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ckcrown84 05-03-2016 01:34 PM


I had fun watching people deadlift today, excited to start my next training cycle and work on the pulls which I've largely ignored. Today just pulled a token pull so my bench would count. Enjoy the nip slip.

My squat was disappointing. I took an opener that I could get on the worse possible day. Felt light headed after. Took my second for a small 5lbs PR and failed twice. Kinda funny because squat was what I was most looking forward to this meet. Not sure if it was the peaking plan, a bad day, or I'm just a pussy butttttt.

Bench went amazing, I deviated from the plan of a big PR due to missing my 2nd attempt on a technicality. So went for a small 198 meet PR at 474lbs. I didn't have a big jump after my 2nd attempt so small PR and lots of aggression made me a happy bastard

Deadlift... Call me a bitch or call it a cop out but I saw zero benefit of pulling a max if it wasn't gonna benefit my total. The failed squat threw that out the window and having had three deadlift injuries I figured a token pull would suffice until I figure out my deadlift. Why risk another injury for no benefit ✌️
We will see what November/December brings

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ckcrown84 05-10-2016 01:42 PM


stone loads will be in my routine now to help strengthen my posterior chain, and hopefully fix up my deadlift.

They are some hard work, but pretty fun.

I did 5x5 with the light stone and then 3 with the 200lbs stone in this clip

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ckcrown84 05-17-2016 05:01 PM


Squats feeling heavy, blah
But them stones flew up !

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ckcrown84 05-24-2016 12:55 AM


437 for a triple on squat
330lbs bench for 6x6

Frequency shift started today, going to be hitting both legs and chest 3 days a week. Gonna be brutal!

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ckcrown84 06-04-2016 02:32 AM

Today his some squats
3 triples nothing crazy
Then speed bench and over head press
Gonna hit a max effort bench in 3 weeks, letting my pec heal up some and focusing on speed and overhead work

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ckcrown84 01-22-2017 09:50 PM

Hello everyone, so my bench log is going to be quite detailed and will be a deep dive into velocity based training.

If you are into an educational read on the subject go ahead and check out

Things are getting pretty serious

Today I played mostly with deadlift setup between wider and close conventional

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andyebs 01-23-2017 08:59 AM

good to see you back

looking forward to log

will read that some point today

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