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ckcrown84 09-12-2013 12:48 PM

My back was cramping something fierce last night, and for some reason my right testicle was hurting haha so kinda had to take it easy.

Speed Squats
5x5 with chains

Speed sumo Deadlift

Reverse hyper extensions 3x20
Glute Ham Raise 3x10
Hyper extensions 3x12

I am going to go in tonight and just do lots of stretches maybe a bit of cardio and relax for the weekend, let my body heal up before the heavy weekend

ckcrown84 09-14-2013 07:12 PM

<click image for video>

Sooo 13 weeks out... Damn time is gonna fly.
Anyway, today was max effort squat and deadlift.

First we worked up to a max effort 1RM squat with reverse bands. Got a nice PR on that. Felt good and then straight to deadlifts.

Deadlifts today we used chains. 140lbs in chains... Ouch. I was honestly dissapointed I couldn't pull more but hey i'm always gonna wanna pull more. Oh and yes those are 100lbs plates not 45's

Click the image for a video. This lift wasn't a success I technically maxed out with 50lbs lighter weight. I couldn't lock out the weight in the video, but... next time !

Cena2013 09-14-2013 08:44 PM

You look great bro in your first page pics, i cant wait to see your final photos, jacked and cut :)

ckcrown84 09-16-2013 03:15 PM

Forgot to post Sundays workout.
Went in and did some stuff to loosen up the lower body.
3 sets of hyper extensions
3 sets of reverse hypers

Then bench
We worked up to 5RM on the bench. I was pretty dissapointed I only got 365lbs for 3... :( Just an "off" day.

After working to 1 RM I did a 3 board press for like 7 sets or so... stacked on two resistance bands to really grind out those triceps and work on the lockout.

After these we just spent a bunch of time punishing the triceps into submission and then a few sets of biceps so i feel cool :)

ckcrown84 09-17-2013 02:07 PM

excited to workout tonight! WhOOT!

ckcrown84 09-17-2013 11:56 PM

Bench Day

5x20 light weight super wide. Working on that weakness
8x3 reps speed work with resistance band.
2xfailure ... two sets to failure with resistence band, 2second pause at bottom.
4x15 DB press

10 sets of resistance band tricep extension super set with kickbacks with kettlebells

5 sets of resistance band tricep extensions super set with 5 sets of DB rear delt work.

Thats all she wrote for speed day. More tomorrow

ckcrown84 09-21-2013 05:02 PM

Supposed to be a heavy day, but my groin and ass were just hurting haha yeah yeah don't crack too many jokes on me.
In any case I just did a bunch of accessory work today and am going to do my Squats on Monday.

Reverse Hyper 10x10
Glute ham Raise 5x10
Band Leg curls (works hamstrings) 50,40,30,20
Hyper Ext 10x10
Plyo swing single leg 2x20
Swing 3x30 two leg

ckcrown84 09-25-2013 03:41 PM

ready to kill it today.

Did some floor presses Sunday afternoon absolutely killed it.
Wish I had some videos... Sorry :(

ckcrown84 09-26-2013 12:22 AM

Nice speed work day.
Squat with resistance bands. 10x3
Deadlift 3x6

What? Thats it? Yup! lol
Just worked on speed and power development. We use a Tendo machine. Keeps it honest.

Tomorrow I do a bunch of chest and accessory work

ckcrown84 09-27-2013 09:26 PM

Speed Bench 12 sets (3 reps each)
3 sets of incline press
5x8 skull crushers
db press 4x15
db press (heavy) 1x4
db kickbacks 5x10

dips 5x10
upright rows 5x10

ckcrown84 09-29-2013 06:50 PM

Every have a day you wish you recorded that last damn lift? that was today. Monster... put in max effort and got a damn nice lift.
Anyway... lets start with the past...

10x6 pullups with 10x10 dips
10x6 Curls with 10x10 hanging leg raises.

Max effort Chain Squat
Max effort rack pull
3 sets of down sets iwth rack pull
5x5 hyper extensions with heavy stone
5x20 leg extensions with band
5x15 plyo swing

Max effort Bench w/ assistance band (35lbs at bottom)
worked up to a 1rm
5x4 bench (with bands) using Tendo machine to keep pushing for maximal force production.. Killed me.
light 2x20 reps
light 1xmax pause reps

Circuit 5 sets
1- tricep skull crushers
1- db rear delt
1- Curls
5 sets boom done/// dead /// time to relax and eat!!!

ckcrown84 10-01-2013 12:21 PM

Monday... a nice relaxing gym day :)
5x10 pullups
5x20 dips
100 sled rows (50 with 3 plates) (50 with 4 plates)
5x20 db shoulder press

ckcrown84 10-02-2013 03:47 PM

455lbs bench to beat the RPS #1 record... Hrmmm... I am feeling a possible orgasm errr chestgasm errr... I am ready to go fuckin' bench

Revolution Record

ckcrown84 10-03-2013 12:45 PM

Did a super long workout yesterday...

Worked up to a 405lbs floor press
225lbs 5 sets close grip speed bench. 3 reps full, 3 reps 2-board, 3 reps 4-board
DB press 1x8 - 1x10 - 1x12
10x10 dips with 10x20 pushups
5x10 dips
Db shoulder press 5x20
DB side raises 5x20
Curls 3x20

ckcrown84 10-05-2013 10:28 PM

Front Squats
Hyp Extensions
Plyo Swing

Youtube video embed did not work?

ckcrown84 10-08-2013 01:32 PM


Hit the Bench press... Worked hard.

Reverse band Max Effort bench. worked up to 450lbs... wish it was more.
2x10 lighter weight
1x10 pin press. Essentially the bar starts about 2"inches from your chest. Push it up. Thats 1 rep. These are rough
3 sets incline press
1 set max effort drop sets incline DB Press
2 sets max effort drop sets Dips.

ckcrown84 10-09-2013 12:24 PM

Yesterday was a fairly easy day. just did some speed work. Believe it or not, on lower body, I do feel these workouts.

Speed Squats: 10 sets of 2 reps
Speed Deadlifts 10 sets of 3 reps

We use a Tendo machine to ensure proper bar movement speed. The goal is .80meters/second

ckcrown84 10-10-2013 12:53 PM

Chest day /speed / volume

Chest - Warmup
10x3 with Tendo machine for speed
DB heavy 3x~6
DB Light 3x20
Wide BB 3x15

Skull Crushers 5x15
DB Kicks 5x20

I feel like im forgetting something but you get the idea.

ckcrown84 10-21-2013 05:05 PM

Sorry for the inactivity of late. Things have been absolutely hectic.

I am back, training is going well. Competition is still fast approaching and I am beginning to feel more prepared, still humble though. Remember this is my 2nd meet. Don't expect the world.

I will get back to keeping my detailed logs tonight :)

Thanks for the continued support everyone!

ckcrown84 10-22-2013 08:57 PM

Went in yesterday for a quicke one.

Plyo swing 10x10
Plyo Swing 2x20

Foam rolling / stretching

Glute ham raise 5x10

Foam Rolling / and more stretching


ckcrown84 10-31-2013 12:45 PM

Hello everyone,

Training has been going good. Yesterday was testing my strength levels on bench and got 385x4, which is a little lower then expected ( was hoping for 405) but hey. Thats what happens when you eat like crap and get drunk on halloween lol.

I hope all is well my training journal will increase back in intensity and posts on Saturday + Sunday

ckcrown84 11-01-2013 01:09 PM

Yesterday, nice relaxing workout... yeah right. 30 minutes of sled pull with 3 plates.
Lap 1 - Chest Press
Lap 2 - Back pull
Lap 3 - Bicep curl which slowly just turned into another back/lat pull

30 minutes of this

ckcrown84 11-04-2013 12:49 PM

Sick weekend workouts, wish I had recorded my bench press.

Saturday we did deadlifts. working in the 3-5 range.
1) Straight deadlift for 5 reps
2) Rack pulls 3x3
3) Deficit deadlift 3x3
Hyper Extensions

Sunday. Bench for days.
We did max effort with the thick black resistance band. There was some dispute on the resistance but somewhere between 120-150 so we just settled on 135... lol in any case it was a mean black bitch.
Worked up to 1rm then we did a set of 6-8 with 80% of the 1RM

After bench we did Incline, then hammered out some dips and tricep extensions. Mission complete

ckcrown84 11-09-2013 09:57 PM

Saturday, Leg Day

Worked up to a 5RM on squats, failed and only got 3.
Setup the reverse bands and worked up to 1RM. Failed my 1RM lowered the weight 10lbs and got it... Hey it happens
Last we did 3x5 pause squats 225lbs. Fairly light weight, but the 3 second pause kills.

Tomorrow max effort bench or floor press. Video will be posted.

ckcrown84 11-10-2013 02:05 PM

Floor press worked up to a 1 RM

Pin Press 1 rep for 10 sets increasing weight

Incline 2x6

Dips 2xdrop sets 2 plates then no weight. To Failure

3 sets of db extensions

ckcrown84 11-13-2013 08:00 PM

Just did some circuit stuff... In other words worked my muscles some but just kept the body moving. Get rid of some fat.

Tuesday: I did a really crappy leg workout. My ham's are pretty tight from it. But just wasn't in the mood and my training partner wasn't there so I just BLAH I did the 3 set method... Yeah not in the mood to workout so just do 3 sets of everything! lol

45cmbiceps 11-14-2013 03:32 AM

You are a beast! :cool:

Originally Posted by ckcrown84 (Post 32211)
Hello everyone,

Training has been going good. Yesterday was testing my strength levels on bench and got 385x4, which is a little lower then expected ( was hoping for 405) but hey. Thats what happens when you eat like crap and get drunk on halloween lol.

I hope all is well my training journal will increase back in intensity and posts on Saturday + Sunday

ckcrown84 11-14-2013 10:43 AM

Thanks bud!
Training hard!

ckcrown84 11-16-2013 07:48 PM

Today we did some Defecit Deadlifts

Worked up to a 1RM I got 425lbs at deficit
then we did some reps with 315 I had like no endurance left, which sucked

After defecits we did some rows, hyper extensions and reverse hyper extensions.

Impressively my girlfriend lifted 335lbs deficit deadlift. killed it

ckcrown84 11-17-2013 02:29 PM

Very nice chest day

Did a 1 board 1RM test click the picture below for video

After this I hit 365lbs for 2x4

Then we moved to pin presses, these work my weakness.. The bottom area of my lift. See video

After doing these we hit some Incline press and then dips... dips for days haha just 1 set of 50 reps. Then some DB extensions for 2 sets

ckcrown84 11-19-2013 08:29 PM

Yesterday (Monday)

20 minutes of sled pulling. 2 plates.
8 sets of pullups
5 sets of Chest Supported Rows

Then some abs

ckcrown84 11-20-2013 05:31 PM

Tuesday Workout

Lunges 3x6
Swiss Ball leg Curls 3x25
45degree hyper's with ball 2x25
Plyo Swing 2x25
Kettle Bell Squats 2x15
Reverse hyper 2x25

ckcrown84 11-21-2013 12:17 PM

Felt pretty good yesterday. hit some bench drop sets... pictured below.

Then moved on to

3x8 speed bench
3x10 DB bench
5x20 dips

Called it quits. Short workout but felt damn good and with the meet fast approaching I saw no reason to get stupid with any workouts. The drop sets did my muscles good and the dips and dumbbells polished me off.

ckcrown84 11-21-2013 12:19 PM

This forum needs to fix its YouTube embed...

here is a link to the video

405lbs bench press drop sets - YouTube

andyebs 11-22-2013 08:47 AM

nice lift looks killer did see this on ya facebook yesterday
well done

ckcrown84 11-22-2013 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 32444)
nice lift looks killer did see this on ya facebook yesterday
well done

Thanks man, am busting my ass

ckcrown84 11-22-2013 08:21 PM

Squats tomorrow, and max effort bench on Sunday... gonna be a big weekend... I am thinking steak dinner tonight
whoot whoot

ckcrown84 11-23-2013 08:13 PM

Leg day,

As we all know my legs suck and have been working on them and have come a LONG way....
I've told you guys before I used to be an upper body only guy.

Anyway I got 385 for a triple today so I was damn happy with that. Then we put on the assistance bands and I got 435.

So keep in mind last meet I did (march) I only got 365 on the squat... now I am doing 385 for a triple... so Boom

Progress month after month is all I can ask for.

ckcrown84 11-23-2013 09:00 PM

I am ~204
Comp weight is 198lbs

Entertaining thoughts of madness of competing at 181... don't worry this probably won't happen

but bought some CLEN (never ran it) and was going to diet hardcore from December 1st to 15th.

What you guys think a realistic weight loss is from clen? Probably won't even run it, but i dunno curiosity got the best of me

biggin 11-23-2013 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by ckcrown84 (Post 32483)
I am ~204
Comp weight is 198lbs

Entertaining thoughts of madness of competing at 181... don't worry this probably won't happen

but bought some CLEN (never ran it) and was going to diet hardcore from December 1st to 15th.

What you guys think a realistic weight loss is from clen? Probably won't even run it, but i dunno curiosity got the best of me

Will definitely help with the weight loss but I highly doubt you could drop 23 pounds with muscle sparing. The only thing that has ever come close for me was DNP at 11 pounds in 8 days but I couldn't even get off the couch.

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