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Stagolee 04-26-2013 02:28 PM

Order Recieved
Wanted to put it out there and wanted to start here. Best service I have experienced yet.
Recieved email that order was sent on 4/15/13 and recieved it yesterday 4/25/13.
I live in Ohio,USA ......Dude, wow!
I have never recieved anything so quick, EVER! New to the product so I will let you know about that when my cycle is done, But lol, if its anything like the service so far you guys got me for life. Thanks!:D

eazy 04-26-2013 02:31 PM

Good to hear fella

What cycle you running and have you thought of starting a log on HM

eazy 04-26-2013 02:33 PM

Good to hear fella

What cycle you running and have you thought of starting a log on HM

HyperMuscles Training/Steroid Log - Monthly Discount.
HyperMuscles has decided to reward it's members for keeping an up to date and detailed log of their training and/or steroid cycles
.When you keep a log it is not only helpful to you but it also offers guidance to others, therefore we have decided to give each member a*monthly 10% discount on Kalpa Pharmaceuticals*on orders at*
.All you need to do to be entitled to the discount is keep a detailed log and update it at least 3 times per week.
The log sections are here: Cycle Log - Bodybuilding forum -

Stagolee 04-26-2013 03:27 PM

Hey Thanks, Easy!
I'll run 500mg of Test e for 12weeks with a 4week Oxymetholone kickstart. not starting it right away but when I do I will consider posting it, I would love the ten percent off but depending on my schedule I may not be able to remember posting three times a week.
I just wanted to project my feelings about the guys at gbnstore. Man, I been burnt and I been lied to dealing with people online. When I find someone I like they close up or something goofy happens. Hate being at the Mercy of scammers.
Anyways Thanks again GBN.....Aww yeah let me post a pic, I noticed Huge Tom ask for them from others so I will show my appreciation that way.

.........and Easy, thanks for a friendly forum to help with questions I have.

Stagolee 04-26-2013 03:59 PM

Pic wont upload, i'll figure it out. lol

Huge Tom 05-07-2013 09:44 PM

Sounds like a good start for long term cooperation :)

Thank you for your appreciation. It is a pleasure for me.

Let me know if there is something I can do for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Originally Posted by Stagolee (Post 29686)
Wanted to put it out there and wanted to start here. Best service I have experienced yet.
Recieved email that order was sent on 4/15/13 and recieved it yesterday 4/25/13.
I live in Ohio,USA ......Dude, wow!
I have never recieved anything so quick, EVER! New to the product so I will let you know about that when my cycle is done, But lol, if its anything like the service so far you guys got me for life. Thanks!:D

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