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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2014, 07:55 AM
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Default The Old School ‘Steak and Eggs’ Diet for Fat Loss, Balanced Energy, and Increased Tes

When it comes to burning bodyfat simplicity is often overlooked in favor of needlessly complicated systems and plans for losing weight. People will needlessly try to count calories, mix and match several different ingredients to “activate their fat-burning” abilities, eliminate all high calorie foods, or drink nothing but juice for a week. And they end up right back where they started – with unwanted bodyfat!

Well, I am here to tell you their is an easier way, a simpler way, and a funner way.

It’s called ‘Steak and Eggs‘.

The Steak and Eggs diet was developed by famous bodybuilding trainer Vince Gironda as a way to burn off all excess bodyfat.

It is the simplest diet in existence and it is one of the most effective.

[pullquote]The Steak and Eggs diet is exactly what it sounds like – you eat Steak and Eggs, cooked in butter, and you watch the fat melt off.[/pullquote]

You eat only two meals per day: Breakfast and Supper, or Lunch and Dinner. For meal #1 you eat 3/4 lb to 1 1/2 pounds of steak and 4-6 eggs. For meal #2 you eat the exact same thing. Cook your Steak and Eggs in butter, as much butter as you want, and season with salt and pepper. Prepare your eggs any way you like, fried, scrambled, sunny side up, poached, or hard boiled. No carbohydrates, no vegetables, no other foods, no snacks, no drinks except water, black coffee and unsweetened tea.

Every 6th day is a cheat day and you can eat whatever you want. Ice cream, pies, alcohol, McDonalds – nothing is off limits.

That’s 5 days of Steak and Eggs and one day of glorious gluttony. Repeat until lean.

Isn’t it hard to eat only Steak and Eggs?

It is only mentally hard. Physically you feel great on this diet. Once you get past the mental aspect of eating the same thing it’s as easy as going to McDonalds and ordering a #3 supersized with a coke.

Won’t I be hungry all the time if I just eat two meals of Steak and Eggs?

At first maybe. After you get used to it you will not even notice hunger. Fat and protein are very satiating and fulfilling. It is when we eat carbohydrates that our bodies signal us to eat more and more. Everyone knows the joke about being hungry 30 minutes after eating Chinese food – because it is mostly rice and other carbohydrates. Fat and protein provide long lasting energy. Someone can sit around and snack on carbohydrates like potato chips and cookies all day but you cannot snack on steak all day because you will get full.

But isn’t Steak and Eggs cooked in Butter high in fat and unhealthy?

It is high in fat, yes. Unhealthy, no. What you don’t hear on the nightly news is that saturated fat is essential for health, vitality and testosterone. You can simply take a look around you and notice how many obese people avoid fat like it is evil incarnate. Well that’s just plain untrue. Fat is essential for maintaining a lean weight. You need to eat fat because fat provides steady energy throughout the day. When you don’t eat fat you simply keep eating (in humans it’s called snacking, in animals it’s called grazing).*All grazing animals are fat and all snacking humans are fat.

How does the Steak and Eggs diet burn bodyfat?

The Steak and Eggs diet is a ketogenic diet. That means it is a high-fat, moderate protein, zero carbohydrate diet. When carbohydrates are eliminated as a source of energy your body is forced to burn fat as fuel. For the ketogenic diet to work you must eat high fat and not eat carbohydrates.

How does the Steak and Eggs diet give you balanced energy?

On the Steak and Eggs diet you do not consume any carbohydrates. When you eat carbohydrates you spike your insulin which results in bursts of energy and fatigue. Everyone at the office knows of the after lunch slump when all you want to do is sleep. That is because of the carbohydrates consumed at lunch. When you eliminate the carbohydrates you eliminate the insulin spikes and your energy stays steady throughout the day.

Vince Gironda - a Lean, Mean, Steak Eating Machine

How does the Steak and Eggs diet increase testosterone?

Simple. Fat and cholesterol are the building blocks of testosterone and must be consumed in order to*naturally increase testosterone.

Can I eat other meats besides Steak?

Well then int wouldn’t be the Steak and Eggs diet would it? If you need to replace a meal here or there with another meat it is no problem, but keep the bulk of the diet Steak, Eggs and butter.

Won’t I be missing out on essential vitamins and minerals if I am not eating vegetables?

Let’s see. 3 ounces of beef provides the same amount of Iron as 2 3/4 cups of raw spinach. 4 ounces of beef gives you 40% of your daily requirement of Zinc. 4 ounces of beef gives you 40% of your daily requirement of Selenium. 4 ounces of beef gives your nearly 50% of your daily requirement of vitamin B12 and 25% of your daily requirement of vitamin B6. Beef is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Eggs contain Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium.

How long should I do this diet?

As long as you want to or need to.

Who is the Steak and Eggs diet for?

Anyone who wants to naturally burn some bodyfat, lose weight, have steady energy and increase testosterone.

Rules to Remember:

Don’t be afraid of eating fat! You MUST eat high fat in order for this diet to work.*If you eat zero carbohydrates and low fat your body will go into what it called*Rabbit Starvation*(or protein poisoning). Protein by itself is toxic and must be accompanied by carbohydrates or fats.

Never give in and snack on “just one”. It is never just one, it will always lead to more and more until eventually you’ve eaten the whole box.

Alcohol is off limits while on the Steak and Eggs diet.

Remember, five days in a row of Steak and Eggs, one day of high carbohydrates, lower fat cheat day. You will notice after your carbohydrates cheat day you will look great in the mirror. That is because your muscles may look flat and depleted while on a ketogenic diet, when you eat carbohydrates they fill up with water and look spectacular
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2014, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by eazy View Post
when it comes to burning bodyfat simplicity is often overlooked in favor of needlessly complicated systems and plans for losing weight. People will needlessly try to count calories, mix and match several different ingredients to “activate their fat-burning” abilities, eliminate all high calorie foods, or drink nothing but juice for a week. And they end up right back where they started – with unwanted bodyfat!

Well, i am here to tell you their is an easier way, a simpler way, and a funner way.

It’s called ‘steak and eggs‘.

The steak and eggs diet was developed by famous bodybuilding trainer vince gironda as a way to burn off all excess bodyfat.

It is the simplest diet in existence and it is one of the most effective.

[pullquote]the steak and eggs diet is exactly what it sounds like – you eat steak and eggs, cooked in butter, and you watch the fat melt off.[/pullquote]

you eat only two meals per day: Breakfast and supper, or lunch and dinner. For meal #1 you eat 3/4 lb to 1 1/2 pounds of steak and 4-6 eggs. For meal #2 you eat the exact same thing. Cook your steak and eggs in butter, as much butter as you want, and season with salt and pepper. Prepare your eggs any way you like, fried, scrambled, sunny side up, poached, or hard boiled. No carbohydrates, no vegetables, no other foods, no snacks, no drinks except water, black coffee and unsweetened tea.

Every 6th day is a cheat day and you can eat whatever you want. Ice cream, pies, alcohol, mcdonalds – nothing is off limits.

That’s 5 days of steak and eggs and one day of glorious gluttony. Repeat until lean.

Isn’t it hard to eat only steak and eggs?

It is only mentally hard. Physically you feel great on this diet. Once you get past the mental aspect of eating the same thing it’s as easy as going to mcdonalds and ordering a #3 supersized with a coke.

Won’t i be hungry all the time if i just eat two meals of steak and eggs?

At first maybe. After you get used to it you will not even notice hunger. Fat and protein are very satiating and fulfilling. It is when we eat carbohydrates that our bodies signal us to eat more and more. Everyone knows the joke about being hungry 30 minutes after eating chinese food – because it is mostly rice and other carbohydrates. Fat and protein provide long lasting energy. Someone can sit around and snack on carbohydrates like potato chips and cookies all day but you cannot snack on steak all day because you will get full.

But isn’t steak and eggs cooked in butter high in fat and unhealthy?

It is high in fat, yes. Unhealthy, no. What you don’t hear on the nightly news is that saturated fat is essential for health, vitality and testosterone. You can simply take a look around you and notice how many obese people avoid fat like it is evil incarnate. Well that’s just plain untrue. Fat is essential for maintaining a lean weight. You need to eat fat because fat provides steady energy throughout the day. When you don’t eat fat you simply keep eating (in humans it’s called snacking, in animals it’s called grazing).*all grazing animals are fat and all snacking humans are fat.

How does the steak and eggs diet burn bodyfat?

The steak and eggs diet is a ketogenic diet. That means it is a high-fat, moderate protein, zero carbohydrate diet. When carbohydrates are eliminated as a source of energy your body is forced to burn fat as fuel. For the ketogenic diet to work you must eat high fat and not eat carbohydrates.

How does the steak and eggs diet give you balanced energy?

On the steak and eggs diet you do not consume any carbohydrates. When you eat carbohydrates you spike your insulin which results in bursts of energy and fatigue. Everyone at the office knows of the after lunch slump when all you want to do is sleep. That is because of the carbohydrates consumed at lunch. When you eliminate the carbohydrates you eliminate the insulin spikes and your energy stays steady throughout the day.

Vince gironda - a lean, mean, steak eating machine

how does the steak and eggs diet increase testosterone?

Simple. Fat and cholesterol are the building blocks of testosterone and must be consumed in order to*naturally increase testosterone.

Can i eat other meats besides steak?

Well then int wouldn’t be the steak and eggs diet would it? If you need to replace a meal here or there with another meat it is no problem, but keep the bulk of the diet steak, eggs and butter.

Won’t i be missing out on essential vitamins and minerals if i am not eating vegetables?

Let’s see. 3 ounces of beef provides the same amount of iron as 2 3/4 cups of raw spinach. 4 ounces of beef gives you 40% of your daily requirement of zinc. 4 ounces of beef gives you 40% of your daily requirement of selenium. 4 ounces of beef gives your nearly 50% of your daily requirement of vitamin b12 and 25% of your daily requirement of vitamin b6. Beef is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Eggs contain calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

How long should i do this diet?

As long as you want to or need to.

Who is the steak and eggs diet for?

Anyone who wants to naturally burn some bodyfat, lose weight, have steady energy and increase testosterone.

Rules to remember:

Don’t be afraid of eating fat! You must eat high fat in order for this diet to work.*if you eat zero carbohydrates and low fat your body will go into what it called*rabbit starvation*(or protein poisoning). Protein by itself is toxic and must be accompanied by carbohydrates or fats.

Never give in and snack on “just one”. It is never just one, it will always lead to more and more until eventually you’ve eaten the whole box.

Alcohol is off limits while on the steak and eggs diet.

Remember, five days in a row of steak and eggs, one day of high carbohydrates, lower fat cheat day. You will notice after your carbohydrates cheat day you will look great in the mirror. That is because your muscles may look flat and depleted while on a ketogenic diet, when you eat carbohydrates they fill up with water and look spectacular
sounds like a heavy adkins !! Sounds good though ! good read eazy
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2014, 09:09 AM
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I could almost have written it myself.

As for fat phobia and the idea that eating red meat/saturated fat etc, my cholesterol at the age of 52 was pretty much perfect and has hardly changed since I first had it tested maybe 20 years ago.

I get so frustrated when people I know who say they have high cholesterol and therefore won't touch eggs and red meat and live on pasta and wholegrain bread etc. They even eat processed easy spread butter rather than the real thing!! Arghh!!!!!! I have so many bruises on my head from banging it on a wall because of these people.

I can also vouch for the fact that ketogenic diets work for fat loss. I've never done a 'steak and eggs' diet as I just couldn't justify spending that kind of money. So I call my version the 'beef mince, tuna, chicken and eggs' diet

Another good post Eazy. Just hope people realise you are not trying to kill us all.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2014, 07:04 PM
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Hhhhmmmm.... I might have to give this a shot......
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2014, 07:54 PM
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Sorry, I don't buy into this....................

Originally Posted by eazy View Post
Protein by itself is toxic and must be accompanied by carbohydrates or fats.
I'm a hard knock flier and a rainbow rider, a straight shootin' son of a gun...

DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to be wrong on every statement I make....
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2014, 04:09 AM
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So could you do this at any point either cutting or putting on mass ?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2014, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by BigBabs View Post
So could you do this at any point either cutting or putting on mass ?
i wouldnt say in the cutting dept bro.. simply becasue steak has alot of saturated fats in it.. i guess you could but it would only go so far,,, and i dont know what ur goals are as far as cutting but steak wouldnt be a good chioce for cutting..although you can add tht to ur diet ofr cutting .. but as far as mass gains.. this is on the top of the foods to eat.. and steak and eggs is nothing but protein no carbs at all..
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2014, 04:27 AM
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That's perfect !! Going for the mass effect, think m gonna try this when my order arrives!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2014, 04:32 AM
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Originally Posted by BigBabs View Post
That's perfect !! Going for the mass effect, think m gonna try this when my order arrives!!
awesome ,, im actually waiting on my last package as well.. rememeber its important tht u map out ur diet for what works for u bro.. becasue tht where the gains are produced,,, make sure tht u reach ur quota on caloried ,proteins, & carbs w/fats.. very important..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2014, 04:47 AM
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I just don't know if I could discipline my self to eat only twice a day, of course I've never tried it so I can't say it wouldn't.

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