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ckcrown84 07-17-2013 11:23 AM

Training With Crown
Okay, I been off and on a bit lately but finally running a small little cycle and am going to be doing some hyper-trophy training for a little while before getting back into power-lifting.

Tuesday (Day 1)
Cable Flyes (15)
Pushup (30)
Dips 10
5 sets in the above circuit

Bicep 80lbs
Reverse curls
30lbs 3x20

Bench 225lbs 3xmax (15ish)

Called it quits for my first day back.

Today Legs + Stomach

ckcrown84 07-23-2013 11:15 AM

on my way to the pool the other day

Can't wait to get my hands on some of that oral tren

TOM ! :p

andyebs 07-24-2013 08:46 AM

looking good
some abs showing there

ckcrown84 07-24-2013 06:53 PM

Yeah not doing too bad :)
Seen worse haha

ckcrown84 07-30-2013 06:59 PM

Back in the power lifting gym
Be ready for some good action

Yesterday Back:

Pullups 5 sets
T- Bar Rows 9x25- 45lbs
Chest Supported Rows 90lbs - 3x25
Cable Row 3x25

Chest- 1RM max
Was exhausted only got to 335

Tricep Extension
Kettle Bell 5x20 reps

ckcrown84 07-31-2013 02:59 PM

Sled Pull - 90lbs - 6 laps
3 sets of hyper extension + 3 sets of glute ham raise
3 sets of back attack

Squats 185lbs 5x5 speed squats

Stiff leg deadlifts 5sets

ckcrown84 08-04-2013 09:07 PM

Two Days of mayhem :)
SLED Pulls 4 laps
Band Leg Curls 4x25
Glute Bridge 2x15
Belt Squats 4x15
Reverse Band Squat worked up to 1RM
Front Squat 2x5
DL 50% 5/5
DB Side Bends


Chins 5x6
T- Bar 6 reps 3/3/3 (9 sets 3 diff grips)
Chest Supported Rows 3x6
Cable rows 3x15

1 board 1rm max
1 set of Negatives 100% at top. 50% at bottom and back up
4 board press 90%. 3x3
Hanging band presses 3x20

ckcrown84 08-06-2013 12:00 AM

DB Press 5x15
Side Raise 5x12
Front Raise 3x12
Dips 5x10
Sled Pulls 10 laps, 135lbs
Hanging Leg Raise 5x10

ckcrown84 08-08-2013 10:50 AM

Drove back from Chicago yesterday and just went straight to the gym. Was exhausted but i did rack pulls and worked up to a 1RM of 455. Not bad for a busy week and a tiring day!

Whose ready for some videos!!!!!

ckcrown84 08-10-2013 03:27 AM

Leg Day (easy day this time)

Plyo Swing (light) 5x20
Reverse Hyper extensions 5x20
Safety bar box squat worked up to 1 RM

Safety bar squats 40 reps... started 12 reps, then 8, then had to do 6 reps lol

Plyo Swing (heavier) 3x20

Thats all she wrote today.

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