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h4x0r2986 06-25-2013 01:38 AM

Kalpa Sides
Has anyone experienced any sides from Kalpa Test Enanthate or Masteron? I'm 5 weeks in and 18 hours after inject, im experiencing nausea, vertigo, and extreme dizziness. Is this related to the gear?

It's occured 18 hours after inject like clock work for last 2 pins... and let me say i had to leave work for time, than after next pin 18 hours later, laid in bed all day.

I'm going to a doc but just want to see what people have to say about it

GunnyGunnderson 06-25-2013 02:10 AM

sorry to hear that man. no problems here with the E or C... haven't used the Mast so i can't say. all the orals i've used have been good as well. also meant to reply to your other thread just haven't been on in a while

stillgoingstron 06-25-2013 06:20 AM

I've pinned 3 weeks worth at 400ml and I've experienced nothing like that. Just a 3 or 4 day dead leg pain but that's all.

Cornish_Celt 06-25-2013 06:34 AM

I always get pip for 3 or 4 days after injection but I get that with any test not just Kalpa, Those symptoms sound very odd and certainly don't sound like they're from test.

h4x0r2986 06-25-2013 10:35 PM

I went to docs and they said I may have an ear infection which causes vertigo and nausea. Apparently its quite common. I was prescribed Antivert @ 25mg/day to help with the dizzy spells. They can last for up to a month although thats unlikely. For now, I'll assume it's an ear infection and not the mast/test combo.... guess its Tuesday which means... its time to pin;)

Demanda_Doll 06-26-2013 07:43 PM

Good luck bro, feel better soon and keep us up to date!

h4x0r2986 06-27-2013 04:05 AM

feeling better, although still taking the antivert as a precautionary measure... if my initial prediction of it being related to the gear is right, ill get dizzy about 18 hours from now... i'll keeep you all posted

Cornish_Celt 06-27-2013 05:21 AM

I fail to see how dizzyness 18 hours after injecting can be related to gear, if you where going to get a reaction from the gear it would show much quicker than that. There are many medical conditions that have the same symptoms that you describe.

Side effects associated with Testosterone Enanthate:

Coughing or shortness of breath following injection.
Acne, excessive hair growth and voice changes in women (virilism).
Hair loss.
Enlargement of the breasts in men.
Salt and water retention.
Swelling caused by fluid retention (oedema).
Excessive frequency and duration of erections.
Persistent painful erection of the penis (priapism).
Decreased sperm count.
Reduced volume of ejaculation.
Prostate problems.
Increased levels of red blood cells and haemoglobin in the blood.
Liver tumours in rare cases.
Premature closure of the ends of bones.

Masteron has a number of side effects. When taken in large amounts, this drug can cause gynecomastia in males, which is an increased and abnormal growth of breast tissue. Excessive use can lead to sudden increases in blood pressure. High blood pressure can damage the heart’s cells and the walls of blood vessels. It can also cause water retention, alopecia, excessive anger, and pimples. Masteron Enanthate can also decrease sexual desire due to decreased production of testosterone.

Did you tell the doctor that you are taking Testosterone and Masteron and if so what was his response?

h4x0r2986 06-27-2013 12:46 PM

No he's a family doctor (and my neighbor) so I just walked over and he prescribed me AntiVert... I only associated it with gear because I am not taking anything else except test/mast, and the coincidence that I got both dizzy spells at the same time after pinning seemed suspect. I had 5 weeks without getting dizzy and now that it has kicked in, I think I'm imagining it is coming from the gear... If it does persist to get worse even with medication, I'll have to suspend this cycle. Im in week 7 now and wanted to run the test/mast for 16 weeks...

Either way the test/mast have minimal gains that I can see. My bench has gone up 30 or 40 pounds.... Last time I took test at same dose (Sciroxx), my bench went up 80 pounds... also my balls shrank too and this time they really haven't gotten a whole lot smaller... They do briefly after pinning for about a day but than just blow back up (perhaps my feedback system is stronger after my last PCT?) In both cycles I have run at 500mg/wk

Demanda_Doll 06-27-2013 06:08 PM

If you do have an ear infection and/or water on the inner ear this can cause vertigo, vertigo in turn causes serve dizziness and neause. The only thing I could see were ur gear could play into these sides would be if you are having a spike in your blood pressure.
A sudden spike in blood pressure can cause vertigo like symptoms as well as blurred or tunnel like vision, ringing or pounding in the ears, a sudden stiffness in the neck and headache or migraines.

Don't know if this helps you or not.

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