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BiffRossco 11-03-2021 05:53 AM

Spring 2021 Kalpa Cutaxyl & More Cycle/Log/Recap
5 Attachment(s)
This is long overdue but I wanted to post my cycle and log information from earlier this year. I’ll summarize a lot of it but please feel free to ask questions if you have them as I’m sure I’ll forget to mention everything. Ideally, I would have logged this whole thing live but I failed to do so. I figured this would be better than nothing so here you go.

First off, here are some of my stats (from earlier this year)

Age: 35
Weight: 250 (not a good looking 250)
Height: 6’4”
I’ve been lifting for a long time but got much more serious about it maybe 5 years ago. I’ve run a handful of cycles in the last 4 years and cruise on a trt protocol when I’m off.
My goals of this cycle were to cut as much as possible and kind of do a “mini prep” to see how well I’d do on my own. I made mistakes, learned a lot, and realized I definitely want to step on a stage on my next real go around as well as hire a coach to run me through the entire thing properly. I’m going to break this up into multiple posts mostly because I don’t have the time to write everything in detail all at once. If anyone cares to follow along, please let me know what you’d like to know and see. I documented my cut pretty well with pics so I’ll definitely be posting those. This will be the first time I’ve ever really logged anything so bear with me.

Pics attached are from January 2021. I weighed about 245-250 and had been cruising on a low TRT protocol for about six months. I also had zero experience in the art of posing prior to this so take it easy on me. It ain't pretty.

BiffRossco 11-04-2021 04:06 AM

Here are the main compounds from GBN that I ran for this cycle:

Kalpa Cutaxyl. (test prop, mast prop, tren ace)
Kalpa Test Prop
Kalpa Masteron
Kalpa Proviron
Kalpa Oxandroxyl
Kalpa T3
Kalpa Letro (only AI that seems to work well for me)

I ran dosages approximately as follows:

Test Prop - 500mg per week. (250 was my baseline leading into this)
Masteron - started at 300mg per week and tapered up to 500mg
Tren Ace - Kept at 300 per week through 8 week cycle
Proviron - 50 mg per day
Oxandrolone - 50mg per day
T3 - Started at 25mg and tapered up to 50
Letro - Minimal and only as needed until week 6, then used a quarter tab every other day.

Huge Tom 11-10-2021 04:07 PM

Thank you for starting this log!

We wish you best possible progress.

45cmbiceps 11-12-2021 07:01 AM

Hello, looks like a decent cycle!


Originally Posted by BiffRossco (Post 55260)
Here are the main compounds from GBN that I ran for this cycle:

Kalpa Cutaxyl. (test prop, mast prop, tren ace)
Kalpa Test Prop
Kalpa Masteron
Kalpa Proviron
Kalpa Oxandroxyl
Kalpa T3
Kalpa Letro (only AI that seems to work well for me)

I ran dosages approximately as follows:

Test Prop - 500mg per week. (250 was my baseline leading into this)
Masteron - started at 300mg per week and tapered up to 500mg
Tren Ace - Kept at 300 per week through 8 week cycle
Proviron - 50 mg per day
Oxandrolone - 50mg per day
T3 - Started at 25mg and tapered up to 50
Letro - Minimal and only as needed until week 6, then used a quarter tab every other day.

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