person is unique and every diet plan and workout routine must be tailor made to fit the person using it.

You probably don't wear the same shoe size as Joe Blow down the street, odds are you probably shouldn?t be using his workout plan either. Find out what works best for you, create a plan, and stick to it. What is the best plan to follow? The one that you can stick to and follow through to completion.
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