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Barman 05-30-2013 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 (Post 30132)
never fun getting shit seized by customs, ive had it happen to me, but than i bought bulk 10 vials and 10 packs of anavar, and somehow that shipment makes it through (thankfully)

Yeah you dont want to take 4 OT from what ive heard... 2 will do the trick... its really harsh on your liver and you WILL piss blood if you abuse your body... i wish i had it... i want to just pin it but am a tad worried about sides
maybe start at 50mg of enanthate a week and work my way up? not much into taking orals... i donno something about it passing through your liver and pissing blood makes me nervous...

50mgs of test e a week?? your body makes more than that as the ester weight is around 23% of the total mgs so 100mgs of test e has around 77mgs of pure test. for a real cycle to get gains you want at lest 400mgs mate if your worried about doing gear your not ready. and liver tox is blown way out of the water oral tren is harsh but a pain killer would do way!!!!!!!!!!!! more damage. theres being tons of studys on the matter alot of the american media say bs and then it gets on boards and stuff like guys saying 50mgs of anadrol for 4 weeks is going to do alot of damage no its not one night drinking would do way more damage than 4 weeks of anadrol you want at lest 100mgs of the stuff a day that should be the bare bones 150mgs would be alot better know lots of guys doing it for years and years stongmen and bodybuilders guys who have done it all get blood test all the time so its just bs mate :) i like to talk lol

Cornish_Celt 05-30-2013 07:48 PM

I think he means Tren Enanthate mate

Barman 05-31-2013 02:44 PM

oh right lol but still 50mgs of tren e a week is noting at all

Cornish_Celt 06-01-2013 07:42 AM

yeah, the minimum dosage of tren e should be 100mg per week but you'd be better off with 200mg

olddog 06-04-2013 04:30 AM

ok this is the start of my 4th week on the oral tren 4 tabs a day
so 6 days left

250 omandran and 250 test c a week also
2 tabs liv 52 a day and 1 tab of cabaser every thursday

ive had no side except i am really tired during the day
libido is up
piss is still pretty clear ( not radioactive live CC)

im bigger than I have ever been and stronger by a long shot
arms and shoulders really look much much better than when I started 4 weeks ago

ill run the omandran and test for 8 weeks more then im off cycle for a while

ill be doing this one again

olddog 06-10-2013 07:02 PM

Very Weird
ok i just finished the 4th week of OT at 4 tabs a day

im still on 250 amandran and 250 test c a week for another 8 weeks

but here is the very weird part

I have had a bad arthritic great toe joint on the left foot for years. Been broken several times and is always a problem. It is even eazy to see a little deformity in the joint

OK so here is the deal


i mean really gone no pain no swelling no deformity i can move it again

WTF? could this be the OT? is it possible?

h4x0r2986 06-14-2013 12:27 PM

No clue but does oral tren have the same effects as injectable tren, specifically to strength gains and fat loss? I'm really trying to lose some fat... at about 11% bf and would like to get to 7% or so... Any thoughts?

Cornish_Celt 06-14-2013 01:05 PM

Diet and cardio,
None of these drugs will work as well as they're supposed to unless your diet and training is spot on

Demanda_Doll 06-14-2013 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by olddog (Post 30336)
ok i just finished the 4th week of OT at 4 tabs a day

im still on 250 amandran and 250 test c a week for another 8 weeks

but here is the very weird part

I have had a bad arthritic great toe joint on the left foot for years. Been broken several times and is always a problem. It is even eazy to see a little deformity in the joint

OK so here is the deal


i mean really gone no pain no swelling no deformity i can move it again

WTF? could this be the OT? is it possible?

Holy shit olddog that kicks ass...I have no idea what did it for ya but damn glad the pain is gone and I'll xxxx my fingers that it stays that way for ya.
I'd deff keep a log of exactly what dosage you were on that way if the pain comes back you can try and duplicate the results again.
Congrats man!
Do you have pics?
Keep up the great work ;-)

olddog 06-14-2013 07:29 PM

yes ill post picks

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