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ckcrown84 07-17-2013 11:23 AM

Training With Crown
Okay, I been off and on a bit lately but finally running a small little cycle and am going to be doing some hyper-trophy training for a little while before getting back into power-lifting.

Tuesday (Day 1)
Cable Flyes (15)
Pushup (30)
Dips 10
5 sets in the above circuit

Bicep 80lbs
Reverse curls
30lbs 3x20

Bench 225lbs 3xmax (15ish)

Called it quits for my first day back.

Today Legs + Stomach

ckcrown84 07-23-2013 11:15 AM

on my way to the pool the other day

Can't wait to get my hands on some of that oral tren

TOM ! :p

andyebs 07-24-2013 08:46 AM

looking good
some abs showing there

ckcrown84 07-24-2013 06:53 PM

Yeah not doing too bad :)
Seen worse haha

ckcrown84 07-30-2013 06:59 PM

Back in the power lifting gym
Be ready for some good action

Yesterday Back:

Pullups 5 sets
T- Bar Rows 9x25- 45lbs
Chest Supported Rows 90lbs - 3x25
Cable Row 3x25

Chest- 1RM max
Was exhausted only got to 335

Tricep Extension
Kettle Bell 5x20 reps

ckcrown84 07-31-2013 02:59 PM

Sled Pull - 90lbs - 6 laps
3 sets of hyper extension + 3 sets of glute ham raise
3 sets of back attack

Squats 185lbs 5x5 speed squats

Stiff leg deadlifts 5sets

ckcrown84 08-04-2013 09:07 PM

Two Days of mayhem :)
SLED Pulls 4 laps
Band Leg Curls 4x25
Glute Bridge 2x15
Belt Squats 4x15
Reverse Band Squat worked up to 1RM
Front Squat 2x5
DL 50% 5/5
DB Side Bends


Chins 5x6
T- Bar 6 reps 3/3/3 (9 sets 3 diff grips)
Chest Supported Rows 3x6
Cable rows 3x15

1 board 1rm max
1 set of Negatives 100% at top. 50% at bottom and back up
4 board press 90%. 3x3
Hanging band presses 3x20

ckcrown84 08-06-2013 12:00 AM

DB Press 5x15
Side Raise 5x12
Front Raise 3x12
Dips 5x10
Sled Pulls 10 laps, 135lbs
Hanging Leg Raise 5x10

ckcrown84 08-08-2013 10:50 AM

Drove back from Chicago yesterday and just went straight to the gym. Was exhausted but i did rack pulls and worked up to a 1RM of 455. Not bad for a busy week and a tiring day!

Whose ready for some videos!!!!!

ckcrown84 08-10-2013 03:27 AM

Leg Day (easy day this time)

Plyo Swing (light) 5x20
Reverse Hyper extensions 5x20
Safety bar box squat worked up to 1 RM

Safety bar squats 40 reps... started 12 reps, then 8, then had to do 6 reps lol

Plyo Swing (heavier) 3x20

Thats all she wrote today.

ckcrown84 08-16-2013 11:50 PM

Big weekend
Saturday Legs
Sunday Upper body
ready for it :)

ckcrown84 08-17-2013 09:17 PM

Saturday Leg Day

Get warm...and half dead
6 sets of 3plate sleds (pulling like a sled dog!)
5 sets of hyper extensions 10 reps
3 sets of side bends 10 reps
3 sets of band leg curls
3 more sets of 3plate sleds

Work time
camber bar--this bar works the shit of your stability abilities
worked up to 1RM

then Camber bar 3 sets of 10 reps (70%)

then Camber bar front squats 2 sets

Belt Squats (its a cable machine you stand into with a belt wrapped around your waste and squat, it really fires up your quads)
2 sets

Super set with Plyo Swing
2 sets

ckcrown84 08-18-2013 04:03 PM

Sled Drag Rows 100 reps
Sled Drag Scarecrows 100 reps
Bend Over band pull aparts 100 reps
1 arm DB Row 4x10
40 pullups


Bench + 90lbs Resistance Band
Warm warm warm work to 1RM (Video to be posted)

Bench 3x10 with 90lbs resistance band

Bench 3 board press 3x5 with resistance band

Ball Toss
5 sets 1 min off 1 min on. 12lbs medicine ball

ckcrown84 08-18-2013 04:05 PM

345lbs + 90lbs Resistence band

ckcrown84 08-21-2013 12:16 AM

Accessory Work

Shoulder Press
DB Warmup 3x20
DB Working Sets 5x10
Db Front Raises 3x15
Db Rear Delts 3x10

Pullups 5x6-10

Tricep Skull Crushers 5x10
Db Kick Backs 5x~12

Bicep Curl

Tomorrow: Max Effort DL and Speed Squats

ckcrown84 08-22-2013 12:16 AM

Heavy Side Bends x50
Stiff Leg DB DL 5x10
Hyper Extensions 3x10
Speed Squats with resist band 8x2

Rack Pulls work to 1RM
Then 3x5 working sets

ckcrown84 08-22-2013 12:22 AM

ckcrown84 08-22-2013 11:21 PM

ckcrown84 08-24-2013 08:47 PM

Sled Drag 3 sets down and back
Glute ham Raise 3x10
DL 65% 5/5
Reverse band Squat 1RM
Front Squat 5x5
Back Attack 3 sets
Hyper Extensions 5 sets
Plyo Swing 3 sets

ckcrown84 08-26-2013 07:52 PM

Sunday Workout

Chest support row 3 Sets with resistence band
T-Bar Row 10 sets
Pullups 3 sets
DB Row 3 sets

Bench 1 RM max with Assistance band

Bench 5x10


ckcrown84 08-26-2013 11:23 PM

Today is an "off day" I went in just to do some accessory work. kept it simple yet helpful

Hyper Extensions with weight: 5x10
Hyper Extensions no weight: 5x10

Pullups 20x5

Sled Pulls

If anyone needs clarifcation on the training system we are essentially using the Conjugate system of Westside Barbell
4 working days a week

hugebiceps 08-27-2013 02:06 PM

Looking huge but you need more definition for lower abs.

ckcrown84 08-28-2013 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by hugebiceps (Post 31246)
Looking huge but you need more definition for lower abs.

Couldn't agree more.

Just from an Aesthetic girl-pleasing perspective and self improvement though.
The sport I compete in could care less about abs

ckcrown84 08-28-2013 04:29 PM


Standing Shoulder Press 10 sets
Bend Over Rows 5 sets
Chest Support rows (heavy) 5x10
Chest Support Rows (Light) 5x20

5x20 DB EXT


ckcrown84 08-29-2013 02:20 PM


Speed Squats 2x8
Rack Pulls work up to 5RM
Back Attack 4x10
Split Squats (one leg squat with DB) 3x10
Hyper Extension 5x10

ckcrown84 08-31-2013 06:39 PM

Sled 3 trips (down and back) heavy
Glute Ham Raise 3x10
Hyper Ext with heavy stone 3x5
DL with resistance band 3x5

Buffalo Bar Squat work up to a 1RM
Buffalo Bar 1x10 75% of 1RM

Front Squat 3x8

Back attack 3x~10

ckcrown84 09-01-2013 02:28 PM

Sled rows 3 trips
Chest Supported rows 5x10
Rear laterals 5x15
Bent over row 5x10

Bench Max Effort
Worked up to 1RM max with 2 1/2 board. Missed my number :(
Bench weight releases 2 sets
Pin press 2 sets
Dips 5x10

Sad I missed my 1RM max. Was hoping to get my competition PR today on 2 board and it just didn't happen. But hey december is still a longggg way away so its all good.

ckcrown84 09-02-2013 05:19 PM

Sorry they are Blurry I had the HDR on i need to remember to shut that off.

Anyway. Today I didn't do too much was extremely sore and only went because I have to travel for work Wed and wanted to get out the house and do something productive, get a little pump and not be a lazy bitch (usually today I would be resting)
4x10 flat
Incline DB press 4x15
Pullups 4x10

Like I said... nothing :)

ckcrown84 09-03-2013 12:22 AM

ckcrown84 09-05-2013 12:25 AM

Today Speed legs / heavy posterior.

Alright started off
5x5 speed squats with chains (light chains 60lbs)

Then moved to Rack Pulls for max effort worked up to 465lbs (would have been a 10lbs PR but I failed the lift twice). Discovered the weakness, glutes and hamstrings soo will be focusing a lot on them.

Hyper Extensions 5x5 with heavy stone
Hyper Extension 1xmax with light stone, then burn out with body weight.

5 sets of ~10 leg curls with resistence band (smashing those ham strings)

465 -- attempt 1

465 -- attempt 2 Fast forward to about 20 seconds

ckcrown84 09-05-2013 02:46 PM

BB Bench press Base 225 Rep Scheme

Test 225 4x10
Week 1 245 4x10
Week 2 275 4x10
Week 3 295 4x10
Week 4 325 4x10

Week 5 340 5x6
Week 6 345 5x6
Week 7 355 5x6
Week 8 365 5x6

ckcrown84 09-05-2013 03:57 PM

Probable cycle layout

Cycle Layout Test Tren Halo
Nov 1-30
Week 1 350mg 700mg 20mg
Week 2 350mg 700mg 20mg
Week 3 350mg 700mg 20mg
Week 4 350mg 700mg 30mg
December 1-14
Week 1 700mg 1050mg 30mg
Day 8 700mg 1050mg 40mg
Day 9 700mg 1050mg 40mg
Day 10 700mg 1050mg 60mg
Day 11 700mg 1050mg 60mg
Day 12 700mg 1050mg 90mg
Day 13 700mg 1050mg 90mg
14th…Compete 700mg 1050mg 120mg

Total 7000mg 10800mg 3packs of 50

Jax 09-05-2013 05:23 PM

sounds good any progress pics for next weeks? I see you want to start a new cycle and I am interested to see difference in the look and may be strength.

ckcrown84 09-05-2013 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jax (Post 31350)
sounds good any progress pics for next weeks? I see you want to start a new cycle and I am interested to see difference in the look and may be strength.

That cycle I won't run until november for contest prep.

ckcrown84 09-05-2013 11:40 PM

Took it easy today. Usually I do Tuesday/WED so i have plenty of time for recovery... but well missed a day and lets be serious my big big lifting say is Saturday/Sunday and last thing I wanted to do was be incredibly sore Sunday.

Today I did
4x10 Flat Bench + 1 drop set
5 sets of DB kick backs
10 sets of Tricep pushdowns using resistence band
10 sets of wide pullups
10 sets of light DB Curls

Friday I rest and heavy days Saturday / Sunday ---- CANT WAIT

ckcrown84 09-08-2013 01:53 AM

4 sets of 10 glute ham raise
2 mins side sled pulls (these lit up my glutes)
3x1 min belt stair climber. Essentially marching... it was rough stuff. The weight absolutely lit my glutes up.

Safety bar squats
- Worked up to 1 RM
- Rep set-- 1x10

Deadlift with resistence bands--speed

Hyper Extensions

3 sets

admin 09-08-2013 10:38 AM

How often you train calves, what are your workout techniques ?

Are you always working them same or vary high reps on one training session and low reps for another?

ckcrown84 09-08-2013 03:09 PM

Pullups- 60 reps
"cuban muscle snatch" 5x12
Bent lateral raise 5x10

Resistence band (about 60lbs band) bench
- First we worked up to a 1RM
- Then we did 1 set with the band and weight releasers
- finished it off with 5x5 with resistence bands and added an extra mini band

5x10 dips
5x~10 resistence band tricep pushdowns

ckcrown84 09-08-2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 31379)
How often you train calves, what are your workout techniques ?

Are you always working them same or vary high reps on one training session and low reps for another?

We utilize the West Side method -- Conjugate system training.
I don't train like a bodybuilder, nor do we have a dedicated to particular muscles.
its organized around bench, deadlift, squat. Powerlifting

ckcrown84 09-11-2013 12:11 AM

Today was a great workout, but took some pushing to get there. The coach even went so far as to say I am being a pussy and a bitch haha
Just wasn't feeling the temperature change to 90 degrees suddenly, humid as fuck, covered in sweat, and had no partner to push each other. Anyway, bitch story short I gritted it out and did everything that needed doing.

Flat Bench:
225lbs rep test -- did this for shits and giggles

7 sets of flat bench for some reps

TRX Ring push-ups


DB press 3x10

Pullups 10x6

Superset some DB curls with Tricep pushdowns with resistence bands
5 sets

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