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pulltravis 03-26-2013 01:24 AM

Oral tren thread!
well boys its 8oclock pm and i am about to go to bed,But first let me tell you how my day went. 6am i pop my first OT 250mcgs,im 6'2 280lbs,about 7am i started pissing(,i drink water all day ,now for this cycle i have not changed my diet,i eat pretty clean although the body building days are behind me i cheat once a week and eat like a horse allday long and i dont do alot of cardio,so we will see how this works on me not changing anything) back to my day, so im pissing like i have never pissed before in my life(and ive taken lasix) its 12 noon i pop the next OT 250mcgs and im still pissing,bout 1pm the headache sets in,now im happy cause sides are what i look for,lets me know shit is going on inside,6pm i pop the last OT 250mcgs for the day(on a half empty stomach), i lift,i do chest and triceps,bout half way through i start shaking,i feel alittle dizzy,my heart rate is through the roof,once again im happy the sides are showing.The pumps are like nothing short of A50,crazy crazy pumps,as soon as im done i start cramping like a dog trying to shit a peach seed,once again happy(sides). I slam a protein shake the shaking and dizzness and cramps leaves me. The pumps do not! Now ive run and abused Gear since the early 90's so i know what im doing! All that being said this is some of the best gear ive taken,it kicked in faster than i thought it would for sure,it came on like a hurricane! well its 8pm and the headache is all but gone(i took nothing for it,i let it run its course jus to see how long it would last) i now weigh 277lbs,water weight? prolly but thats cool with me,ill weigh again in the morn and let you Knuckleheads know whats up tomorrow nite, stay healthy bros!!!!......p.s. im also running 800mgs of test cyp a week!

Cornish_Celt 03-26-2013 06:20 AM

Following this like a hawk!!
Waiting for mine to arrive and can't wait to get started!

Barman 03-26-2013 04:24 PM

nice stuff mate yeh the stuff works fast the inject stuff starts working within 2-3 mins lol im guessing 30 -45 mins for the oral to really start feeling it? cant wait for mine know alot of guys who love in inject stuff hope this is just as good with my cut :D

Just orderd mine now lol just one pack for now incase its to much for me dont want to be stuck with 2 or more packs cant wait :)

kurt78 03-26-2013 07:54 PM

oral tren
I got my pack of ortrexyl from Kalpa yesterday and am waiting for other peoples feedback with the stuff. I'm not starting my cycle for another month or so, but am looking forward to more reviews.

pulltravis 03-27-2013 12:31 AM

Ok boys drop your cocks,story time! 430am i weigh 274lbs, 6am i pop my first OT250mcgs and its headache time again,not as bad as the first day so i deal with it.dosent last but ,more than a few hours!still pissing but not quite as much! 12noon i pop my second OT250mcgs,same no change! 5pm i lift,the pumps are great not much shaking or dizziness,( i dont recomend taking this product on an empty stomach EVER!!!) but its your choice! 6pm i pop my last OT250mcgs,All is well my weight is 274lbs still, MY VASCULARITY is coming in around my shoulders and arms alittle better no complaints at all!!!,awsome i jus love this shit!!!!...IF YOUR NOT ON THIS SHIT YOUR FUCKING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET YOUR ASS ON GBNs SITE AND ORDER NOW BEFORE I BUY ALL THIS SHIT, i jus ordered the bulk Oral Tren so stock up now knuckleheads!!!! to ya tomorrow!!! stay healthy bros!.....p.s. results may vary!lmfao

JJohnston82 03-27-2013 01:05 AM

Is this an oral version of Trenbolone or is this a different Tren?

pulltravis 03-27-2013 01:58 AM

DID YOU JUS ASK IF "ORAL TREN" was an oral version of trenbolone?....i love this guy already!!!!!!

JJohnston82 03-27-2013 02:09 AM

Lol im confused. What is it?!

pulltravis 03-27-2013 09:47 PM

It jus tren bro....but oral!

pulltravis 03-28-2013 12:13 AM

Ok same story as before,But today my body temp is through the roof!!!...still loving this SHIT!!

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