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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 04:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Ftblk36 View Post
Your point about saturated fat is simply economics. What I mean is, in the early 70's Nixon was going for re-election and had various things to overcome. One was food prices, he needed them to go down but to do that he needed the farmers on board. Enter Earl Butz from Indiana who was an academic who started the industrial farming we all now know as the norm. Mostly farmers where encouraged to grow corn and where subsidised for growing it. Grow enough of something for long enough and you have a glut of it, like the EU butter 'mountains' of the 90's etc. Butz along with Japanese scientists came up with High Fructose Corn Syrup, product made from corn. This found it's way into nearly every processed food, pizza, burgers, fries, etc. Everyone was getting fatter and no one saw the link between the two. This is when a companies started selling low fat foods, as the claim that high saturated fat foods where to blame. A claim backed by the FDA and the government at the time. Well what where they going to do with all the corn syrup produced? Companies created low fat diets, and added HFCS for flavour, sheen, etc. Simple economics, make money and damned the consquences.

Put it this way in 1966 the average BMI of people over 30 in America sat at 1.2% for men and 1.8% for women. In 1989 it stood at 10.6% for men and 14.0% for women. HFCS and sugar and processed food are the real killers out there. I'm with CC, crack an egg and use it, not out of a bottle. I prefer the whole egg myself but thats just me. Real food and watch your labels. Just saying......
Interesting. I knew that corn sugar, as they wanted to call it, was a huge contributor. Additionally, after the low fat diet craze, people didn't get any healthier, actually it was almost opposite.

(I'm not trying to be coy, these are meant to get your guys opinion. I just am not always good at remembering to be fastidious. I sometimes forget to offer nuance in written word. Many things I write are meant to be formed as questions, but come out as statements.)

Let me ask this, is the only real reason we should watch fat intake have to do with calories then?

What I mean is, how does fat fit into the mastery of macros? I hear people adjust carbs when cutting, and up their protein. But if fats are not bad, couldn't we get a even larger chunk of our caloric needs from them?

Hypothetically of course.

Many like to use the 40/40/20, but why if fats are ok. How does the body use it I guess would be the answer. Isnt carbs & protein needed for mass? I read the body uses carbs as its preferred source of energy, and then protein.

(I spend entirely too much time reading fitness articles, and need more real world experience and to hear what others do)

Also, I started working on my log tonight, and realized something, much of the food doesn't even list what kind of fat it has. It will say something along the lines of 5g of fat, with 2.5 coming from sat. Nothing about the rest. I'd like to know why that is ok.

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Last edited by new-Jedi; 08-08-2015 at 04:37 AM.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post
This is an excellent post from ftblk36

Another point to consider is that the world cannot produce enough animals to feed its population and a way was needed to encourage people to eat produce made from wheat/corn/sugar/etc and what better way than to scaremonger us into avoiding or at least drastically reducing our desire for meat than to publish report after report after scientific study showing that saturated fat and red meat and just about everything about meat is unhealthy!
Seriously! A low fat bagel is better for us that a rib eye steak!!!! No chance.
Your logic is impeccable.

This is off subject, but I read a study the other day that said that we crave salt (high sodium foods), and this addiction is possibly the root of all our addictions. Which include food addictions, food with high levels of high fructose corn syrups.

I lived next to a company that made that stuff, it's crazy how it's done.

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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by new-Jedi View Post
Interesting. I knew that corn sugar, as they wanted to call it, was a huge contributor. Additionally, after the low fat diet craze, people didn't get any healthier, actually it was almost opposite.

(I'm not trying to be coy, these are meant to get your guys opinion. I just am not always good at remembering to be fastidious. I sometimes forget to offer nuance in written word. Many things I write are meant to be formed as questions, but come out as statements.)

Let me ask this, is the only real reason we should watch fat intake have to do with calories then?

What I mean is, how does fat fit into the mastery of macros? I hear people adjust carbs when cutting, and up their protein. But if fats are not bad, couldn't we get a even larger chunk of our caloric needs from them?

Hypothetically of course.

Many like to use the 40/40/20, but why if fats are ok. How does the body use it I guess would be the answer. Isnt carbs & protein needed for mass? I read the body uses carbs as its preferred source of energy, and then protein.

(I spend entirely too much time reading fitness articles, and need more real world experience and to hear what others do)

Also, I started working on my log tonight, and realized something, much of the food doesn't even list what kind of fat it has. It will say something along the lines of 5g of fat, with 2.5 coming from sat. Nothing about the rest. I'd like to know why that is ok.
Stop overthinking this and stop trying to follow other diets. Most are written as a starting point. "Listen" to your body it will tell you what you need to know.
Start reading what you're writing before you post, listen to the intonation and make sure you say what you want, that should stop people getting at you and start getting you.
As far as fat content in food, that's all they have to put on labels. Too much information for the public is a BAD thing.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Ftblk36 View Post
Stop overthinking this and stop trying to follow other diets. Most are written as a starting point. "Listen" to your body it will tell you what you need to know.
Start reading what you're writing before you post, listen to the intonation and make sure you say what you want, that should stop people getting at you and start getting you.
As far as fat content in food, that's all they have to put on labels. Too much information for the public is a BAD thing.

Follow others diets? Overthinking it? Man, others have claimed I do not think about it enough. Not sure where I ever said I follow anyones diet. I eat the same meal four to five times a day. The discussion was on fat wasn’t it?

To be honest, I could care little for anyone getting at me. I can’t and won’t ever spend a second of my life carrying what negative people have to say. Dude has been entirely unreasonable to anyone asking questions. Has never offered anyone a kind word, and has always taken issue with me, we had a falling out over his hurt feelings. Half the people on forums say read more information, some dont like questions being asked, others do not like it when you offer up products you are using, some dont like PCT, others say it silly to not worry about it.

Sure, there is vast amounts of information on the internet. I ask to gauge what others are thinking, nothing more or nothing less. I then choose which ones I will put stock in and which ones I will decide are erroneous and a waste of time. And I live with the consequences. I am not sure why anyone cares.

I am again not trying to be coy, thanks for your advice, but I did nothing wrong by asking any question I’v ever asked. You and anyone else has the power to just ignore threads.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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Last edited by new-Jedi; 08-08-2015 at 07:10 AM.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 07:21 AM
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Dude, don't mean to poke my nose where it shouldn't be, but r u trying to get banned?

Originally Posted by new-Jedi View Post
Follow others diets? Overthinking it? Man, others have claimed I do not think about it enough. Not sure where I ever said I follow anyones diet. I eat the same meal four to five times a day. The discussion was on fat wasn’t it?

To be honest, I could care little for anyone getting at me. I can’t and won’t ever spend a second of my life carrying what negative people have to say. Dude has been entirely unreasonable to anyone asking questions. Has never offered anyone a kind word, and has always taken issue with me, we had a falling out over his hurt feelings. Half the people on forums say read more information, some dont like questions being asked, others do not like it when you offer up products you are using, some dont like PCT, others say it silly to not worry about it.

Sure, there is vast amounts of information on the internet. I ask to gauge what others are thinking, nothing more or nothing less. I then choose which ones I will put stock in and which ones I will decide are erroneous and a waste of time. And I live with the consequences. I am not sure why anyone cares.

I am again not trying to be coy, thanks for your advice, but I did nothing wrong by asking any question I’v ever asked. You and anyone else has the power to just ignore threads.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by tj805 View Post
Dude, don't mean to poke my nose where it shouldn't be, but r u trying to get banned?
If sticking up for myself equals that, then sure. His comment was backhanded. By offering advice at how to not have people "get at me" he was basically claiming I deserved to be get at,

I asked valid questions, even stated I'm asking valid question, real questions.

Look, I have too much pride to not stick up for myself. Those who supposedly get at me, called me "bitch, etc." but I'm supposed to sit back and be like yes sir, no sir. Not in my nature. Frankly, can't think of a reason anyone should not stick up for themselves.

I offer respect to everyone, but I stop as soon as they stop. I havnt started anything, not once. Only respond to people honestly.

My honest assessment to those that don't offer respect, why should I give a crap what they think. That's what I told him. And simple mentioned he didn't have to be on this thread. He can even ignore me, it's a simple process.

It's not just saying I'm wrong, you've said I'm wrong, others too. I admit it all the time. I can admit when I'm wrong.

But when someone wants to interject into something with a comment like his, he should expect me to push right back.

I didn't search him out and ask him anything, he interjected into this thread. At first he seemed like he wanted to offer advice. Sweet, I asked more questions. He then offered a backhanded comment. I didn't nuance my response.

If that's a ban able offense, why would I want to be here. I like this forum, but if the rules are different for different people, then what's the point.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 07:51 AM
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I think he was trying to give you some helpful advice. You said yourself that sometimes your questions come out as statements. Please do yourself a favour and stop feeling as though the world is against you. And you know I'm
not having a go!

I'd just like to add, and this is to everyone, since you started posting, whether people agree or disagree with what you say, this forum has definitely become more interesting
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post
I think he was trying to give you some helpful advice. You said yourself that sometimes your questions come out as statements. Please do yourself a favour and stop feeling as though the world is against you. And you know I'm
not having a go!

I'd just like to add, and this is to everyone, since you started posting, whether people agree or disagree with what you say, this forum has definitely become more interesting

Ftblk36, if you didn't mean for it to come off sounding agreesive, I apologize. The whole exchange is a little ironic.

I don't think everyone is against me, just a certain few. And he seemed to align himself to that by saying "Start reading what you're writing before you post, listen to the intonation and make sure you say what you want, that should stop people getting at you and start getting you."

I don't believe my lack of constantly reminding people I am not being rude warrants the kind of backlash I've received from some. The entire purpose I was trying to be fastidious was because some seem to forget that written word is not nuanced enough to always express emotion. You can take anything the wrong way. Spanish, it isn't like that. I'm digressing.

In fact, I may of just done it.

What I was talking about was simple asking a question. I didn't even mean it was my fault, more along the lines if I am not fastidious, then someone seems to take it to a negative. A question is a question, really. I 'm constantly reading post and they certainly are not tone proof.

Honestly, I shouldn't need to have a disclaimer. I've treated everyone with respect, until they show me something less.

But I maybe I jumped the gun, and if so,I do sincerely apologize. But with the animosity I've received here lately, who can blame me. I can't go one thread without someone talking shit. That does put me a little on the defense.
I'd like to have a log, but it would probably be highjacked.

And watching my tone wouldn't of stopped my nemesis from "getting at me," his problem likely goes far beyond me. Inadequacy maybe. He certainly didn't like I stood up for myself, and attempted to basically badger me until I tired of it and left. His words.

All because I wanted to make sure I was healthy through my first cycle.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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Last edited by new-Jedi; 08-08-2015 at 08:26 AM.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 08:35 AM
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I wasn't being aggressive, if I ever am you will know. I was simply trying to be helpful, I won't again. I am not even going to explain why I said what I said as I believe it to be pointless in this instance. Your intonation is constantly arrogant, you're here to learn like the rest of us try being slightly more humble.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2015, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post
I think he was trying to give you some helpful advice. You said yourself that sometimes your questions come out as statements. Please do yourself a favour and stop feeling as though the world is against you. And you know I'm
not having a go!

I'd just like to add, and this is to everyone, since you started posting, whether people agree or disagree with what you say, this forum has definitely become more interesting
Maybe my aim is to anger people to bring excitement! LOL! Not really, I'm generally not taking too much of all this seriously. So someone doesn't like liquid egg whites. I think they are awesome. Eggs I can drink like milk.

The new rule is if I bring it up, it will become an issue.

I aim to spark discussion. A few of us discussed finding an easier way to get macros. I thought since I posted about these egg whites on, and many loved them, maybe some would here.

Just kind of reiterates my earlier point though. It really doesn't matter what I say, it will become an issue.

Like my favorite little Green Jedi said, "Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.” Yoda in the Phantom Menace.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

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cycle food, diet, egg whites, nutrition, protein

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