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andyebs 08-05-2015 01:17 PM

right from yesterday
meal 5- roast chicken dinner
meal 6 was scrambled eggs and bowl of porridge
again waking up early hours starving so I’m eating was just bowl of shreddies though

diet, training and supps and gear update
wide grip pull ups 4 sets to failure
barbell rows 4 sets 6-8 reps
deadlifts 4 sets 10,8,8,4
close gip pull ups 4 sets to failure they have these twisty handle things I like to use
ez bar curl 3 sets 8-10
hammer curls 3 sets 8-10

meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake
meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge
after workout with shake and banana
meal 3 --chicken roast dinner
meal 4 --- misses smoothies
meal 5-check tomorrow

supps --
I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts

smoothie recipes
Icelandic yogurt 100g
whole milk 200ml
protein powder 1 scoop
ground oatmeal 25g
strawberry’s handful
protein --42.8g carbs --59.6g fats---11.9g

andyebs 08-05-2015 01:20 PM

For stillgoingstrong
Last nights roast and today's lunch
Yes that is the skin on the chicken lol

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Huge Tom 08-05-2015 02:15 PM

Looks good man, now I want to eat :)


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41299)
For stillgoingstrong
Last nights roast and today's lunch
Yes that is the skin on the chicken lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Huge Tom 08-05-2015 02:19 PM

Andy you are doing great job man!


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41275)
right from yesterday
meal 5- was tuna pasta
meal 6 was Greek yogurt and granola
then come the peanut butter on toast then 3 Weetabix
and wok up 3am ish starving had protein shake and anther 3 Weetabix
so munched out bit at home

diet, training and supps and gear update
chest day
started with incline barbell press 4 sets 6-8
then flat press 4 sets 6-8 superseded with dumbbell pullovers 4 sets 6-8
then incline fly’s 4 sets 6-8
press ups 3 sets to failure witch wasn’t a lot as was finisher
reason for supersets at moment is just time

meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake and orange
meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge
after workout with shake and banana
meal 3 -- tuna pasta and salad whatever is dinner last night is todays lunch
meal 4 --- misses smoothies ill see what she does with this maybe post how or video post on how to make
meal 5-check tomorrow

supps --
I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts

gear nothing has changed
700mg test sust per week split into two shots
500mg tren e per week split into two shots
no going to lie sust is giving me little bit of pip nothing to major though

stillgoingstron 08-05-2015 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41299)
For stillgoingstrong
Last nights roast and today's lunch
Yes that is the skin on the chicken

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Luvvly jubbly :D

andyebs 08-06-2015 12:40 PM

right from yesterday
meal 5- salmon and rice plus bit of salad
meal 6 scrabbled egg and beans plus touch of cheese
bowl shreddies later on as well

diet, training and supps and gear update
barbell press 4 sets8-10
Arnold press 4 sets 6-8reps
side raises 4 sets 10
rear delt machine 3 sets 10
shrugs 3 sets 8
dips 3 sets 12
rope pushdown 3 sets 8-10
rope overhead 3 sets 8-10

meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake
meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge
after workout with shake and banana
meal 3 --salmon and rice
meal 4 --- granola and yogurt this is Icelandic stuff not sure why misses has changed from Greek but it’s nice
meal 5-check tomorrow

andyebs 08-10-2015 10:14 AM

Fridays update missed it was busy
diet, training and supps and gear update
squats -4 sets 8-10 went quite heavy hear
leg press 4 sets 8-10
leg curl 4 sets 8-10
lunges 3 sets 8-10
seated calf raise 3 sets 15-20 slow as hell full stretch
standing calf raise 3 sets 10-12

meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake
meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge
after workout with shake and banana
meal 3 --chicken and rice
meal 4 --- smoothies
meal 5-chicken and rice again was mushroom sauce on it so was ok
meal 6 - 3 soft boiled eggs and soldiers had some shreddies later on
and peanut butter and toast

need to up food a bit will be adding food after little bug has gone

andyebs 08-10-2015 10:20 AM
Friday selfie in the gym
Still got abs 3 weeks into bulk is reason upping food lol

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andyebs 08-11-2015 08:35 AM

monday wasnt feeling well
so i didnt even end up going to the gym thought id have a rest and can do full leg day friday instead of splitting

my diet was crap too
one had planned meals in the day and didnt really finish any of them
misses looked after me when got home
bottle of lucozade helped me out love that stuff when not well

but feeling lot better so back on track from now

stillgoingstron 08-11-2015 09:04 AM

Glad to hear you're firing on all cylinder again. I don't think there's anything to be gained by training when Ill.

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