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ckcrown84 08-26-2013 11:23 PM

Today is an "off day" I went in just to do some accessory work. kept it simple yet helpful

Hyper Extensions with weight: 5x10
Hyper Extensions no weight: 5x10

Pullups 20x5

Sled Pulls

If anyone needs clarifcation on the training system we are essentially using the Conjugate system of Westside Barbell
4 working days a week

hugebiceps 08-27-2013 02:06 PM

Looking huge but you need more definition for lower abs.

ckcrown84 08-28-2013 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by hugebiceps (Post 31246)
Looking huge but you need more definition for lower abs.

Couldn't agree more.

Just from an Aesthetic girl-pleasing perspective and self improvement though.
The sport I compete in could care less about abs

ckcrown84 08-28-2013 04:29 PM


Standing Shoulder Press 10 sets
Bend Over Rows 5 sets
Chest Support rows (heavy) 5x10
Chest Support Rows (Light) 5x20

5x20 DB EXT


ckcrown84 08-29-2013 02:20 PM


Speed Squats 2x8
Rack Pulls work up to 5RM
Back Attack 4x10
Split Squats (one leg squat with DB) 3x10
Hyper Extension 5x10

ckcrown84 08-31-2013 06:39 PM

Sled 3 trips (down and back) heavy
Glute Ham Raise 3x10
Hyper Ext with heavy stone 3x5
DL with resistance band 3x5

Buffalo Bar Squat work up to a 1RM
Buffalo Bar 1x10 75% of 1RM

Front Squat 3x8

Back attack 3x~10

ckcrown84 09-01-2013 02:28 PM

Sled rows 3 trips
Chest Supported rows 5x10
Rear laterals 5x15
Bent over row 5x10

Bench Max Effort
Worked up to 1RM max with 2 1/2 board. Missed my number :(
Bench weight releases 2 sets
Pin press 2 sets
Dips 5x10

Sad I missed my 1RM max. Was hoping to get my competition PR today on 2 board and it just didn't happen. But hey december is still a longggg way away so its all good.

ckcrown84 09-02-2013 05:19 PM

Sorry they are Blurry I had the HDR on i need to remember to shut that off.

Anyway. Today I didn't do too much was extremely sore and only went because I have to travel for work Wed and wanted to get out the house and do something productive, get a little pump and not be a lazy bitch (usually today I would be resting)
4x10 flat
Incline DB press 4x15
Pullups 4x10

Like I said... nothing :)

ckcrown84 09-03-2013 12:22 AM

ckcrown84 09-05-2013 12:25 AM

Today Speed legs / heavy posterior.

Alright started off
5x5 speed squats with chains (light chains 60lbs)

Then moved to Rack Pulls for max effort worked up to 465lbs (would have been a 10lbs PR but I failed the lift twice). Discovered the weakness, glutes and hamstrings soo will be focusing a lot on them.

Hyper Extensions 5x5 with heavy stone
Hyper Extension 1xmax with light stone, then burn out with body weight.

5 sets of ~10 leg curls with resistence band (smashing those ham strings)

465 -- attempt 1

465 -- attempt 2 Fast forward to about 20 seconds

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