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h4x0r2986 02-23-2013 10:25 PM

My Order Status Blog :)
Ordered 1 vial of 5ml test E, and received a customs letter... HugeTom delivered with a redelivery and a 10ml test E vial :) EXCELLENT customer service...

So pleased, I just placed and paid for a new order (order number:1237496) for the 10 vials of 250mg/ml test E :) This order was placed on 02/23/13 ... Will update when I receive this order and will report all my future orders in my own personal thread for you all to witness the success rate... Happy Lifting ;)

Huge Tom 02-24-2013 03:13 PM

Thank you for update sir, will you post a picture with those candies? :)

h4x0r2986 02-26-2013 01:23 AM

I certainly will :) Payment was received today. Hey HugeTom, you guys have any good deals on buying 10 vials of masteron enanthate? I didn't see anything in the bulk deals section:confused:

h4x0r2986 03-01-2013 10:11 PM

And GBN has shipped!!

Sent: Mar 1, 2013
Expected: Mar 22, 2013

Huge Tom 03-02-2013 05:52 PM

keep us updated on status bro and we want to see the gear pics :)


Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 (Post 28436)
And GBN has shipped!!

Sent: Mar 1, 2013
Expected: Mar 22, 2013

Huge Tom 03-04-2013 07:08 PM

yeah bro, just placed it on site: Masteroxyl 200


Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 (Post 28310)
I certainly will :) Payment was received today. Hey HugeTom, you guys have any good deals on buying 10 vials of masteron enanthate? I didn't see anything in the bulk deals section:confused:

h4x0r2986 03-08-2013 10:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Splendid job Tom! Thank you for getting Masteron on a deal for bulk orders :) I will be placing an order soon!

As for my 10 @ 10ml test e order... It has arrived!!

Sent March 1st
Arrived March 8th

And 30 bucks a bottle of test... LOVE IT! Thank you Tom! As a bonus, i got gbn in the background in pic :D

roids26 03-09-2013 05:48 PM

Nice brother

h4x0r2986 03-10-2013 01:01 AM

What do you guys think of a cycle like this

Weeks 1-16 500mg Test E
Weeks 1-15 500mg EQ
Weeks 9-16 300mg Masteron
Weeks 13-16 50mg ED Anavar

Week 17
Day 1: Clomid 50mg
Day 2 through week 19 25mg Clomid
Plus natural test booster supplements

I've done test,eq, and var cycle before, wanted to add masteron in

Eurovisionas 03-10-2013 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 (Post 28616)
What do you guys think of a cycle like this

Weeks 1-16 500mg Test E
Weeks 1-15 500mg EQ
Weeks 9-16 300mg Masteron
Weeks 13-16 50mg ED Anavar

Week 17
Day 1: Clomid 50mg
Day 2 through week 19 25mg Clomid
Plus natural test booster supplements

I've done test,eq, and var cycle before, wanted to add masteron in

300mg of masteron is nothing, I would up it to 600mg. Also I would take clomid at 50mg all the way and add 20mg of nolva too for pct. Othen than these stuff cycle looks solid. It will be also good if you have some aromasin on hand in case of gyno symptoms.

h4x0r2986 03-10-2013 07:04 PM

Would you run the mast and var for less/more time? I've never taken mast before but do want to use it long enough to see pronounced results.. I'm thinking of starting with 300 with the mast week 1, than increasing by 100 per week until I see more sides than positive from it.


backspace 03-10-2013 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 (Post 28616)
What do you guys think of a cycle like this

Weeks 1-16 500mg Test E
Weeks 1-15 500mg EQ
Weeks 9-16 300mg Masteron
Weeks 13-16 50mg ED Anavar

Week 17
Day 1: Clomid 50mg
Day 2 through week 19 25mg Clomid
Plus natural test booster supplements

I've done test,eq, and var cycle before, wanted to add masteron in

I don't see the point of running clomid during cycle. Masterson help with estrogen.
when I'm running mast above 500mg. I dont get any sides

Eurovisionas 03-10-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by backspace (Post 28619)
I don't see the point of running clomid during cycle. Masterson help with estrogen.
when I'm running mast above 500mg. I dont get any sides

No one said about clomid during cycle,you are right there is no need during cycle. All the way I meant during pct at 50mg instead of the 25mg he suggested himself.

backspace 03-10-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Eurovisionas (Post 28620)
No one said about clomid during cycle,you are right there is no need during cycle. All the way I meant during pct at 50mg instead of the 25mg he suggested himself.

yup my bad

Eurovisionas 03-10-2013 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by h4x0r2986 (Post 28618)
Would you run the mast and var for less/more time? I've never taken mast before but do want to use it long enough to see pronounced results.. I'm thinking of starting with 300 with the mast week 1, than increasing by 100 per week until I see more sides than positive from it.


I don't thing there are any real 'annoying' sides from masteron,even with 1000mg of it. EQ and especially test are way more likely of giving any trouble before masteron does. Maybe use masteron at 600mg for the last 6 weeks if it's proprionate or last 8 weeks if its enanthate and anavar for the last 4 weeks. That way they give you their full benefits.

h4x0r2986 04-12-2013 10:14 PM

I thought after you made more than two orders through GBN you can start using credit card rather than using Western Union? I thought this is how it worked.....


h4x0r2986 04-12-2013 11:54 PM

Just ordered 10 vials of Masteroxyl 200 and 500 tabs of Oxandroxyl (Anavar)

Submitted MTCN today 4/12/13.... Should have it by 4/25/13 based on previous delivery times :)

h4x0r2986 04-16-2013 03:57 PM

Hey Tom, any news on order 1248188? Everything in stock?

h4x0r2986 04-16-2013 10:54 PM

So you have:

11 vials of test 250
10 vials of mast 200
500 10mg pills of Var
Clomid and Nolva on hand

What kind of cycle would you run in terms of length of time? Any advice would much be appreciated!

h4x0r2986 04-20-2013 04:29 PM

Any one getting PIP from the Test E from Kalpa? I'm hearing a lot of people are getting numb and bed ridden after pinning

Cornish_Celt 04-20-2013 04:37 PM

I'm not using their Test but I am using Kalpa Equipoise and that's fine, I know there have been some people saying that the pip can be very bad on Kalpa test but not experienced it myself

andyebs 04-21-2013 05:39 PM

My first injection pain next day was bad but had nothing since I been plain sailing for me this is my first time injecting so can't really compare

h4x0r2986 04-23-2013 12:02 AM

yeah guess ill find out first hand after I get my order... Speaking of which, I think I'll message HugeTom about this... It's been awhile and they haven't shipped yet !! Very unlike them

h4x0r2986 04-25-2013 11:43 PM

GBN has shipped 10@10ml vials of Masteron 200 and 10@50tab of Oxandroxyl...

I'll post pics when it gets delivered :)

As of right now im thinkin a 12 week cycle

1-12 test 500mg
1-12 mast 500mg
8-12 var @50mg/day

and pct will be nolva @ 20mg/day and clomid @ 20mg/day for 2 weeks, than drop the dosage down to 10mg/day for each for another 2 weeks

Thinkin' of adding primo orals in their too for weeks 1-12 at 100mg per day

What do you all think?

h4x0r2986 05-03-2013 10:54 PM

im thinking of adding tren and primobolan in there too. Just get crazy! maybe dbol it a little for first 6 weeks, than extend cycle to 16 weeks n var it for weeks 11-16

h4x0r2986 05-06-2013 01:46 AM

It's been 8 days and if my spidey senses are right, I'll see a funtime package in the mail this week :)

Huge Tom 05-07-2013 09:01 PM

Hi guys, it looks like you progressed a lot here.

I missed you.

I was busy with doing some improvements and had no time to log in and write here since tickets took half of the day from me.

I replied to everyone's PM so check them and feel free to spam me back.

h4x0r2986 your cycle looks good the way you originally posted it, I would keep other products for next cycle, let me know what you decided.

h4x0r2986 05-08-2013 12:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And right on schedule, GBN is making it happen... Shipping 10 vials and 10 packs with no problem :) Thank you for all the help HugeTom!

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