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stillgoingstron 07-27-2015 08:58 AM

Platform is an excellent idea for a fuller stretch.

And every time you post a photo its an improvement. Nice work!

andyebs 07-30-2015 09:01 AM

felt great in gym yesterday
done some major deadlift training
and hit a PB lift 180kg i know may not be massive but was pleased
not only that done it up and down set like Eddie hall trains
so put 2x20kg on Olympic bar then every rep friend added a 10kg plate(Eddie does 20s obv) till got to 180kg then every rep take 10kg off till back to original 60kg was really good and surprised lifted 180kg as only ever done 170kg but due to ten plates wasn’t option
whole body is killing today from all my core to back and arms

for those don’t know who Eddie hall is
he is Britain’s strongest man
and world record deadlift holder
he broke it earlier this year at Arnold classic then broke it again in Europe’s strongest man not long ago think he lifts 463KG not sure but remember him saying he will hit 500kg one day

hears links to record lift and his training style

andyebs 08-03-2015 08:54 AM

monday weekly update

diet has been good and on point all week weekend tend to dip as always on days out with kids as its there hols but still doing ok at weekends

i will be taking mesurments and pics this week
but so busy weekend as had friends little ones christening yesterday when normally do pics and mesurments so deley it till later and will do them

training has been good been feeling great in gym

did get on the scales as on today am 79.5kg -175.2lb so really good increase

stillgoingstron 08-03-2015 10:07 AM

Enjoying the log mate :)

And I'm hoping to try Eddie Hall's 3 man deadlift set later today, as long as our third man wants to play ball.

Cornish_Celt 08-03-2015 10:25 AM

What log?
I ain't seen any log yet, all i've seen is the odd post here and there, nothing that really shows anything about diet, training and supps etc.

When are we going to see the log actually start?

andyebs 08-03-2015 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 41233)
What log?
I ain't seen any log yet, all i've seen is the odd post here and there, nothing that really shows anything about diet, training and supps etc.

When are we going to see the log actually start?

sorry doesnt meet up to you high standard ill add more info
i feel like other logs done maybe updated too much but if thats preffered way can stick to that

andyebs 08-03-2015 12:25 PM

diet, training and supps

training was good today added new lift in as biggest dude in gym says good for hams so there in lol
standing ham curl 4 sets 12,10,8,8
seated ham curl 4 sets 12,10,8,8
good girl bad girl 3 sets on each 12,10,10 really liking these and dam hard
seated calf raise 3 sets 12 long stretch slow and tight
new lift time this is simple on decline bench lay flat down try grip dumbbell in feet and ham curl it really liked this was good just holding the dumbbell does good let alone curl it well done 3 sets of these 12,12,10 only went light as first try at it
stiff leg deadlifts from platform 3 x10
squats and these was really light 2 sets of 20 just as finisher
also on ham day I’m wearing belt all time feel makes me more solid and helps lower back pumps

meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake and peach
meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge I have old scoop from shakes and gets two scoops
workout with shake and banana
meal 3 -- chili con carnie and brown rice
meal 4 --- smoothies this has all sorts in from ground oats to peanut butter Greek yogurt banana and protein shake of course my misses makes them I isn’t going to lie they not the best tasting and have to chew it down not drink it but fills macros so fuck it
meal 4 --haven’t done this far will update when know what eating

supps --
I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts
I have tubs of creatine and bcaas but haven’t even thought of using them

that’s about updated for today

andyebs 08-03-2015 12:28 PM
Couple of gym pics done today

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Cornish_Celt 08-03-2015 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 41234)
sorry doesnt meet up to you high standard ill add more info
i feel like other logs done maybe updated too much but if thats preffered way can stick to that

if it ain't updated regularly, it ain't a log!!

A log is what you do every day not just once a week, it's supposed to show everybody what you actually do, what you achieve and how you go about getting those results

stillgoingstron 08-03-2015 01:09 PM

Amazing progress Andy from your first post/photo ever. Effing amazing mate.
What's happened to the cookery blog with all that lovely grub your missus makes?

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