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right from yesterday
meal 5- roast chicken dinner meal 6 was scrambled eggs and bowl of porridge again waking up early hours starving so I’m eating was just bowl of shreddies though Tuesday diet, training and supps and gear update back/biceps wide grip pull ups 4 sets to failure barbell rows 4 sets 6-8 reps deadlifts 4 sets 10,8,8,4 close gip pull ups 4 sets to failure they have these twisty handle things I like to use ez bar curl 3 sets 8-10 hammer curls 3 sets 8-10 diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana meal 3 --chicken roast dinner meal 4 --- misses smoothies meal 5-check tomorrow supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts smoothie recipes Icelandic yogurt 100g whole milk 200ml protein powder 1 scoop ground oatmeal 25g banana strawberry’s handful protein --42.8g carbs --59.6g fats---11.9g |
For stillgoingstrong
Last nights roast and today's lunch Yes that is the skin on the chicken lol http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...f70cf96dcf.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Looks good man, now I want to eat :)
Andy you are doing great job man!
right from yesterday
meal 5- salmon and rice plus bit of salad meal 6 scrabbled egg and beans plus touch of cheese bowl shreddies later on as well Tuesday diet, training and supps and gear update shoulder/triceps barbell press 4 sets8-10 Arnold press 4 sets 6-8reps side raises 4 sets 10 rear delt machine 3 sets 10 shrugs 3 sets 8 dips 3 sets 12 rope pushdown 3 sets 8-10 rope overhead 3 sets 8-10 diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana meal 3 --salmon and rice meal 4 --- granola and yogurt this is Icelandic stuff not sure why misses has changed from Greek but it’s nice meal 5-check tomorrow |
Fridays update missed it was busy
diet, training and supps and gear update quads squats -4 sets 8-10 went quite heavy hear leg press 4 sets 8-10 leg curl 4 sets 8-10 lunges 3 sets 8-10 seated calf raise 3 sets 15-20 slow as hell full stretch standing calf raise 3 sets 10-12 diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana meal 3 --chicken and rice meal 4 --- smoothies meal 5-chicken and rice again was mushroom sauce on it so was ok meal 6 - 3 soft boiled eggs and soldiers had some shreddies later on and peanut butter and toast need to up food a bit will be adding food after little bug has gone |
Friday selfie in the gym Still got abs 3 weeks into bulk is reason upping food lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
monday wasnt feeling well
so i didnt even end up going to the gym thought id have a rest and can do full leg day friday instead of splitting my diet was crap too one had planned meals in the day and didnt really finish any of them misses looked after me when got home bottle of lucozade helped me out love that stuff when not well but feeling lot better so back on track from now |
Glad to hear you're firing on all cylinder again. I don't think there's anything to be gained by training when Ill. |
and since only missed hams can be done on quad day so have full leg day then nothing lost |
diet, training and supps back/biceps didn’t train normal place trained with misses at local spit and sawdust gym pull over machine 4 sets 8-10 pull ups 3 sets to failure dumbbell one are row 4 sets 8-10 deadlifts 4 sets 8,6,4 felt well-spaced out maybe since was little unwell should have left these out one are preacher curls 3 sets 8-10 machine curl 3 sets 6-10 diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge meal 3 --lamb chops spuds and veg meal 4 --- Icelandic yogurt and granola meal 5---- spag bol meal 6 ---steak and egg French stick snack --popcorn toffee as well lol got hungry in eve supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts |
Feeling better looking better Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
diet, training and supps chest flat dumbbell press 3 sets 8-10 incline barbell press 3 sets 8-10 decline barbell press 3 sets 8-10 decline fly 3 sets 8-10 incline fly 3 sets 8-10 was ok workout not over heavy diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge protein shake and banana meal 3 --spag bol meal 4 --- smoothie meal 5---- tuna pasta meal 6 --- grilled chicken and salad and pita bread (dam who am I kidding its chicken kebab from local kebab) 2 bowls of shreddies in evening too misses worked evening so hence quick food from dinner she did prepare everything up to tuna pasta all I really had to do was one meal but walked passed kebab as walked dog supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts |
I'm definitely going to get myself some Weetabix! Good to see you're back on track. |
and not sure should recomend them but love them could eat loads so always good to get more food in |
diet, training and supps shoulders/triceps barbell press 3 sets 8-10 reps Arnold press 3 sets 8-10 reps side raises 4 sets 8-10reps rear delt machine 4 sets 8-12 reps pushed few extra on first one that’s why went 12 shrugs dumbbell 4 sets 6-8 reps dumbbell overhead 3 sets 8-10 rope pushdown 3 sets 8-10reps also obv before every workout there’s stretch and warm up routine thought I’d add that diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge glass OJ juice protein shake and banana meal 3 --tuna past meal 4 --- smoothie meal 5---- chicken and rice meal 6 --- 3 eggs scrambled and bowl porridge hit the popcorn again that’s the bag gone now lol supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts |
Friday catch up from last week
diet, training and supps legs squats 3 sets 20 reps normally go heavy on Friday but stuck with high reps standing ham curl 3 sets 8-10 reps seated calf raise 3 sets 10-12 leg press 4 sets 8-10reps stiff leg dead’s 3 sets 8-10 leg curl plus seated ham curl plus standing calf raise done all 3 like superset as there all together and time started running out 3 sets 8 reps each machine to be honest this was killer diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge glass OJ juice protein shake and banana meal 3 --chicken and rice meal 4 --- smoothie meal 5---- steak boiled spuds and veg meal 6 --- soft boiled egg and toast shreddies peanut butter on toast supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts weekend was clean also don stick so strict on weekend as family time so miss meal here and there |
Hears Sundays measurements
BF-11.7 Biceps--15.5 increase hear very pleased there Chest -- 42.5 increase again but back always does when on juice Waist --32 small reduction hear can't complain Quads 23 Calf 15.5 Forearm 12 Weight 78kg non mover Last week wasn't greatest week with illness start of week witch effected appetite all week so just didn't eat enough hence bf and waist reduction this week will be trying to ram as much food in as possible Hears few pics taken Sunday evening at home legs looking so much better and as they was the main focus of cycle Im happy http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...35f9da6e65.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...cf977d47c1.jpg Back ain't looking to bad either so can't complain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Are you leaning up? You look tighter to me. Not smaller, but more lines.
but didnt eat great last week due to sick bug start of week so trying to sort that out i have added size and wieght and lost bodyfat so i cant complain but main goal is to eat enough to stay same BF and add size but tren does lean me out |
diet, training and supps and gear update ham/calf squats 3 sets 20 reps standing ham curl 4 sets 8-10reps laying dumbbell curl on decline bench 4 sets 8-10 reps seated calf raise 3 sets 20 reps just trying some high reps here good girl bad girl machines 4 sets 8-10 reps on each machine seated ham curl 4 sets 6-8reps diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana meal 3 --Sunday roast chicken dinner meal 4 --- BLT sandwich meal 5--spag bol meal 6 - steak and cheese omelette French stick and peanut butter and toast |
Loving the gear feeling good with good pumps in gym Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
So when are you going to start bulking?
You're quite obviously not eating enough. |
im more lean now then when was cutting |
diet, training and supps chest incline dumbell press 4 sets 8-10 reps incline fly 4 sets 6-8 reps flat barbell press 4 sets 8-10 reps dumbell pullover 4 sets 6-8 reps press ups 3 sets to failure diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and misses smoothie witch is quite high cals has meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana and 5g creatine got tubs of it so may as well use it up meal 3 --spag bol meal 4 --- peanut butter sandwich and oat bar meal 5--tuna pasta salad meal 6 - 3 boiled egg and toast and bowl of porragde and honey with gear use everything is going well night sweats are the worst thing soaked in morning |
What I really like about your meals are that it's normal food. It's a doable diet. I also know I'm going to struggle to get the calories down when I start my winter bulk without resorting to sugar. I'll find a way though. |
I don't know why you bother asking for advice when you take no notice of it! 19 sets for chest is way to much. Here's something for you to think about, if you're capable of doing 19 sets for a chest workout then you are not training correctly. |
yes i sometimes do overtrain but hard when feeling up for it and wanna push and that is a lot and no im not at all lifting heavy but this is on purpose i feel my chest had made the most progress over the last 8 months or so before i had hardly no chest at all the local park pigeons could out chest pose me and i was lifting heavy as could with good form aswell but never felt change so i switched it up and dropped it to about 70% of what was lifting and done real slow down with pause at bottom then fast up and ive made big improvments also never used to rate pullovers and pushups but again since added them and mostly finish with push ups again noticed difference so due to improvments ive made i cant change this workout under any advice as feel for me it works back on other hand loves hard and heavy so back day can train my ego as well as my body |
This was 8-10 months ago picture as can see I had no chest and can see in recent pics that I've clearly made progress on one of the hardest parts of the body to grow http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...a8c9ce9b3d.jpg And hear the local pigeon making me feel inadequate lmao http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...ec34318b26.jpg And one of me before cycle started to see chest gains Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
The only thing I noticed that was different between the 2 pictures was the pose position. You actually look better in the first picture! |
diet, training and supps back/biceps close grip pull up I took the thing off close cable row and put it over a bar and done pull ups with it anyway 4 sets to failure wide grip pull down 4 sets 8-10 deadlifts done from 60kg up two ten plates at time to 180kg and down again only done 2 sets and didn’t lift the 180 on second set but dam good workout ez bar curls 3 sets 10 hammer curls 3 sets 10 was smashed good workout really piled food in diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and misses smoothie which is quite high cals has meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana and 5g creatine got tubs of it so may as well use it up meal 3 --chicken roast dinner (this was another meal left over from other day so thought I’d take it to work leaves tuna pasta for another meal meal 4 --- tuna pasta meal 5--burger and sweet potato wedges corn on cob meal 6 - 3 eggs scrambled and bowl of porridge and honey then had oat bar plus one slice toast and peanut butter and been waking up in night for pee so using it as chance and had 2 Weetabix and shake |
diet, training and supps shoulders/triceps barbell press 4 sets 12,10,5,5 side raises 3 sets 10-12 shrugs 3 sets 10-12 dips 3 sets to failure rope pushdown 3 sets 8-12 cable kickbacks 2 sets 10reps diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and misses smoothie which is quite high cals has meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana and 5g creatine got tubs of it so may as well use it up meal 3 --burger and potatoes meal 4 --- tuna pasta meal 5--steak and garlic potatoes meal 6 - omelette bacon mushrooms chees / porridge due size mars bar lol oat bar peanut butter and toast glass milk was midnight snack also I’m off work for two weeks so will be doing a 4 day split or maybe push pull legs as my gym is at work so have to pay £5 a time to go gym where I live and I’m tight as shit I have home stuff but it’s never the same and ill prob update little less as unlike normal people I don’t own a computer everything I do is via work comp or phone but will be taking work laptop home so hopefully keep updated as much as poss will do weekly pics and measurements Sunday/Monday |
training quad/calf squats 4 sets 10.10,6,6 went heavy on last two sets leg press 3 sets 8-10 leg curl 4 sets 8-10 seated calf raise 4 sets 8-10 standing calf raise 4 sets 8-10 lunges 3 sets 10 Monday push day flat barbell press 3 sets 8-10 incline hammer machine 3 sets 8-10 flat fly 3 sets 8-10 barbell press 3 sets 8-10 side raises dumbbell 3 sets 8-10 rear delt raise 3 sets 8-10 dips 3 sets failure rope pushdown 3 sets 8-10 kick back cable 3 sets 8-10 diet has been pretty much the same but had few nandoes and subways while on days out with kids but mostly keeping it clean and normal |
Few from in the gym yesterday Feeling good looking good too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
I say again "when is the bulk going to start?"
I\'m adding size was over 80kg when weighed on weekend I am putting on size just staying very lean
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
right last week i trained as such
monday done push as above then done pull day close grip cable rows 4x8-10 wide grip pull down 4x8-10 dumbell row 4x8-10 deadlift 4x6-10 shrugs 4x8-10 hammer curls 3 x 8-10 ez bar curls 3x 8-10 then leg day leg press4x8-10 layingham curls 4x8-10 leg curl 4x8-10 squats 4x8-10 seated ham curls 4x8-10 seated calfraise 3x8-10 standing calf raise3x8-10 hack squats 2 x12-15 then this week ive doen a push day so far flat barbell press 3 sets 8-10 incline hammer machine 3 sets 8-10 flat fly 3 sets 8-10 barbell press 3 sets 8-10 side raises dumbbell 3 sets 8-10 rear delt raise 3 sets 8-10 dips 3 sets failure rope pushdown 3 sets 8-10 kick back cable 3 sets 8-10 diet has been as good as can be been on hol so days out been hard and had many ice creams and other seaside treats willbe back to normal next week |
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