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Huge Tom 11-27-2015 06:25 PM

Nolvadex and Clomid dosages for PCT
Nolvadex and Clomid PCT Protocol

After some cycles you will want to use both Clomid and Nolvadex together.

Here is how these are used together:

Day 1 – Clomid 150mg+ Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

For any additional questions send us a ticket.

UBAD2 12-18-2015 01:19 AM

Question ...
For what type of situation or scenario would one need to use both, combining the two pills.
And can you tell us dosage protocol for when the person is just using clomid by itself please for PCT.
Thanks !

stillgoingstron 12-18-2015 09:10 AM

I tried clomid once and hated the sides. Blurred vision being the worst. Since then I've used nolva and aromasin and recovered really well.

That said, my cycles are nowhere near as heavy as some, although I do use tren, so not exactly beginner cycles. Point is, in my opinion, your pct really will depend on your cycle.

I would never use clomid by itself. Nolva by itself yes, but not clomid. No point.

andyebs 12-18-2015 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by UBAD2 (Post 43580)
For what type of situation or scenario would one need to use both, combining the two pills.
And can you tell us dosage protocol for when the person is just using clomid by itself please for PCT.
Thanks !

reason for taking both is if have taken androgenic steroids that aromatise at a rapid rate, or if you are pre-disposed to gynecomastia
Nolvadex are far more effective anti-oestrogens

and if only running clomid take the above sugestion and remove the nolva

day 1 100mg
10 days 50mg per day
next 10 40-50 per day

andyebs 12-18-2015 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 43588)

I tried clomid once and hated the sides. Blurred vision being the worst. Since then I've used nolva and aromasin and recovered really well.

That said, my cycles are nowhere near as heavy as some, although I do use tren, so not exactly beginner cycles. Point is, in my opinion, your pct really will depend on your cycle.

I would never use clomid by itself. Nolva by itself yes, but not clomid. No point.

i have never used it so far
as too many bad side ive heard and seems everyone gets it ive spoke to

HCG and nolva has done me for pct
do use letro to control too and not found any problems with lack of sex drive so ok with me

stillgoingstron 12-18-2015 09:49 AM

Not sure if the above has really helped answer your question.

While I definitely respect the advice of those on this forum and if l don't know something I'll ask. But . . . And I've said this before you can't go wrong if you read and keep reading as much as you can about SERMS and AIs and what needs to be done to restart your natural test etc.

The boffins are reinventing these pct meds all the time and therefore we have new ways to use them. Clomid does work in a slightly different way to nolva which is why the two were used together but that slight difference isn't the magic bullet and doesn't make the sides worth it.

As for how much to use and for how long to use it, that really depends on how deep your pocket is and how much of the side effects of these meds you are prepared to endure. In that respect nolva is as good as it gets. Good for your lipid profile and used for up to 5 years or so for breast cancer patients so unlikely to do long term damage and it will do the pct job.

I like aromasin but it doesn't do a lot for your lipids. Apparently.

UBAD2 12-18-2015 09:52 AM

aromasin .....
Dosaging for this one. How much and how often for optimal gyno control.

stillgoingstron 12-18-2015 09:53 AM

Yep. Letro is just about the ultimate estrogen destroyer. I take it sparingly if I feel its necessary. But it does give me aching joints if I abuse it.

Letro, aromasin, arimidex, nolva, clomid and so on makes it well worth studying what they all bring to the table and what they can do for you.

stillgoingstron 12-18-2015 10:04 AM

Aromasin kills estrogen stone dead. Never to return. I take one a day for a week or so at the start of pct to prevent to much of an imbalance of test and estrogen and then taper down slowly and Introducing nolva which just blocks the estrogen from the wrong place but letting it do good stuff in the right place. I then reintroduce some aromasin to prevent any estrogen rebound due to the nolva not actually destroying it. I wouldn't like to give exact amounts because it really depends on your cycle and how your recovery is progressing, but something like 1 x aromasin ED for a week or two, then 1 x nolva ED for 2 or 3 weeks crossing over with the aromasin at the start and then a week or so if aromasin at the end at maybe 1 EOD and then E3D and so on. Bear in mind aromasin also increases your natural test production regardless of anything else you do.

It works for me. If or probably when I do heavier cycles or longer cycles I'll up the dose or length of pct or maybe try hcg. But at the moment I don't feel I need to.

stillgoingstron 12-18-2015 10:08 AM

Done it again and not read the question properly :D. If you use aromasin l'd be stunned if you got gyno. If you show signs just up the dose. Just be aware that killing all your estrogen for too long isn't good. That's where nolva might be a better choice.

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