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h4x0r2986 06-17-2013 11:45 AM

Nut Shrinkage
Anyone else using Kalpa Test E? I just started week 5 @ 500mg/wk and my nuts are still online... do your nuts always get taken offline with test?

Its typically my way of determining if the test is working outside of strength gains.

Strength has gone up slightly... Maybe 20-30 pounds on bench, but that's it... Maybe it's underdosed or I need more?

USMC1371 06-17-2013 06:05 PM

For some reason my nuts hung low my first cycle of test E but my current cycle of prop not so much. I also gained my ASS off during that cycle so I wouldn't use that to gauge effectiveness. You would think since your body isnt producing test naturally it would be a guarantee but like I said, didn't happen with my first run. With test E, you should start seeing nice results throughout the next couple of weeks if diet, sleep and exercise are on point. I don't notice much until week 4/5. Its definitely g2g if its from HT! Have a good cycle.

olddog 06-17-2013 07:20 PM

i went to 750 to 1000 mgs per week of test e and had no issues as to function some shrinkage but the clomid and novaldex at pct fixed that

at 56 yoa i am pretty happy with that

just finished 4 weeks of 1000mcs oral tren and my wife is worn out. Libido is high all the time

h4x0r2986 06-17-2013 11:48 PM

Yeah my libido is through the roof and I feel a lot more confident - i feel good with test at 500mg/wk, masteron at 600mg/wk, and EQ at 300mg/wk... think ill run this for 16 weeks total :)

GunnyGunnderson 06-17-2013 11:49 PM

i guess it depends on how sensitive you are to it. i have no problems until weeks 5/6 but i run hcg around week 4 to be preemptive. one of my bros always complains that his hurt around week 4 cuz they shrink so bad and always keeps loads of hcg on hand. i've run 3 cycles of kalpa stuff though and can say its gtg.

h4x0r2986 06-18-2013 02:15 AM

whats your favorite kalpa product? I haven't tried the whole line up... Id like to try the oral tren but am a little nervous with the response ill have to it... i already occasionally have insomnia so i guess ill be poppin nightly melatonin's haha

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