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Old 03-18-2012, 04:07 PM
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Default Carbs: The Anabolic Nutrient P.I

Carbohydrates can help you pack on muscle or bodyfat depending on when, what and how much you eat. Here's what carbophobes and carboholics need to know about this important macronutrient for optimal physique gains.

Author: Dwayne N. Jackson, PhD

Ask 10 bodybuilders about the importance of protein for muscle building and you’ll get unequivocal support. Ask the same group about the value of carbohydrates and you’ll likely get 10 different answers. Among the macronutrients, no other has faced more scrutiny than carbohydrates. In fact, over the years nutritionists and diet specialists have spoken out of both sides of their mouths about “carbs,” claiming they’re everything from beneficial (i.e., give you energy) to evil (i.e., make you fat) — a debate that leaves most of us confused about where carbs fit into a bodybuilding diet.

There are several reasons for the confusion and contradictory advice. First and foremost, not all carbohydrate sources are created equal, and different forms of carbs cause several different reactions in the body. Second, research is only just starting to unravel the benefits and caveats of carbohydrate ingestion in its many different forms. As a serious bodybuilder, you understand how critical it is to find the right balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates in your nutrition plan. In this article, MuscleMag removes the question marks surrounding carbs with a comprehensive overview of the what, when and how for successfully including carbohydrates in your diet and supplement regimen, both to build muscle and lose bodyfat.

The Science of Carbs

Carbohydrates are so named because they’re made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms (or hydrated carbon). These compounds serve many functional roles in the body beyond food energy. For example, ribose sugar comprises the backbone for the genetic RNA and is also important in the formation of many coenzymes. For the purposes of this article, however, we’ll focus specifically on carbohydrates as food or supplement sources for bodybuilders.

For a fast-acting source of energy, carbohydrates trump both fat and protein because sugars are more easily and readily metabolized than the other macronutrients. The amount, type and rate of digestion of different carb sources dictate the level of blood glucose and amount of insulin released by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that delivers excess blood glucose to be stored in muscle cells and the liver as glycogen. Once glycogen levels are topped up, the remaining blood glucose is converted to fat and stored in fat cells. The fact that insulin is integral to driving nutrients into skeletal muscle makes it one of the most potent anabolic agents and the focus of many research studies in exercise science. Insulin sensitivity (the body’s ability to use insulin) greatly increases in trained individuals, especially right after training. In contrast, insulin sensitivity declines in the evening.

Getting past all the science, the main point to deduce is that depending on the state of nutrition and timing of intake, high blood sugar and insulin levels could lead to either desirable or undesirable outcomes. Ideally you want to spike blood sugar and insulin levels at opportune times to take advantage of energy storage and anabolic effects while avoiding fat storage.


These are the simplest class of carbohydrates, as they can’t be hydrolyzed any further to form a simpler sugar. Simple-carb sources taste sweet and include glucose (dextrose) and fructose (fruit sugar). Glucose is absorbed high in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and thus elevates blood sugar and insulin rapidly and greater than any other carbohydrate form. Fructose, on the other hand, digests low in the GI tract, has a relatively minor impact on blood sugar levels and is considered a slow carbohydrate.


These sugars are formed by the chemical combination of two monosaccharides. They also taste sweet and have a relatively fast absorption rate. Common disaccharides include lactose (glucose-galactose or milk sugar), sucrose (glucose-fructose) and maltose (glucose-glucose). Maltose elevates blood sugar very rapidly (in fact, it does so faster than glucose) and sucrose only moderately increases blood sugar, whereas lactose digests slowly and has a small impact on blood sugar.


These are carbohydrates formed by bonding several chains of monosaccharides and/or disaccharides. This form is commonly known as complex carbohydrates and includes starch, cellulose and glycogen. Starches are made up of multiple glucose units bonded together and are “plant sugars” produced by all green plants as an energy source. Common sources of starch are potatoes, wheat, corn and rice. Cellulose forms the structural components in plants and is relatively indigestible in humans — fiber is a form of cellulose. Most starches are considered medium- to slow-digesting, however, exceptions exist, one of which is waxy maize. The reason waxy maize absorbs so quickly is that it’s a modified high-molecular-weight cornstarch that has low osmolality, which enables it to bypass the stomach and get absorbed in the small intestines (causing a rapid rise in blood glucose).

The Glycemic Index

A common misconception is that all simple carbohydrates are fast sugars and all complex carbohydrates are slow sugars. This is definitely not the case; in fact, some complex carbohydrates (like maltodextrin) raise blood sugar and insulin levels rapidly, whereas a simple sugar like fructose has minimal impact on blood glucose. This variation is exactly why the glycemic index was created — to help you understand how different carbohydrate sources impact blood sugar. Using this tool is quite simple — all carbohydrate foods are ranked on a scale relative to glucose (a fast sugar, rated 100). Anything lower than 100 impacts blood sugar less than glucose and anything higher impacts it to a greater degree. For reliable glycemic index information or to search the database for specific food GI calculations, visit Glycemic Index. One important point to note is that fats, fiber and, in some cases, proteins can significantly slow the speed at which fast (high-glycemic index) carbs elevate blood glucose. Keep this in mind when employing the strategies outlined next.

Carb-Based Muscle-Building Strategy

There’s an abundance of scientific research supporting carbohydrate supplementation for muscle building. After exercise, muscle glycogen stores are depleted and insulin sensitivity is greatly increased, thus providing the perfect opportunity to spike insulin by ingesting fast carbohydrates like dextrose, maltodextrin or waxy maize. Not only does the boost in insulin increase glycogen repletion, but it also serves to carry amino acids and nutrients into damaged muscle cells. Several studies indicate that post-training carbohydrate and protein supplements boost the anabolic response, augment recovery and promote increased gains in lean mass.
To take advantage of these muscle-building benefits, you should drink a post-workout shake containing a 2:1 ratio of high-glycemic index (fast) carbohydrates and fast-absorbing protein. The best combination is dextrose or maltodextrin and whey protein hydrolysate or isolate. Individuals who are sensitive to dextrose or maltodextrin can use waxy maize as an alternate fast-carb source. If you opt for waxy maize, just make sure to take it 15–20 minutes before your protein powder, as its impact on blood sugar may be slowed when taken at the same time with protein. In any case (depending on your body mass), you should strive to ingest approximately 60–100 grams of fast-absorbing carbs and 30–50 grams of fast-absorbing protein as soon as you finish working out. In general, you should aim to consume 1–1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day (divided into six doses throughout the day, with one being 30 minutes prior to training and one being immediately after training).

To be continue...
What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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