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Newbie Trainer 09-03-2009 07:07 PM

any advice?
Any advice for a new guy ?

ive just started out weight training and would like to know if anyone has any advice on what methods would be best for me ?

Robbie 09-03-2009 07:32 PM

welcome bro , good question , ill try and answer best i can :)

Many times beginning bodybuilders make the mistake of using the routines of professional bodybuilders featured on magazines, when instead they should be using a routine that is geared towards their level. A good beginning routine that uses minimum equipment (namely a pair of dumbbells and a bench) is the following:

3 Days A Week Full Body Routine:
(Perform on 3 non-consecutive days such as Mon/Wed/Fri)

75 Degree Incline DB Bench Press
DB Bench Press
One Arm Rows
DB Pullovers
Bent Over Lateral Raises
DB Upright Rows
Dumbbell Curls
Overhead Triceps Extensions
Leg Extensions
DB Squats
DB Lunges (Press with heels)
Lying Leg Curls
Calf Raises

NOTE: DB = Dumbbell

How to Progress:
Perform 2 sets of each exercise for 10-12 reps and rest 1 minute in between sets. Move up to 3 sets after 4 weeks. At 2 sets per exercise the routine lasts 45 minutes if you rest 1 minute in between sets. At 3 sets it lasts 60 minutes. Do cardio on the days off (20-30 minutes) and also do abs (4 sets of Leg Raises and swiss ball crunches for 15-40 reps).

Remember to warm up before you start (maybe by training abs) and to also stretch before and after training !

Full body workouts will help ease you into body building , when you find you hit a platau you can switch it up in body part split routines but more on that at another time :)

tailhold 09-04-2009 12:34 AM

Along with what Robbie has said i would add in squats and deadlift at least once a week. You might start with lumberjack squats (just search google for them) they will help you develop proper squat form and don't compress the spine much and when you are ready for more weight move on to back squats.

I am a big believer in big compound lifts for building size.

Newbie Trainer 09-04-2009 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 138)
DB Squats

Arnt these squats ? theses are off the list of exercises Robbie put up.
Should i do these aswell as squats then Tailhold :confused:

Robbie 09-04-2009 06:57 PM

DB Squats are ok , you can do other variations if you like but i thought that because your new to training DB squats would be easier for you

admin 09-07-2009 09:33 AM

Great advices.

andy 10-01-2009 09:04 AM

Sorry mate, but IMO - this is WAAAAAYYYY too much!!!!

no wonder the poor lad is sore - its overkill to the max lol.

for me, it should look something like this

deads/squats (alternated per session)
flat bench
lat pulldowns/chins
wide grip row (seated/bent over/machine)
Overhead press
calf raises
bicep curls

and thats it.... half the exercises.. and everything covered!

all 3x10 to start with, and switch exercises to taste... although i always work on heaviest first myself while im fresher.

its too easy to think that more exercises = more growth but thats not neccesarily the case.. far better to add lbs to the bar than to add extra exercises in for me!


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 138)
welcome bro , good question , ill try and answer best i can :)

Many times beginning bodybuilders make the mistake of using the routines of professional bodybuilders featured on magazines, when instead they should be using a routine that is geared towards their level. A good beginning routine that uses minimum equipment (namely a pair of dumbbells and a bench) is the following:

3 Days A Week Full Body Routine:
(Perform on 3 non-consecutive days such as Mon/Wed/Fri)

75 Degree Incline DB Bench Press
DB Bench Press
One Arm Rows
DB Pullovers
Bent Over Lateral Raises
DB Upright Rows
Dumbbell Curls
Overhead Triceps Extensions
Leg Extensions
DB Squats
DB Lunges (Press with heels)
Lying Leg Curls
Calf Raises

NOTE: DB = Dumbbell

How to Progress:
Perform 2 sets of each exercise for 10-12 reps and rest 1 minute in between sets. Move up to 3 sets after 4 weeks. At 2 sets per exercise the routine lasts 45 minutes if you rest 1 minute in between sets. At 3 sets it lasts 60 minutes. Do cardio on the days off (20-30 minutes) and also do abs (4 sets of Leg Raises and swiss ball crunches for 15-40 reps).

Remember to warm up before you start (maybe by training abs) and to also stretch before and after training !

Full body workouts will help ease you into body building , when you find you hit a platau you can switch it up in body part split routines but more on that at another time :)

omni 02-06-2010 10:01 PM

I agree with Andy. Its basic and you'll be able to recover fully before your each workout. Make sure you get your diet in check or you'll be waisting your time.- Keep a journal and your workouts under an hour so you don't get burned out.

cyberfitnessguru 03-09-2010 05:37 AM

Be sure to do your cardino AFTER your weight training.

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