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andyebs 07-20-2015 10:06 AM

Kalpa cycle log
hello everyone
i started my first pins of kalpa cycle yesterday sunday 19/07/15
this will be bulk cycle with test and tren no orals just plain old injectables
will be updateing this regular with pictures of progress

the cycle will look something like this

15 wks test sus at 700mg per week split into twice week sun/weds
Sustaxyl 350 | Sustanon | Testosterone Blend | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

12 wks tren e at 500mg per week split into twice week sun/weds
Trenboxyl Enanthate 200 | Trenbolone Enanthate | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

also nolva and letro on hand

have PCT ready but no sure if may just cruise for bit after

starting stats

34 years old well in few weeks

5"7 tall at streach lol

77 kg 170lb

BF 14%-15% this reading was taken right after weekend of take aways and soft drinks so looked very bloated

objective is to put as much muscle on as possible while not increasing BF
so 190lb is good aim and legs will be main focus after very long time not really training them due to injury

arms 15.0 inch
chest 40.0 inch
waist 33 inch
quads 22 inch
forarms 12 inch
calf 15 inch

diet will be roughly
protien 340g per day
carbs 500g per day
fats 200g per day
cals are about 4200
will make adjustments if and when needed and keep you informed
i will be trying to keep this as clean as possible

training routine will consist of

monday --legs more ham dominated
standing ham curl
superset with still leg dead lifts
seated ham curl
seated calf raise
good girl bad girl machines
and squats for high reps

tuesday -- chest
flat bench press
incline bench press
flat fly then follwing week incline fly
dumbell pullovers
press ups

wedensday --- back/bi
wide grip pull ups
barbell row
close grip cable row
concerntration curl
ez bar curl

thrsday shoulders/tri
barbell press
arnold press
rear delt machine
side raise dumbell
rope pushdown
kick backs

friday -legs more quad dominated
seated leg curl
leg press
heavy squats or hack squats
seated calf raise
standing calf raise

hear are some pics the one where at home was taken yesterday and as said had fishing weekend of takeaways and soft drinks all weekend so wasnt looking my best other two are from last week in gym so looking little better
right made my excuses hears pics

Cornish_Celt 07-20-2015 05:42 PM

What's Kapla? Never heard of that lab!

stillgoingstron 07-20-2015 07:23 PM

Watching with interest. If you get to 190kg by Xmas I'll buy you a decent pair of pants and then you can give those back to your grandad :D

andyebs 07-20-2015 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 40968)
What's Kapla? Never heard of that lab!

edited cant do title though can you

new-Jedi 07-20-2015 08:51 PM

Why so high on the fats? At “200g per day,” I thought that was too much. I’ve always worked off the assumption that about .5 per pound of bodyweight would be enough. At 170, that is 85g. I am not judging, I am just wondering about you chain of though about using that much dietary fats?

Cornish_Celt 07-20-2015 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 40979)
edited cant do title though can you

yes thank you

andyebs 07-20-2015 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by new-Jedi (Post 40980)
Why so high on the fats? At “200g per day,” I thought that was too much. I’ve always worked off the assumption that about .5 per pound of bodyweight would be enough. At 170, that is 85g. I am not judging, I am just wondering about you chain of though about using that much dietary fats?

yes it is quite high but i love fat mmm and there are reasons really i put that as ive have tried lower and i keep going over so really its just so i dont kid myself really
my mother in law has farm witch does beef pork and lamb so i get these very cheap but they are also higher in fat than say chicken so during bulk i tend to eat lot of beef and lamb
peanut butter my weekness i eat loads and loads of this and its about 50g of fat per 100g
also i do tend to eat whole eggs and say maybe 8-10 a day thats around 100g of fat
so i agree it is quite high but no use setting it lower as i know i will go over
and i think standard is 25-35% of cals witch would put it at around 140g-160g

also my dog forces me to do daily cardio so helps keep cals up

new-Jedi 07-20-2015 10:12 PM

Well, if there was ever an honest answer, this was it. :) Seriously, though if it works for you then I can’t see no reason to not do it. When I first started lifting, I used to fear fat. I realized after both research and trial and error that fats are not that bad if done right. Although like with most things, many disagree with the exact amount they should need. I probably spend too much time trying to get my macros to fit into a neat box, although I do try to keep it consistent.

What kind of dog you have? I love dogs, they are so loyal.


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 40988)
yes it is quite high but i love fat mmm and there are reasons really i put that as ive have tried lower and i keep going over so really its just so i dont kid myself really
my mother in law has farm witch does beef pork and lamb so i get these very cheap but they are also higher in fat than say chicken so during bulk i tend to eat lot of beef and lamb
peanut butter my weekness i eat loads and loads of this and its about 50g of fat per 100g
also i do tend to eat whole eggs and say maybe 8-10 a day thats around 100g of fat
so i agree it is quite high but no use setting it lower as i know i will go over
and i think standard is 25-35% of cals witch would put it at around 140g-160g

also my dog forces me to do daily cardio so helps keep cals up

Cornish_Celt 07-24-2015 10:22 AM

What's the point of standing ham curl superset with still leg dead lifts?

andyebs 07-24-2015 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 41073)
What's the point of standing ham curl superset with still leg dead lifts?

save time is only reason why do you think its no point would you seperate them then
always willing for suggestions
this is workout i put together myself and never really felt stiff leg does much for hams untill i superseted them as hams was already burning before started so felt it even more

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