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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2022, 01:52 PM
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Default Blow Up Your Back

Close Grip Lat Pulldowns – 3-4 Sets, 10-12 Reps
This exercise is a vertical pulling movement that targets your lats. The key is to really drive with your elbows and control the weight with your lats, getting a full stretch at the top. Try to eliminate any movement in your biceps or traps and just focus on having full control of the weight with your lats.

Single Arm Machine Row – 3 Sets, 8-10 Reps
This exercise targets your lats from the horizontal plane. If you don’t have a single arm row machine, you can substitute a dumbbell row but make sure you’re driving your elbows down and back to activate your lats. Keep your chest up, control the eccentric portion of the movement and zone in on your lats the entire time. Once again, try to minimize any pulling with your biceps or traps.

Chest Supported High Row – 3 Sets, 10 Reps
This exercise is focused on back thickness so we’re targeting more of the rhomboids and mid/low trap region. This time, pull with your elbows flared out to target these muscles and really build that back density.

Chest Supported Rear Delt Dumbbell Flyes – 3 Sets, 12-15 Reps
Your back is already warmed up so this is the perfect way to throw on some rear delt work. Keep your chest slightly off the bench, squeeze your elbows back to fully contract the rear delts, pull the weights up explosively and stretch into your rear delts as you bring the weights back down. Every rep should have your rear delts burning!

Rack Pulls – 2 Sets Of 8 Reps
This is the last and hardest exercise to tie everything together! This is a great exercise for density and thickness, targeting your lats, mid back, upper back, rear delts, and lower back. Make sure you start with a few warmup sets and don’t allow your form to break. Focus on bringing the weight down slowly and squeezing into your lats when locking out.
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