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new-Jedi 07-13-2015 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by realmuscle (Post 40692)
What did you order?

Just some test E cycle.

realmuscle 07-13-2015 11:02 PM

What mg per week? And how long?

new-Jedi 07-14-2015 12:23 AM

I'm order the cycle package, 12 weeks at 500 mg per week, then the clomid.

realmuscle 07-14-2015 12:31 AM

Awesome man keep us updated on your progress likes/dislikes if u have an issue dont hesitate to ask advice. Whats your diet gonna be like?

new-Jedi 07-14-2015 01:02 AM

Well, my normal bulk diet isn't has high as some, because I have slow metabolism and I gain fat easy. I'm about 160 now. I've been eat about 2500 a day, with 40 carbs, 30, protein, and 30 fats. When I cycle I'm going to switch that to 40, 40, 20 and start with 2800 calories a day. 2500 seems to be a good spot for me, because 3000 I was gaining fat really fast. I used to have thyroid issues, so I went from having no fat or muscle, hyperthyroidism, to gaining fat fast with hypothyroidism. Now I have that undrer control, it seems like 2500 was about right when I'm just trying to add some lean muscle. I suspect during the cycle I may need more, but we will see.

stillgoingstron 07-14-2015 01:39 AM

It's definitely a fine balancing act. You don't want to just get fat. That's easy. I would suggest lowering the carbs at this stage instead of the fats, if you need to trim up slightly. But having said that I'd see how you get on with the cycle first. Make sure you're gaining muscle first before you reduce calories. The normal fat gaining rules seem to go out the window.

new-Jedi 07-14-2015 02:21 AM

That's what I'm thinking. I may end up needing more of everything, which I'd do, but I dislike eating so much, so it's kinda one of those things. My problem is healthy food isn't calorie dense. You have to eat a lot to build. I wouldn't mind if I could gain muscle off of 1500 a day, but I can't so.

stillgoingstron 07-14-2015 06:33 AM

Join the club mate. That's probably the number one reason why so few people are huge and ripped.

A good thing with AAS is that a lot more of the food you eat turns to muscle and not fat. I don't mean pizzas here.

new-Jedi 07-14-2015 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 40797)

Join the club mate. That's probably the number one reason why so few people are huge and ripped.

A good thing with AAS is that a lot more of the food you eat turns to muscle and not fat. I don't mean pizzas here.

Man, I love pizza. lOL. Actually, my diet consist of this. Shredded wheat for my carbs. I do a 1 gram of fiber to every 5 grams of carbs ratio.

My three main meals are:
Tostada: Corn Tostada cooked in olive oil(sometimes coconut) lean beef, black beans, black olives, lettuce, black bean pick sauce, low fat skim milk mozzarella cheese.

Rice meal: brown Rice, Black beans, Lean beef or chicken, broccoli, carrots, olive oil, low fat skim milk mozerella cheese.

Steak, steak, steak.

Some hamburgers.

Wheat pasta with low fat sauce. Lean beef added.

Fat free cottage cheese.


P28 High protein Spreads.

Whey protein.
Fish oil.

What are your guys view on cheat meals. I don't really have them, but I often wonder if I should.

stillgoingstron 07-14-2015 10:24 PM

If you're dieting really strictly a cheat meal will keep you sane. If you're cutting carbs (or calories) strictly a high carb meal (or refeed) will replenish or normalise your leptin levels.

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