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kurt78 03-29-2013 02:23 AM

Oral Tren to Kick Start?
It seems like not a lot of people have a ton of experience with this stuff and I already got an order of the Kalpa from GBN. I am planning my next cycle in a month or two and was wondering what peoples thoughts were on this as a kickstart to my cycle. Last year I used Anadrol for the first month while the Deca and Test were building up and I had great gains and was satisfied with the cycle. I added Trenbolone at the half way point and I love the stuff, but that was the Enanthate. So basically I mostly hear of people using Anadrol or D-bols etc. to kickstart and i hear people using the tren during the cycle to harden up and gain strength.

Do you think Oral Tren could be as good or even better than Anadrol or D-bols to kickstart for the first month while the injectables are building up?

Thats what it comes down to. This is my third cycle and i've never used the oral tren and think it might even be better than Anadrol....

(And yes, I do know its very toxic to the liver.) I don't need the lectures about that. I am looking for people with experience with this stuff. Thanks guys....

pulltravis 03-29-2013 02:44 AM

Kurt78.....i used it to kickstart my cycle!..see thread!

ncspacy 03-29-2013 02:49 AM

I am curious about tren for sure.

But the dose is so low not sure if the tablet could be broken down so small.

Yes I am aware of supposed to be a no no for women.

I have some past experiences with the big boy stuff.

pulltravis 03-29-2013 03:01 AM

Rock that shit ncspacy!!!

kurt78 03-29-2013 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by pulltravis (Post 29118)
Kurt78.....i used it to kickstart my cycle!..see thread!

ya, I'm following your thread as well buddy... You already got my intention! I know it depends on the person i guess, but would you say this stuff could kickstart your cycle a little harder and better than the A50's.?

JJohnston82 03-29-2013 03:12 AM

I may also start with oral tren instead of Dbol as Dbol makes me lose my appetite.

ncspacy 03-29-2013 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by pulltravis (Post 29124)
Rock that shit ncspacy!!!

on primo and winnie now. gonna drop the winnie when primo kicks in. Also started a log.

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