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Cornish_Celt 04-20-2013 04:37 PM

I'm not using their Test but I am using Kalpa Equipoise and that's fine, I know there have been some people saying that the pip can be very bad on Kalpa test but not experienced it myself

andyebs 04-21-2013 05:39 PM

My first injection pain next day was bad but had nothing since I been plain sailing for me this is my first time injecting so can't really compare

h4x0r2986 04-23-2013 12:02 AM

yeah guess ill find out first hand after I get my order... Speaking of which, I think I'll message HugeTom about this... It's been awhile and they haven't shipped yet !! Very unlike them

h4x0r2986 04-25-2013 11:43 PM

GBN has shipped 10@10ml vials of Masteron 200 and 10@50tab of Oxandroxyl...

I'll post pics when it gets delivered :)

As of right now im thinkin a 12 week cycle

1-12 test 500mg
1-12 mast 500mg
8-12 var @50mg/day

and pct will be nolva @ 20mg/day and clomid @ 20mg/day for 2 weeks, than drop the dosage down to 10mg/day for each for another 2 weeks

Thinkin' of adding primo orals in their too for weeks 1-12 at 100mg per day

What do you all think?

h4x0r2986 05-03-2013 10:54 PM

im thinking of adding tren and primobolan in there too. Just get crazy! maybe dbol it a little for first 6 weeks, than extend cycle to 16 weeks n var it for weeks 11-16

h4x0r2986 05-06-2013 01:46 AM

It's been 8 days and if my spidey senses are right, I'll see a funtime package in the mail this week :)

Huge Tom 05-07-2013 09:01 PM

Hi guys, it looks like you progressed a lot here.

I missed you.

I was busy with doing some improvements and had no time to log in and write here since tickets took half of the day from me.

I replied to everyone's PM so check them and feel free to spam me back.

h4x0r2986 your cycle looks good the way you originally posted it, I would keep other products for next cycle, let me know what you decided.

h4x0r2986 05-08-2013 12:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And right on schedule, GBN is making it happen... Shipping 10 vials and 10 packs with no problem :) Thank you for all the help HugeTom!

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