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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2012, 04:09 AM
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Default Which is the best diet for female bodybuilding?

I am into bodybuilding..I am trying to build my muscles... i was suggested to eat 40% of protein and 25 % grams fat per day.. Can you help me with any suggestions on supplement or food choice.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2012, 04:20 AM
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If you are woman who works hard in the gym to find out why your body is not taking shape as fast as it wants, then you are not alone Few women know exactly what you eat during your workout and diet bodybuilder fitness as important as doing the exercises and workouts. This can be a waste of energy to have the knowledge or experience to get the desired results.

The first change in your diet, you should do to stop eating three times a day. A meal every three hours, the better for you. Your body needs nutrients to muscle tissue to repair at all hours of the day, so if you eat three times a day, your body will not have enough nutrients regularly.
When it comes to building muscle women, there is a bit of a disadvantage than men because men have more testosterone. So, in the diet of female bodybuilding is important because it improves the ability to build muscle.
If you eat right and exercise but there is not a great chance that you are not the best results.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2012, 05:31 PM
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Tbh the diet should be the same as a man really just amounts to suit your self alot whey protein is good for all so is creatine take creatine 3 times a day 10gs each serveing with a small bit of juice as a tiny bit of sugar will help to get it in your muscles faster at lest thats the idea. remember to train with high intensity eat 5-6 times a day good meals all with some protein fats and carbs last meal low if no carbs that will depend on each person this game is a hugely personal thing everyone is diffrent will take trial and error but can be put in the right direction. also when training make sure you hit the big compound movements thats squats,bench press and deadlifts
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