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Huge Tom 03-16-2015 09:01 AM

Review Cutaxyl you used and win 1 vial for free[FREE GEAR]
Cutaxyl Reviews
Ok guys, summer is coming and most of us slowly start to get in shape, get more definition and shredded to the bones.

One of the products we use before summer is Cutaxyl 150 which is a mix of 3 substances: Testosterone propionate 50mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 50mg/ml Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/ml.

So far I want to start a Contest Review for this Product.

3 Winners. Each winner will get for free 1 vial of Cutaxyl 150.


If you used this product, post a review on how it helped you get in a better shape. If available post pictures.

If you never used it buy it, use it and post a review here in this thread.

Simple as that.
Contest Starts Now and will be stoped once we reach 30 reviews.

Winners will be chosen randomly via Random Number Service.

Link to the product: Cutaxyl 150 | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

If you used or currently use Cutaxyl 150, simple click reply and write your short review, write how this products worked for you, simple as that.
Write now.

admin 03-18-2015 09:34 AM

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toon22 03-31-2015 11:09 AM

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Huge Tom 04-22-2015 07:44 AM

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Gunrunner 04-29-2015 03:35 PM

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Huge Tom 06-11-2015 07:58 PM

Come one guys we still have not reached 30 Cutaxyl reviews.

As I said there will be 3 winners.

If meanwhile you have used Cutaxyl again feel free to post another review. It is accepted.

Marine30b 07-29-2015 12:11 PM

how cutaxyl 150 changed my life
Cutaxyl 150 helped me go from 215 to 190 of hard lean muscle and from someone who has been out of the Marine corps for two years, I know what getting a hard lean physique means. It is very hard to obtain, but with a good diet and Cutaxyl 150 helped me get in better shape than I was in the Marine corps. It is most definitely the best I have ever looked and felt!!

andyebs 07-29-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Marcus (Post 41152)
hey tom!

i just wanted to start off with the fact that you have excellent customer service.
the cutaxyl is top notch and it is potent; i had no pain in the injection spot and the oil was smooth. I've been using it now for about 5 weeks and I've noticed my delts and traps have gotten fuller and leaner! this is perfect because i will be competing in the fall.
here are some pictures of my transformation thus far!
before: Attachment 2515 :(

current:Attachment 2516 :eek:

i will be running cutaxyl until the day of my shows!

doing well there good cut looking leaner and fuller

Cornish_Celt 07-29-2015 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Marcus (Post 41152)
hey tom!

i just wanted to start off with the fact that you have excellent customer service.
the cutaxyl is top notch and it is potent; i had no pain in the injection spot and the oil was smooth. I've been using it now for about 5 weeks and I've noticed my delts and traps have gotten fuller and leaner! this is perfect because i will be competing in the fall.
here are some pictures of my transformation thus far!
before: Attachment 2515 :(

current:Attachment 2516 :eek:

i will be running cutaxyl until the day of my shows!

What's your current cycle?

BeachBumSteve 07-29-2015 02:53 PM

Cutaxyl 150 - Absolutely great product! I am almost 50 years old former Marine - missing that "lean/mean" is harder and harder to do. This was the answer!!! Gaining some lean muscle and cutting up was the goal - and WOW! Not having to combine products as it is already done! Painless injection points! Using 10ml EOD. I honestly cannot wait to cycle it again!

Fingers44 07-29-2015 06:05 PM

Dear Mr. Huge Tom,

First of all I want to thank you for your help in selecting my next cycle. You have provided great customer service as always.
I have used cutaxyl 150 and it has given me great results with no side effects. Within the first 5 weeks I've seen a great improvement on my overall physic. I would recommend data go to anyone who wants to be ripped. Thank again.

barngym 07-30-2015 08:32 AM

Cutaxyl review
I gave Cutaxyl a try for 8 weeks but for me, the results were disappointing. I was already in descent shape (215 to 220 @ 12% body fat). During the cycle, I used the following: Cutaxyl 1ml/EOD, Winstrol/Stanoxyl 50mg/day. My weight barely budged (yea!) but my body fat barely budged and I couldn't get below 9%. (dammit)

Do I still believe in the product? Yep! So what did I do wrong? My work hours got crazy during my cycle and lack of sleep with a sloppier diet followed. I also think I went into over-training mode just to work out frustrations so I wouldn't kill the idiot project managers that were causing me to over-work in the first place! :D

Will I try Cutaxyl again? Yes, I'm pretty certain I will but I need to learn more first. I don't think my body responded to Cutaxyl as well as it has to other items. That could be just me or perhaps I need to adjust my dosages. I know that Huge Tom is going to be there with great advice, so I have no doubt this will be straightened out.

Don't let my disappointment hold you back on this product. Instead, take note of what I think I did wrong.

andyebs 07-30-2015 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by barngym (Post 41168)
I gave Cutaxyl a try for 8 weeks but for me, the results were disappointing. I was already in descent shape (215 to 220 @ 12% body fat). During the cycle, I used the following: Cutaxyl 1ml/EOD, Winstrol/Stanoxyl 50mg/day. My weight barely budged (yea!) but my body fat barely budged and I couldn't get below 9%. (dammit)

Do I still believe in the product? Yep! So what did I do wrong? My work hours got crazy during my cycle and lack of sleep with a sloppier diet followed. I also think I went into over-training mode just to work out frustrations so I wouldn't kill the idiot project managers that were causing me to over-work in the first place! :D

Will I try Cutaxyl again? Yes, I'm pretty certain I will but I need to learn more first. I don't think my body responded to Cutaxyl as well as it has to other items. That could be just me or perhaps I need to adjust my dosages. I know that Huge Tom is going to be there with great advice, so I have no doubt this will be straightened out.

Don't let my disappointment hold you back on this product. Instead, take note of what I think I did wrong.

honest review
sometimes life just holds us back
think of it like a arrow has to be pulled back so can poject

stillgoingstron 07-30-2015 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by barngym (Post 41168)
I gave Cutaxyl a try for 8 weeks but for me, the results were disappointing. I was already in descent shape (215 to 220 @ 12% body fat). During the cycle, I used the following: Cutaxyl 1ml/EOD, Winstrol/Stanoxyl 50mg/day. My weight barely budged (yea!) but my body fat barely budged and I couldn't get below 9%. (dammit)

Do I still believe in the product? Yep! So what did I do wrong? My work hours got crazy during my cycle and lack of sleep with a sloppier diet followed. I also think I went into over-training mode just to work out frustrations so I wouldn't kill the idiot project managers that were causing me to over-work in the first place! :D

Will I try Cutaxyl again? Yes, I'm pretty certain I will but I need to learn more first. I don't think my body responded to Cutaxyl as well as it has to other items. That could be just me or perhaps I need to adjust my dosages. I know that Huge Tom is going to be there with great advice, so I have no doubt this will be straightened out.

Don't let my disappointment hold you back on this product. Instead, take note of what I think I did wrong.

As you say, you did everything wrong. Overtraining and a lack of sleep plus all the stress you were under is a killer for any kind of positive change.

On the plus side, you know what you've done wrong and you've subsequently experienced the negative results. There's no better way to learn than by experience.

Thanks for sharing your experience though. The second best way (for all of us reading this) is to learn is through other people's experiences.

Better luck next time.

tiny53 07-30-2015 08:01 PM

I'm currently running the cutaxly and anavar cycle suggested by huge Tom . I'm doing 150 mg of cutaxly and 60 mg of anavar I'm on my sixth week. The cutaxly has been amazing I started at 297 lbs with 16 percent body fat and now I'm 288 lbs with 10 percent body fat. Great hardness and vascularity and high sex drive. I feel so good I don't want it to stop but I will stop at the 9 th week. Thanks huge Tom for cycle advise and for always delivering the goods.

TheChamp 08-03-2015 01:37 PM

Cutaxyl rocks
Hey Gang -

I am a 56 year old lifelong bodybuilder who is customarily a simple Test Cycionate user cycling on and off throughout the year at slightly over therapeutic levels.

While this has worked for me extremely well, it tends to make me a little puffy; big but puffy.

For summer prep, I recently completed a single cycle of Cutaxyl using the protocol Tom recommends and it completely rocked!

I leaned out fast, like I've never done before and could continue consuming enough protein and fat cals to keep growing throughout.

This stuff is amazing. I will definitely use it again.

If you have not tried it, you should for sure.


Huge Tom 08-05-2015 02:01 PM

Well, this thread start to get more posts, great :)

Everyone who used cutaxyl please take 2 minutes to post here, you have a good chance to win some cutaxyl for free, and tell me do you like freebies? :)

Marcus 08-10-2015 03:37 AM

i lovefreebies tom! truly a caring guy who cares about his customers! keep up the good work man

stillgoingstron 08-10-2015 10:18 AM

Never used Cutaxyl, but if I say that as it's Kalpa and comes from GBN so it's guaranteed to be great, will that do? :D

Fingers44 08-15-2015 02:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have been using Cutaxyl for my cutting for the past 10 weeks with great results. I look shredded and muscular, my BF% is 8% at 200 Lbs. Here's the kicker I am 61 years young and in the best shape of my life. Mr Huge Tom has provided great customer service and guidence in chossing mu cycles. Thank you Mr. Huge Tom for all your help.


stillgoingstron 08-16-2015 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fingers44 (Post 41526)
I have been using Cutaxyl for my cutting for the past 10 weeks with great results. I look shredded and muscular, my BF% is 8% at 200 Lbs. Here's the kicker I am 61 years young and in the best shape of my life. Mr Huge Tom has provided great customer service and guidence in chossing mu cycles. Thank you Mr. Huge Tom for all your help.


Fantastic mate. Keep on going.

tj805 08-16-2015 10:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Little late on this one too, but I have been running the Cutaxyl 150 for a bit now and freaking love it. Stuff is great. Increase in strength and stamina. Libido is crazy. My lady and I work opposite work schedules and I have had to wake up when she does just give her a good send off to work, or wake up later regretting not doing so when I had the chance. What I really loved about it, is with the current training I am going through for work on top of my work schedule, it has cut into my gym time more and more. With this stuff though (and probably with help of from my new diet), I am still seeing visible results and getting a leaner look with a more defined core regardless. Only negative sides experienced is at sometimes I can be a slight bit more irritable, and near the beginning of the cycle I suffered from oily skin and acne breakouts. Nothing terrible though. Might buy all three separate next time (test, tren, and masteron) just to play with and stack the dosage myself, but I totally recommend the cutaxyl to anyone contemplating it. Thumbs up!

new-Jedi 08-17-2015 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by tj805 (Post 41548)
Little late on this one too, but I have been running the Cutaxyl 150 for a bit now and freaking love it. Stuff is great. Increase in strength and stamina. Libido is crazy. My lady and I work opposite work schedules and I have had to wake up when she does just give her a good send off to work, or wake up later regretting not doing so when I had the chance. What I really loved about it, is with the current training I am going through for work on top of my work schedule, it has cut into my gym time more and more. With this stuff though (and probably with help of from my new diet), I am still seeing visible results and getting a leaner look with a more defined core regardless. Only negative sides experienced is at sometimes I can be a slight bit more irritable, and near the beginning of the cycle I suffered from oily skin and acne breakouts. Nothing terrible though. Might buy all three separate next time (test, tren, and masteron) just to play with and stack the dosage myself, but I totally recommend the cutaxyl to anyone contemplating it. Thumbs up! Only issue with the order is I also bought some test p with it incase I had any sides from the tren I could just switch back (test p is what I started with), but opposed to the last batch of prop I got, this test p seemed extremely underdosed. Anyone else buy Kalpa Test Prop recently and have the same issue?

How can you truly know if something is underdosed?

I wouldn't know if a product was underdosed by comparing it to others. Maybe blood work. I. Getting blood work done anyways, so I'll at least know roughly How strong it is doing a little deductive reasoning. :D

tj805 08-17-2015 05:24 AM

Revised post due to unrelated content.


Originally Posted by new-Jedi (Post 41552)
How can you truly know if something is underdosed?

I wouldn't know if a product was underdosed by comparing it to others. Maybe blood work. I. Getting blood work done anyways, so I'll at least know roughly How strong it is doing a little deductive reasoning. :D

new-Jedi 08-17-2015 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by tj805 (Post 41555)
Do u truly believe u can not tell a product is underdosed without lab testing? Well, one of the reasons I can tell is based off the feeling I got from my first batch of prop opposed to this one. Considering they were both the same manufacturer with a very well known reputation, I would not call it fake, but definitely lean more along the lines of underdosed in comparison to the first batch I cycled. U claim to also be a recovering opiate addict. U ever get a bunk batch before, could u not tell it was over cut and underdosed?

I am not going to get too far into this on this thread, cuz it is a Kalpa product review, in which I would totally recommend btw. The Cutaxyl is awesome, but feel free to PM me if u still have questions, Jedi.

I edited this because I was told it's the wrong place to have this discussion. I'm pm it.

Cornish_Celt 08-17-2015 06:50 AM

This is a review thread, if you want to talk about other stuff start a new thread in the relevant section!

Huge Tom 03-02-2016 05:36 PM

a cutaxyl review from a customer who asked me to post
Tom - Please post this on your review page :

I am a 50 y/o male who has been using Cutaxyl on/off for the past two years, exclusively "Kalpa". This has proven very effective for my needs and has proven successful beyond my expectations. Was looking for some weight loss, stamina, etc., and because of the results I plan to make this a lifetime plan (as long as Kalpa and Tom are @). When I started the cycles I was going through a divorce and began dating. I have a libido that that has done well with ladies my age to mid twenties, and all seemed satisfied (as me as well). I slacked off the last quarter of 2015, but have been running Cutaxyl steady for last 4 weeks. Body is beginning to look the way I would like, and gf is telling me to stop, so all is good! Thank you Tom as well for being on top of all orders, responding quickly to emails, etc.

Mack 03-22-2016 08:25 AM

First I'd like to say how impressed I am with GBN and Huge Tom. Great customer service and great gear.

I've done a few cycles of Cutaxyl and it definitely shreds you up as long as you put the work in, eat right and do cardio. About to start another cycle and can't wait see the results.

trickytony 05-12-2016 04:41 PM

cutaxyl 150
wow this stuff rocks! no pain if vial is warmed prior to injection, mad workout ensue, just trying hard to keep a lid on the increase in appetite lol :eek: only lean muscle gains from this gear highly recommend
p.s. cant thank GNBstore enough for the great service, hats off to these guys :)

admin 05-13-2016 06:28 AM

I am not trying to win some gear but let me tell you about my experience with Cutaxyl from GBN.

It is great man!

Used at 1ml/EOD with some anavar at 70mg/day. Works amazing, I like the feeling of being pumped, looking more defined and being able to do set after set :eek: :cool:

Huge Tom 01-28-2017 07:53 AM

Guys, this contest is still active, keep posting reviews if you want to win free gear.

Good luck to everyone ;)

Jefferson83 03-18-2017 12:42 PM

Cut mix is great
5 Attachment(s)
I used cut mix last summer went from solid 250 to about 230-235 leaner than I've ever been, more definition than ever!
I'm 6"4 I will post before and after pic's .
I love this product I only used 3ml a week, along with my Kalpa Test e and just a lil bit of Winny tabs I had left over from previous cycle, so I give all the credit to Cutlyx Mix for cutting up which was my goal for the summer going to the beach in Florida all summer wanted to be the most cut guy on the beach to keep the guys away from my girl! And get the attention from other girls while mine wasn't looking of course !

Huge Tom 03-18-2017 06:09 PM

Looks good man, thanks for taking time to review the cutaxyl and write about nice Florida weather :)

For everyone's attention: as long as contest did not end, you can enter it as many time as you do a new cutaxyl cycle.

Let me know if I was clear on this? :)

wannaberipped 04-10-2019 04:36 PM

Cutaxyl 150 review
I really like this gear. This is probably the 3rd time I've used it for a 8 week cycle @1ml EOD
This year I got the same results, a more cut, muscular defined look and an increase in strength
I hope to keep some of the gains
Starting PCT with Clomid next week

dustined83 04-10-2019 10:40 PM

This blend is actually next on my list. I wish i had it in hand now instead of pinning 3ml eod

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

45cmbiceps 08-22-2019 06:57 AM

since summer is over I guess more cutaxyl reviews will come.
my gym buddy also used it this summer and very happy with results.

tj805 08-23-2019 05:18 PM

Big fan of the Cutaxyl. I do an ML a day. Throw in some var, caber, and proviron. One of my favorite cycles.

45cmbiceps 06-15-2020 07:17 PM

Let's continue this great cutaxyl 150 review series, I just read all reviews here :D

Huge Tom 03-28-2022 12:03 PM

How did Cutaxyl 150 worked for you?

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