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Stpat529 04-06-2013 01:06 PM

You did what worked for you with fine results. To each his own, we know ourselves, and as long as periodically question to further challenge, results will follow.

Sent via mental transmission.

Barman 04-06-2013 02:03 PM

Hey man no i mean it your Bis and tris are huge! i mean it.

But i get what you mean after a hard back day your tris forearms can
be pretty trashed dont want to work them to much. good to give your whole
body or even one muscle group a bit of time off i do it a couple times a year might be a week or 2 then i get back and seem to get better results.
Ever try using more reps/sets with less weight? i get great results
and when i cut i can see a huge diffrence in my bodyparts even it its not a massive weight gain quality is what you want first imo. so its good to mix it up like some body parts might grow better with heavy training others with lighter trial and error thats what its all about no matter how much exp you have or how big you are.

dfwtp 04-07-2013 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Barman (Post 29292)
Ever try using more reps/sets with less weight? i get great results
and when i cut i can see a huge diffrence in my bodyparts even it its not a massive weight gain quality is what you want first imo. so its good to mix it up like some body parts might grow better with heavy training others with lighter trial and error thats what its all about no matter how much exp you have or how big you are.

I do high reps all the time
I would consider how I train powerbuilding, but I use high reps sets frequently. reps of 20 and 50 are not uncommon

reps of 50 squats are brutal at the end of a training session
leg presses are a little more safe for those, but doesnt cause as much over all pain

high reps/volume is rotated not for the workout, but rotated within the workout all the time
I may start with reps of 8-10 for 2 to 3 exercises, then transition into supersets with high reps and just challenge myself to got through fatigue and beyond to make sure I am really done

Not that I train instinctively as some would say, but I like to use variety after my major lifts are done, as well as change the order and intensity techniques to force change.

dfwtp 04-07-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Stpat529 (Post 29289)
You did what worked for you with fine results. To each his own, we know ourselves, and as long as periodically question to further challenge, results will follow.

Sent via mental transmission.

A lot of it was forced due to nicks and dings, but the jury is out on weather it is working for me

still incomplete:cool:

Barman 04-07-2013 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 29316)
I do high reps all the time
I would consider how I train powerbuilding, but I use high reps sets frequently. reps of 20 and 50 are not uncommon

reps of 50 squats are brutal at the end of a training session
leg presses are a little more safe for those, but doesnt cause as much over all pain

high reps/volume is rotated not for the workout, but rotated within the workout all the time
I may start with reps of 8-10 for 2 to 3 exercises, then transition into supersets with high reps and just challenge myself to got through fatigue and beyond to make sure I am really done

Not that I train instinctively as some would say, but I like to use variety after my major lifts are done, as well as change the order and intensity techniques to force change.

Oh wow i do something kinda the same legs do be dead and pumped to hell even after my warmup set lol good stuff mate :)

mrphil 04-08-2013 01:35 PM

interesting thread bro.

admin 04-11-2013 02:57 PM

this thread must have most views, add more pictures bro.

Huge Tom 04-11-2013 08:55 PM

so, what is your cycle schedule sir?
I hope that is not a secret :)

Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 29210)

dfwtp 04-11-2013 10:19 PM

been very ill. workouts have been rough, some have been skipped. spending time in the bathroom. Soon it will pass and will be back at it

I am pretty conservative relatively speaking, not shocking like some things you read

total is 1600 per week . classic prep stack used for competition

dfwtp 04-11-2013 10:29 PM

weight amazingly has stayed the same, but i know I have no food in my system (without getting to graphic)
myb the fever will help bf% go down:o:o

I am contributing the weight to a little water retention. body is dehydrated obviously, so must be holding on to whatever I can to stay afloat.

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