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new-Jedi 08-03-2015 05:32 PM

Great job man. The hard work is paying off. Good luck.

andyebs 08-04-2015 08:08 AM

shes bloody slipping mate lol
she was part time finished her degree and now gone full time cant remember her title as so many steps in nurseing to me a nurse is a nurse but apperently not
so shes works full time less time for food prep having to do some myself not on
ill give it little while let her settle in full time job then whip be coming back out


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 41239)

Amazing progress Andy from your first post/photo ever. Effing amazing mate.
What's happened to the cookery blog with all that lovely grub your missus makes?

new-Jedi 08-04-2015 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41260)
shes bloody slipping mate lol
she was part time finished her degree and now gone full time cant remember her title as so many steps in nurseing to me a nurse is a nurse but apperently not
so shes works full time less time for food prep having to do some myself not on
ill give it little while let her settle in full time job then whip be coming back out

I used to think the same thing. Yea, Nurses are highly trained and usually go through a lot of schooling. There are different levels too. Is she a nurse practitioner? That's one of the top nurses n the U.S., basically can perform some of the Dr. duties.

andyebs 08-04-2015 08:45 AM

No just looked on email sent from her work
She's associate practitioner
No idea what this is but I know she has another degree to do before she goes top nurse but she has to work year in this job before she can do degree

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

andyebs 08-04-2015 08:51 AM

Right hears measurements as token last night
BF 13.5% this taken from callipers at home myself
Biceps 15inch
Chest 41.5inch nice increase of 1.5 hear so pleased
Waist 33inch
Quads 23inch got whole inch hear as well so over the moon
Calf 15.5
Forearm 12

Hears few pics think can see increase in legs and width of back where measurement has increased
New pants on list lmao
And need to work on position I legs on back pose as look Terrible from back

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

new-Jedi 08-04-2015 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41262)
No just looked on email sent from her work
She's associate practitioner
No idea what this is but I know she has another degree to do before she goes top nurse but she has to work year in this job before she can do degree

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's still up there I think. That's awesome, she worked her butt off for that. If it's like the States, then she'll be making some great money. Well worth the work. Good catch! I'm happy for you.

My GF was an English Major, and has a Library Science Masters. Which really isn't even about libraries, although they can be. She actually works for a pretty large non-profit. Also a good catch.

Oh, I heard you made some great progress since coming here. Congrats. Alright, it's too late in the states to still be up. Have a great workout today.

andyebs 08-04-2015 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by new-Jedi (Post 41266)
. If it's like the States, then she'll be making some great money. Well worth the work. .

LMAO in england you dont become nurse for the money
shes on pennys mate
NHS uniform in pics and those who know about NHS know its not great pay or conditions or enough staff for nurses but we all love it

stillgoingstron 08-04-2015 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41260)
shes bloody slipping mate lol
she was part time finished her degree and now gone full time cant remember her title as so many steps in nurseing to me a nurse is a nurse but apperently not
so shes works full time less time for food prep having to do some myself not on
ill give it little while let her settle in full time job then whip be coming back out

Haha. Brilliant! Make sure you post photos when she cooks a goodun. It stokes my appetite just looking at your food:D

andyebs 08-04-2015 12:35 PM

right from yesterday
meal 5- was tuna pasta
meal 6 was Greek yogurt and granola
then come the peanut butter on toast then 3 Weetabix
and wok up 3am ish starving had protein shake and anther 3 Weetabix
so munched out bit at home

diet, training and supps and gear update
chest day
started with incline barbell press 4 sets 6-8
then flat press 4 sets 6-8 superseded with dumbbell pullovers 4 sets 6-8
then incline fly’s 4 sets 6-8
press ups 3 sets to failure witch wasn’t a lot as was finisher
reason for supersets at moment is just time

meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake and orange
meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge
after workout with shake and banana
meal 3 -- tuna pasta and salad whatever is dinner last night is todays lunch
meal 4 --- misses smoothies ill see what she does with this maybe post how or video post on how to make
meal 5-check tomorrow

supps --
I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts

gear nothing has changed
700mg test sust per week split into two shots
500mg tren e per week split into two shots
no going to lie sust is giving me little bit of pip nothing to major though

Cornish_Celt 08-04-2015 01:04 PM

corr! fuck me, a proper log entry!!

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