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Kalpa cycle log
hello everyone
i started my first pins of kalpa cycle yesterday sunday 19/07/15 this will be bulk cycle with test and tren no orals just plain old injectables will be updateing this regular with pictures of progress the cycle will look something like this 15 wks test sus at 700mg per week split into twice week sun/weds Sustaxyl 350 | Sustanon | Testosterone Blend | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals 12 wks tren e at 500mg per week split into twice week sun/weds Trenboxyl Enanthate 200 | Trenbolone Enanthate | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals also nolva and letro on hand have PCT ready but no sure if may just cruise for bit after starting stats 34 years old well in few weeks 5"7 tall at streach lol 77 kg 170lb BF 14%-15% this reading was taken right after weekend of take aways and soft drinks so looked very bloated objective is to put as much muscle on as possible while not increasing BF so 190lb is good aim and legs will be main focus after very long time not really training them due to injury arms 15.0 inch chest 40.0 inch waist 33 inch quads 22 inch forarms 12 inch calf 15 inch diet will be roughly protien 340g per day carbs 500g per day fats 200g per day cals are about 4200 will make adjustments if and when needed and keep you informed i will be trying to keep this as clean as possible training routine will consist of monday --legs more ham dominated standing ham curl superset with still leg dead lifts seated ham curl seated calf raise good girl bad girl machines and squats for high reps tuesday -- chest flat bench press incline bench press flat fly then follwing week incline fly dumbell pullovers press ups wedensday --- back/bi wide grip pull ups barbell row deadlifts close grip cable row concerntration curl ez bar curl thrsday shoulders/tri barbell press arnold press rear delt machine side raise dumbell shrugs dips rope pushdown kick backs friday -legs more quad dominated seated leg curl leg press heavy squats or hack squats lunges seated calf raise standing calf raise hear are some pics the one where at home was taken yesterday and as said had fishing weekend of takeaways and soft drinks all weekend so wasnt looking my best other two are from last week in gym so looking little better right made my excuses hears pics |
What's Kapla? Never heard of that lab!
Watching with interest. If you get to 190kg by Xmas I'll buy you a decent pair of pants and then you can give those back to your grandad :D |
Why so high on the fats? At “200g per day,” I thought that was too much. I’ve always worked off the assumption that about .5 per pound of bodyweight would be enough. At 170, that is 85g. I am not judging, I am just wondering about you chain of though about using that much dietary fats?
my mother in law has farm witch does beef pork and lamb so i get these very cheap but they are also higher in fat than say chicken so during bulk i tend to eat lot of beef and lamb peanut butter my weekness i eat loads and loads of this and its about 50g of fat per 100g also i do tend to eat whole eggs and say maybe 8-10 a day thats around 100g of fat so i agree it is quite high but no use setting it lower as i know i will go over and i think standard is 25-35% of cals witch would put it at around 140g-160g also my dog forces me to do daily cardio so helps keep cals up |
Well, if there was ever an honest answer, this was it. :) Seriously, though if it works for you then I can’t see no reason to not do it. When I first started lifting, I used to fear fat. I realized after both research and trial and error that fats are not that bad if done right. Although like with most things, many disagree with the exact amount they should need. I probably spend too much time trying to get my macros to fit into a neat box, although I do try to keep it consistent.
What kind of dog you have? I love dogs, they are so loyal. Quote:
What's the point of standing ham curl superset with still leg dead lifts?
always willing for suggestions this is workout i put together myself and never really felt stiff leg does much for hams untill i superseted them as hams was already burning before started so felt it even more |
its better to split them, I would also suggest that if you think that stiff leg deads don't do much for hams that you're doing them incorrectly
what i find esp when on juice is that i get lower back pump before my hams are completely done so i end up few reps short of fully doing ham part as get back pump this was alos reason to superset as hams was hurting already from curl so stiff leg really finish them off still leg is always something i feel im doing wrong to be honest i will do a vid on form monday and post to see where maybe going wrong |
Just a suggestion . . . when I first did stiff legged deads I really concentrated on keeping my hams straight and taking my lower back out of it, the same as if I was doing a static hamstring stretch, lowered the weight and really tried to feel the stretch in my hams, almost using the weight to increase/lengthen the stretch. Found that did the trick and after that, as I increased the weight, I always feel it. It's hard to explain on paper, but once you get it you'll know exactly what I mean. I just love stiff legged deadlifts. Perfect compliment to squats (on separate days for me) |
I took that advice, dialed back weight and found I ended up getting more from the workout.
Lowering the weight is part of it but I was trying to make the point about engaging the hamstrings properly. |
If you get to 190kg I'll buy you a coffin! |
10kg in 15 weeks big ask but ill have to try pack that food in
87kg is about 190lb Quote:
monday weekly update
i have been eating mostly clean but have slightly fell short of macros at moment this is due to being low carb for while and now packing it in have felt full plan to hit current macros this week and will be keeping it in myfitnesspal app witch is quite good and can take snap shots to show on hear what diet consits of arms 15.0 inch chest 40.0 inch waist 33 inch BF-14% quads 22 inch forarms 12 inch calf 15 inch I have not took any body reading this week will be doing this every two weeks at start then move onto weekly did get on the scales as on today am 78kg -172lb so slight increase but this due to carb inake and feeling fuller training has been really good nice to be traing full of energy again after low carb for while will be changing the stiff leg to on its own not supersetted and doing it from raised platform as discussion will my pal and will see how get on with this also adding close grip pull ups on back/bi day may put traing log in hear or carry on with training log had before and put link in hear any thoughts ?? |
Hears few snap shots taken Sunday eve Look slight bit leaner but last pics took was after take away binge weekend No lower at moment need to get my best pants on for them pics in future lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Platform is an excellent idea for a fuller stretch. And every time you post a photo its an improvement. Nice work! |
felt great in gym yesterday
done some major deadlift training and hit a PB lift 180kg i know may not be massive but was pleased not only that done it up and down set like Eddie hall trains so put 2x20kg on Olympic bar then every rep friend added a 10kg plate(Eddie does 20s obv) till got to 180kg then every rep take 10kg off till back to original 60kg was really good and surprised lifted 180kg as only ever done 170kg but due to ten plates wasn’t option whole body is killing today from all my core to back and arms for those don’t know who Eddie hall is he is Britain’s strongest man and world record deadlift holder he broke it earlier this year at Arnold classic then broke it again in Europe’s strongest man not long ago think he lifts 463KG not sure but remember him saying he will hit 500kg one day hears links to record lift and his training style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arD6SgqqX10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhzaUCx-amQ |
monday weekly update
diet has been good and on point all week weekend tend to dip as always on days out with kids as its there hols but still doing ok at weekends i will be taking mesurments and pics this week but so busy weekend as had friends little ones christening yesterday when normally do pics and mesurments so deley it till later and will do them training has been good been feeling great in gym did get on the scales as on today am 79.5kg -175.2lb so really good increase |
Enjoying the log mate :) And I'm hoping to try Eddie Hall's 3 man deadlift set later today, as long as our third man wants to play ball. |
What log?
I ain't seen any log yet, all i've seen is the odd post here and there, nothing that really shows anything about diet, training and supps etc. When are we going to see the log actually start? |
i feel like other logs done maybe updated too much but if thats preffered way can stick to that |
diet, training and supps training was good today added new lift in as biggest dude in gym says good for hams so there in lol standing ham curl 4 sets 12,10,8,8 seated ham curl 4 sets 12,10,8,8 good girl bad girl 3 sets on each 12,10,10 really liking these and dam hard seated calf raise 3 sets 12 long stretch slow and tight new lift time this is simple on decline bench lay flat down try grip dumbbell in feet and ham curl it really liked this was good just holding the dumbbell does good let alone curl it well done 3 sets of these 12,12,10 only went light as first try at it stiff leg deadlifts from platform 3 x10 squats and these was really light 2 sets of 20 just as finisher also on ham day I’m wearing belt all time feel makes me more solid and helps lower back pumps diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake and peach meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge I have old scoop from shakes and gets two scoops workout with shake and banana meal 3 -- chili con carnie and brown rice meal 4 --- smoothies this has all sorts in from ground oats to peanut butter Greek yogurt banana and protein shake of course my misses makes them I isn’t going to lie they not the best tasting and have to chew it down not drink it but fills macros so fuck it meal 4 --haven’t done this far will update when know what eating supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts I have tubs of creatine and bcaas but haven’t even thought of using them that’s about updated for today |
Couple of gym pics done today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
A log is what you do every day not just once a week, it's supposed to show everybody what you actually do, what you achieve and how you go about getting those results |
Amazing progress Andy from your first post/photo ever. Effing amazing mate. What's happened to the cookery blog with all that lovely grub your missus makes? |
Great job man. The hard work is paying off. Good luck.
shes bloody slipping mate lol
she was part time finished her degree and now gone full time cant remember her title as so many steps in nurseing to me a nurse is a nurse but apperently not so shes works full time less time for food prep having to do some myself not on ill give it little while let her settle in full time job then whip be coming back out Quote:
No just looked on email sent from her work
She's associate practitioner No idea what this is but I know she has another degree to do before she goes top nurse but she has to work year in this job before she can do degree Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
Right hears measurements as token last night
BF 13.5% this taken from callipers at home myself Biceps 15inch Chest 41.5inch nice increase of 1.5 hear so pleased Waist 33inch Quads 23inch got whole inch hear as well so over the moon Calf 15.5 Forearm 12 Hears few pics think can see increase in legs and width of back where measurement has increased http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...056a11a01d.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/08...ec92420cb5.jpg New pants on list lmao And need to work on position I legs on back pose as look Terrible from back Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
My GF was an English Major, and has a Library Science Masters. Which really isn't even about libraries, although they can be. She actually works for a pretty large non-profit. Also a good catch. Oh, I heard you made some great progress since coming here. Congrats. Alright, it's too late in the states to still be up. Have a great workout today. |
shes on pennys mate NHS uniform in pics and those who know about NHS know its not great pay or conditions or enough staff for nurses but we all love it |
right from yesterday
meal 5- was tuna pasta meal 6 was Greek yogurt and granola then come the peanut butter on toast then 3 Weetabix and wok up 3am ish starving had protein shake and anther 3 Weetabix so munched out bit at home Tuesday diet, training and supps and gear update chest day started with incline barbell press 4 sets 6-8 then flat press 4 sets 6-8 superseded with dumbbell pullovers 4 sets 6-8 then incline fly’s 4 sets 6-8 press ups 3 sets to failure witch wasn’t a lot as was finisher reason for supersets at moment is just time diet meal 1 --3 Weetabix with whole milk honey and shake and orange meal 2 --4 whole eggs scrambled /porridge with honey with porridge after workout with shake and banana meal 3 -- tuna pasta and salad whatever is dinner last night is todays lunch meal 4 --- misses smoothies ill see what she does with this maybe post how or video post on how to make meal 5-check tomorrow supps -- I’m still only on protein shakes after workouts gear nothing has changed 700mg test sust per week split into two shots 500mg tren e per week split into two shots no going to lie sust is giving me little bit of pip nothing to major though |
corr! fuck me, a proper log entry!!
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