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UBAD2 12-14-2015 07:03 AM

Question about pinning ....
Hi guys,
When doing a I M self injection, I typically push the needle into my quad about 75% length of needle into the leg. But ... Sometimes I can only get it to go 50% into the leg muscle possibly from scar tissue built up, I'm not sure but I don't want to remove needle and find new spot so I do the injection with needle in 50% into the skin. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. Am I waisting the gear when this scenario takes place or is it okay. Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated !

stillgoingstron 12-14-2015 08:07 AM

No. Is my opinion. I started off using 1.5 inch needles in my quad, always pushed all the way in and I ran out of that size. So I started using some 5/8th inch needles. No change whatsoever and if anything I got less site injection pain which I put down to less movement of the needle.

If you haven't got fat legs then the oil is going into the muscle. I'd push the needle all the way in though.

andyebs 12-14-2015 09:16 AM

agree with above as long as going into the muscle should be all good
do try go as deep as can though

UBAD2 12-14-2015 09:17 AM

No fatty legs
One could say, I have long lean basketball player type legs. I use 23 gauge pin. I don't think I can go thinner gauage than this, right ? Is there a really good " how to" video maybe on YouTube you know of, cause sometimes I think I'm straying to the wrong area when inserting pin in the leg. I need to see a really specific & detailed video . it would be most helpful to me. Any links provided will be appreciated. Thank you!

andyebs 12-14-2015 09:34 AM

ill have look see what can find sure there something out there

but really just upper part of outer quad is area aiming for really
if can find will draw target on my leg and take pic or even better maybe do video

UBAD2 12-14-2015 09:38 AM

Guys ...
FYI ... I did my own checking on YouTube and what I did see for me was BS videos not good enough for me, very quick & vague video clips. Maybe you will find and post a good how to link which will show in detail the best pinning areas of the quad leg muscle . any help with this will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

stillgoingstron 12-14-2015 10:32 AM

I'll try and find one. They're definitely there. I learned from someone going through a sex change who had to inject test. Fwiw I use 5/8 inch 25 gauge.

As andyebs says, upper quarter of outer quad from few inches above knee to a few inches below your pants line

Bit surprised that if you've got scar tissue you need a vid or is it from something else?

UBAD2 12-14-2015 10:39 AM

Its just a guess ...
I could be wrong but I thought to myself, what else could it be? The needle goes in and then gets to a certain depth then refuses to go in any deeper . so there is something going on, what exactly... I'm not sure. If you can find a video please do post it so I can take a look at the how to video. Thanks !

stillgoingstron 12-14-2015 11:58 AM

This is the most informative as far as I can see. Just ignore who is pinning and why. It's the same procedure.

stillgoingstron 12-14-2015 12:05 PM

There's a sticky on how to pin here . . .

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